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Personal Anthem

& Motto
Paige Smith
Ms. Cunningham
English Literature (5)
11 October 2018
“Life Advice: Always be the best person you can be. Be kind even
when you’re tired. Be understanding even when you’re angry. Do
more than you’re asked, and don’t ask for anything in return. Listen
when someone talks. Tell people that you love them and that you
appreciate them. Go out of your way to do things for people. Be the
greatest person you can be and recognize when you mess up. One
thing you should never do? Never spend your time trying to prove to
anybody that you are great, your actions will speak for themselves.
We only have a limited time on this earth, don’t waste it.”
Why This Excerpt?
❖ Touches base on my core beliefs and values.
❖ Emphasizes on being kind, patient, and compassionate.
Core Values
The core values include:

❖ Kindness
❖ Generosity
❖ Understanding
❖ Compassion
❖ Selflessness
My Motto For Life
Be a better person for others and for yourself.

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