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ECIV 730- Spring 2019

Homework #3
Due: March 8, 2019

Problem 1 Attached are results of isotropically consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests
(CIU TXC) on saturated Yatesville silty sand. The samples were consolidated to the pressures
indicated, and then sheared undrained. Assume ubp=0. For these data:

a. Construct a plot of deviator stress (σ1-σ3) versus axial strain (ε).

b. Construct a plot of pore pressure (u) versus axial strain (ε).
c. Construct a plot of principal stress ratio (σ’1/σ’3) versus axial strain (ε).
*Note: the x-axis scales for Parts a-c should be the same. Stack all 3 plots vertically to
Problem 2
d. Draw the stress paths for the samples. Use Lambe’s q-p’ space. Show the point of
maximum principal stress ratio for each test. Include all reference lines. Find the Kf line
using the maximum principal stress ratio as the failure criteria.
*Note: For Parts a-d, plot data from both tests on the same graphs. Compare.

e. What are the values of α and φ’ and ψ’ corresponding to Kf in Part d?

Problem 3
f. Draw the vector curves for the samples using the value of φ’ in Part e.
Problem 4

g. What are the values of α and φ’ and ψ’ using ε=10% as the failure criteria?
h. Draw the total stress and effective stress Mohr’s circles using ε=10% as the failure
criteria. What are the drained and undrained strength parameters?
Problem 5
i. Repeat Part d using Cambridge space and Octahedral space.

Problem 6. A CIU RTXC test was performed on saturated Yatesville silty sand (same as in
Problems 1-5) with σc' (=σ3con') equal to 20 psi. During shear, the vertical stress was held
constant at 20 psi while the cell pressure decreased until failure.

a. Plot the TSP and ESP for this test on the same graph (Lambe’s q-p space).

b. At failure, what is the major principle stress at failure (σ1f’), the minor principle stresses at
failure (σ3f’) and the excess pore pressure at failure (uef)?

Problem 7. Plot a stress path for a self boring pressure meter test on a dry sand with a) Ko = 0.5
and b) Ko = 1.5. Assume φ’TXC = 38o, c’ = 0 and σvc’ = σ. Draw stress blocks to help illustrate
your answer. Draw all reference lines for the stress path.

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