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THE astrologic art is held to be the key to all the occult sciences.

Certainly it is the most ancient, and that

which most readily lends itself to scientific demonstration. Much that is contained in this and the
following chapters is traditional knowledge but some portion of it is the result of modern discovery and
experiment. Thus the nature and - significations of the signs of the zodiac and the planets, the aspects
and some other parts of the groundwork of astrology, have come down to us from times immemorial;
but the methods of computing the periods, the exact tunes of events, together with some methods of
interpretation, are of modem or comparatively recent Origin. Of course, all that is known of Neptune
and Uranus is the result of modern discovery. The subject before us can be divided into three parts :- 1.
The alphabet. 2. The reading. 3. Time measures.

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