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First of all, let us look at the definition of self-management.

Self-management refers to an individual’s ability to manage the symptoms and

treatment of a chronic disease (Barlow, Wright, Sheasby, Turner, & Hainsworth, 2002).

Based on your question: YES you have to write about what are the nursing interventions which support self-manage care of the
patientwith CKD . You have to discuss the specified matter written in the rubric 2.

Let me give you some examples: Five critical self-management behaviours: exercise, communication with physicians, cognitive symptom
management, fluid management, and diet management.

Hope this will help you.

Just to clarify,

1) Nurse-pt relationship
2) patient focused outcome goals
3) pt and family education
4) social support
5) emphasis on self care
6) use of resources

The above intervention applicable to nursing intervention to support self care manage or strategies to enhance effective self
management ?

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