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Your Name: Marlene Macias Genre of the Book: Biography

Book Title: Johnny Appleseed Author: Steven Kellogg

Publisher: Morrow Junior Books/NY Date: 1988

1. Pre-K/ CCSD K-2nd Grade Core Standards:

(2)2.13 respond to fiction and nonfiction selections

2. Objectives:

SWBAT – understand Johnny Appleseed is a Non-Fiction story.

SWBAT- Label each part of an apple

3. Materials/Equipment: Book, handout, crayons, scissors, and glue.

4. Teaching:

Interest Hook: Who knows where apples come from? Can you plant and apple seed
and grow an apple tree?

Reading the book: Today we are going to read Johnny Appleseed. Can anyone tell
me what is happening on the cover of the book? What do we see on the cover? We
are reading a non-fiction book. Johnny Appleseed is a real person. We are going to
learn about his life.
OK. Let’s begin the book and find out who Johnny Appleseed is and
what he is known for. Everyone listen carefully here we go.
Read each page slowly and loudly
Explain what is happening on every page or ask the children to tell me what is happening.
When the book is finished ask them what Johnny Appleseed was like.
Where did Johnny live?
What did Johnny do?
Tell the kids Johnny loved nature, was kind to animals, and planted apple trees
everywhere he went.
Extension activity: Today we are going to learn all the parts of an apple.
Hand out worksheet, have kids put name on top.
Go over all the parts of an apple and put example on the board.
Then cut an apple in half and pass it around classroom for all the kids to see.
Then have the students start cutting and labeling all the parts of an apple.
Walk around and help the students.

5. Closure: Go over each part of an apple and do a worksheet of my

own with the class helping me. Have the kids look over their paper and
see if they did it right.

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