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Valenzuela, Erin Trillium Woods ES AT Mrs.

Date: December 4, 2017 Learning Opportunity: Language Arts; Weekly Guided Writing –Lesson Cont’d from Nov 27/17

Lakehead University, Orillia

October 2017
*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)
*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.
Valenzuela, Erin Trillium Woods ES AT Mrs. Ma FDK
Written communication enables us to make thoughts, ideas, and feelings visible to others.
Writers think first about the purpose and the audience for their writing and then about what form
of writing would best convey their desired meaning.
Writers use different tools and resources to help them write

*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.
OE10: demonstrate literacy behaviours that enable beginning writers to communicate with others

SRWB – Self Regulation and PSI − Problem

BC − Belonging and Contributing DLMB − Demonstrating
Well Being Solving and
Literacy and
Mathematics Behaviours Innovating
*Noticing and Naming Learning : Making Learning Visible
Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are learning.
direct their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills Accomplishments along the way.
described in the overall expectations and conceptual
understandings. We know we are successful when:
We are learning to communicate our We can talk about our drawings and add the sounds
ideas to others through writing and letters we hear in print

Ways in Which Children Might Demonstrate Their Learning:

Specific Expectations: describe in greater detail Children are not required to demonstrate their learning in all three ways.
the knowledge and skills related to overall expectations.
10.3: write simple messages using a
“I used the word wall to help me write”
combination of pictures, symbols,
“I can label the drawings on my picture”
knowledge of the correspondence between
“I put these names on the people in my picture”
letters and sounds (phonics), and familiar
Drawings pictures and printing letters on the page
10.6: communicate ideas about personal
experiences and/or familiar stories, and
experiment with personal voice in their
Retelling the experience drawn in the picture

The Educators’ Intentional Interactions :

How educators engage with children’s learning- students; strategies; materials; environment – based on observations
RESPOND: “I heard the sound ‘p’ when you said you drew a park”
I will use the student derived alphabet word wall to support writers
CHALLENGE: “Get your mouth ready”
“Stretch out the word, What sound do you hear at the beginning, in the middle,
and at the end?”
EXTEND: I can ask the students to retell their writing and compare it to earlier samples to discuss
aspects like details and matching sounds to letters on the page; this could result in
assessment as learning

Teacher Questions/Prompts:
I can ask the students to think about people they know, their pets, their experiences, or their
favourite toys as prompts to completing their journal task. Since this is a weekly task that occurs on
Monday’s, I can ask the students to think about something that is important to them that happened
on theUniversity,
Lakehead weekend. I can also ask the students to close their eyes for a moment and image something in
their minds and turn that into a picture in their journal.
October 2017
Assessment Documentation
Students will receive 2 stars and a wish for their work. This is a means of assessment as learning.
Valenzuela, Erin Trillium Woods ES AT Mrs. Ma FDK
*Accommodations to this lesson will occur on an individual basis as needed but could include students being
paired together based on skill to act as models for other students. It could also include giving students a choice
to be called first or second to the table or calling students separately who struggle with concentration when
working together. This activity is for both year one and year two students so individual goals will be
accommodated to individual strengths and needs.

Lakehead University, Orillia

October 2017

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