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My Heroic Journey: Magical Weapons

I possess many exemplary traits but my most recognized would have to be my

exuberant spirit, my support I offer others and my generosity. I love helping people

whether it be lifting spirits or giving my time and advice to people who seek it. I have a

huge heart and doing things for others make me feel like I have a purpose. I strongly

believe in God and i truly believe my purpose is to serve and to be of service to others.

When I see something unjust I speak up, when I see someone struggling I help out, i've

been like that my whole life. My mother has also instilled some of those traits in me as

well. For example, she would always take me with her to feed homeless people or

provide them with things they didn't have. So the act of giving back and being there for

others has always been exhibited to me. when I got older I started to want to do things

to help on my own. I base my life on what I can do for others and how I can best help

other people. Along with good there is bad… although I posses many outstanding traits

I do have some weaknesses that I have to work on. Some being my sense of pride I

will never show anyone any signs of weakness no matter how sad, mad, or hurt I am I

will not show it . I'd rather deal with it on my own but that is not always good. I am also

very demanding. It could also be persistent but I guess in some occasions I can be too

persistent and that's not a good thing. I often come off as an aggressive person I do

anything I need to do to get the things I want done and it will got done by any means.

These traits in my opinion are toxic. Although they do not deter me from reaching my

goals they can and sometimes do deter me in social settings. I work on trying to

strengthen those weaknesses by catching myself and stopping when i realize im doing
that . I plan to continue to work on myself all together in general to stay on the right path

to success

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