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TEST 1, WRITING TASK 1 SAMPLE ANSWER This is an answer written by @ candidate who achieved a Band 7 score. Here is the examiner's comment: This answer clearly presents the key features af the diagrams, and although the first map is described only briefly, this is acceptable for this particular task. The description 's accurate though some aspects, such as the section on the accommodation, could have been more fully extended. The final paragraph summarises the main points effectively. The information is logically organised and can be easily followed throughout the response, A range of cohesive devices including reference and substitution is used appropriately, with only occasional inaccuracies. Some less common vocabulary and collocations are used appropriately, 3.9, central racaption block, western accommodation units, and there ara no spelling errors. There is a varialy of grammatical structures and many sentences contain no inaccuracies. Where errors do occur, they do not affect understanding. The kun maps shows Lhe same island while Ask one is before and the second one is afker Lhe construction for Louise, Locking first af khe one before conskruckLony we con see a huge island wikh a beoch in he west. The Lobol length of khe islend is opprosimeakely 250 makres. Moving on Lo Lhe second map, we con see Lhok Khare are GES of buildings on the iStord. There ove bid creas of secommodation. One is un the west neor bhe beach while Lhe okher one is in Lhe cenkre of bhe island. Bekween Lhery Ehere is a rethautank un che norkh and a cenkrol recepkion blacks which LS surrounded ‘by a vehicle brack. Ths brock oso goes down Lo ble pier where people can go in Ehe soukh seq of khe island. Furthermore, Louise con Suim near bhe beach in the west. A fockpakh connecting Lhe western accommadabion units also leads Lo the beach. Overall, comparing Ehe kwso raps, Khare oye Sippificank changes after Eis development, Nok. ‘onhy foes of fackhkles ove bulk on he island, but also the sea is used for ackivikies. The new island has become a good place for Lowism, TEST 1, WRITING TASK 2 MODEL ANSWER This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer, However, please note that this Is just one example out of many possble approaches. MODEL ANSWER This model has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer. However, please nate that this is just one example out af many possible approaches.

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