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Economics Economia--- In ESE they will teach us what is necessary about economic
Ciencias sciences, to be true economists.

Business  Negocio Formal businesses are the best way to invest resources.
inflation  inflation is an economic process thanks to the imbalance
Inflación between production and demand
unemployment  desempleo In Mexico there is always a high rate of unemployment
Science   ciencia the economy is an important social science

governments  gobierno The government is a group of people direct a

political-administrative division

Business  Gerente de I need a new business manager to take charge of this

managers  negocios management

Deal  Trato -  It is time to make a new deal in the company 

Resources  recursos  We must list the resources we have and what we 
must obtain. 
Food    The agricultural economy is related to optimize 
the production and distribution of food and 
Housing    We need to improve the population's problem 
so that people have a better housing. 

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