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Violeta Moretti: Onimija latinskih poslanica Pavla Rittera Vitezoviéa FOC 27 (2018), 99-121 Onymy of Pavao Ritter Vitezovi¢'s Latin Verse Epistles Summary This paper explores the onymic data attested in the Latin verse epistolary collections written by the Croatian polymath Paulus Ritter Vitezovié (1652 - 1713). Given that they abound in vernacular onyms, both from Croatian and other languages — in various grades of adaptation to the Latin language - the que- stion arises to what extent the variants were of practical use in the neo-Latin context. Personal names and place names are the most frequent onyms in these epistles, along with various forms of adjectives derived from them. Certain deri- vations are based on alternative forms of the same Latinized or vernacular onym by means of various Latin suffixes, some of them possibly the author’s inventi- ‘on due to the lack of appropriate Latinized forms. The attested naming formulas have been presented and the onomastic data systematised in order to demonstra- te the author's attitude towards onomastics in the neo-Latin context. In addition, the paper addresses the question of the interrelationship between Vitezovic's ort- hographic solutions for certain phonemes of the Croatian language and his La- tin verses, as well as his ideas on prosody of the Croatian onyms inserted into La- tin verses. Kljucne rijeci: Pavao Ritter Vitezovi¢, poslanice u stihu, novolatinski, onimija, vernakular Keywords: Pavao Ritter Vitezovié, verse epistles, neo-Latin, onymy, vernacular 121

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