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A cerebral vascular accident known as CVA or STROKE occurs when cerebral artery becomes blocked or

ruptures. As a part of the brain loses its normal supply of blood- temporary, permanent or even fatal
neurological deficits may follow. Risk factors for stroke include: age, smoking, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, diabetes and heart arrhythmias . Ischemic strokes are caused by a blockage. There are 2
types of ischemic strokes. The first type, called thrombotic stroke occurs when atherosclerotic plaque
develops in the brain artery gradually restricting blood flow. Eventually a blood clot called thrombus can
form completely obstructing the blood flow in the artery. The other type of ischemic stroke called an
embolic stroke is caused by a travelling clot. The travelling clot is often a piece of plaque that is broken
off from the cerebral artery or from an artery from elsewhere in the body. The clot travels through the
circulatory system eventually lodging in and completely blocking the blood flow of the cerebral artery.
When an artery is blocked that part of the brain loses its normal supply of oxygen, rich blood and
nutrients .This leads to various neurological deficits depending on which area of the brain is affected.
Strokes in the brain’s right hemisphere may cause paralysis on the left side of the body called
hemoplagia. These strokes may also cause left side neglect a condition in which visual impairment
causes the patient to neglect objects on their left side. Right hemisphere strokes may also cause short
term memory loss, spatial and perceptual problems, impulsive behavior and loss of artistic abilities.
Strokes in the brain’s left hemisphere may cause paralysis of the right side of the body. These strokes
may also cause aphasia which is an impairment or loss of speech and language comprehension. Left
hemisphere strokes may also cause mood swings, difficulty with math and memory loss. Strokes in the
brain’s cerebellum may cause coordination problems, dizziness, nausea , vomiting and abnormal
reflexes. Strokes in the brain stem may cause visual problems, swallowing difficulty and breathing
difficulty requiring long term ventilatory support. Brain stem strokes ultimately can be fatal. Another last
type of stroke called hemorrhagic stroke is caused by blood leaking into the brain. There are 2 types of
hemorrhagic strokes. Cerebral hemorrhage occurs when an artery in the brain breaks open allowing
blood to leak into and damage brain cells in that region. Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs when an
artery in the brain leaks blood into a space on the brain surface damaging brain cells in that region.
Recognising the symptoms of stroke and getting the patient to the hospital are key to surviving stroke.

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