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13:00 – 13:10 Opening & Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to the First Guest Lecture.

With the
(ini waktu Introduction theme today ”Oil and Gas 101”
ngaret ya
13.05 udah I am grateful for your attendance and participation for this guest lecture
harus mulai) today. I Michael and I Fany will be your MC for this event. Before we
start, we should begin this event with a prayer, according your believes.
Commence prayer.
Prayer ends.

First of all, i would like to thank

Mrs. Mellinda Arisandy,
Mr. Tri Firmanto
Mr. Mr Desta Andra Djumena
as our speaker for todays event.

For the safety briefing during this event, we are currently in Auditorium of
Faculty of Engineering UI. Should there may be an accident, there will be
an evacuation route which exits through the door behind you. Please
remain calm and do not panic. when exiting the door, please stay in an
orderly manner and assemble in the meeting point in front of the dean’s

For today guest lecture there will three speakers which will talk for
approximately 30 minutes for each and at the end of third speaker there
will be QnA session.

13:10 – 13:40 1st session Our first speaker is Mrs. Mellinda Arisandy she is currently working as a
Geologist at Petronas Carigali
Now, we would like invite Mrs. Mellinda Arisandy to start the session.

Thank you Mrs. Mellinda Arisandy for sharing your knowledge with us.
So, we will begin the next session.
13:40 – 14:10 2nd session Our next speaker is Mr.Desta Andra Djumena, he is currently working as
Kepala Divisi Operasi Pengeboran dan Perawatan Sumur at SKK
Now, we would like invite Mr.Desta Andra Djumena to start the session.
Thank you Mr. Desta Andra Djumena for sharing your knowledge with
us. So, we will begin the next session.
14:10 – 14:40 3rd session
Our next speaker is Mr. Tri Firmanto, he is currently working as Senior
Reservoir Engineer at Kangean Energy

For Mr. Tri Frimanto you may begin your session.

Thank you Mr.Tri Firmanto for sharing your knowledge with us.
14:40 – 15:15 Talkshow
(kalo banyak So, We have already heard the talk from the speakers
yang nanya Now, we would like to open the Q&A session, this session will be divided
boleh deh into two session and there will be three question in each session , so,
sampe 15.20) now you have the opportunity to ask things that you want to know more.
For anyone who would like to ask you may raise your hand.

15:15 – 15:30 Closing & This is the end of the first guest lecture with the theme “Oil and Gas 101”
(JANGAN Photo Session by SPE UI SC and IATMI SM UI
Once again We would like to thank our speakers,
who have shared their time and knowledge for the audiences
Lastly, we would like to invite the speakers
Mrs. Mellinda Arisandy,
Mr. Tri Firmanto
Mr. Desta Andra Djumena
to come forward to the stage to receive the momento

Also We would like to invite

Mr. Reza Aulia as the President of SPE UI SC 2019/
Mr. Rais Salsa Muhamad as the Vice President of SPE UI SC 2019
Mr. Dandy Fadhilah as the ketua umum IATMI SMUI 2019/
Ms. Adila Kestibawani as the wakil ketua umum SMUI 2018
to come forward to present the momento.

To complete this event, we also would like to take a few photographs with
all members and committees present. So, please everybody come to in
front of the room

On behalf of SPE UI SC 2019 and IATMI SMUI 2019 we thank you all for
your time and participation of this event and we hope to see you in the
next Event. Good afternoon!

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