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WIVERSITY OF ST CA SALLE Coulese oF LAW COMMISSION ON ELEC RESOLUTION NO. 01 Series of 2019 ‘A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE HOLDING OF A GENERAL ELECTIONS FOR POSITIONS IN THE COLLEGE OF LAW STUDENT COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Commission on Elections is mandated to conduct an annual General Elections forthe positions in the College of Law Student Council; WHEREAS, the Commission on Elections shall hold said General Elections on ‘March 12, 2019 for the following positions: (@) President; (©) Vice-President (©, Secretary; (@) Treasurer (©) Auditor, (Business Manager {@) Public information Ofcer (P10) {(@)_ Second Year Bach Representative; (0) Third Year Batch Representative; and ) Fourth Year Batch Representative. WHEREAS, the filing of Certificates of Candidacy shall commence on March 4, 2019 until March 5, 2019; WHEREAS, the Campaign Period for the said General Elections shall commence ‘on March 6, 2019 until March 12,2019; ‘THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, to authorize the holding of a General Elections for positions in the College of Law Student; ADOPTED this 27 day of February 2019 at the inaugural session of the ‘Commission on Elections

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