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Paige Smith

Ms. Cunningham

English Literature (5)

1 March 2019

Paige Smith’s Don’t Be A Litter Bug- Blog 2

So far, my partner and I are halfway done with our in class lessons. We have completed

one day in each classroom for both her mother’s class and my mother’s class. On the first days

we read them a children’s book, ​Look Out For Litter,​ and we went around each of the campuses

and picked up bags full of litter. My partner and I stressed the importance of taking care of the

environment to the students by picking up their trash. They were each given an eyepatch and a

glove as we went around cleaning up. We taught them the positives of them cleaning up trash

and also the negatives that come into place when they or someone they know litters. So far we

have hit two pretty major roadblocks having to do with scheduling. We were supposed to finish

up our in class activities this week; Katie’s mom’s class was planned to take place this

Wednesday, February 27th, and my mother’s class this Thursday, February 28th. Unfortunately

though, both teachers had to cancel on their plans for us to come in due to personal reasons. This

obviously sets our project back a bit but it is worrisome to me due to my work schedule. At this

moment in time I coincidentally have next Wednesday, March 6th, off of work but not the

following Thursday for my mother’s class. As of now, I will either have to call off of work or

hopefully find a coworker who is willing to take up my shift. Besides these setbacks, we haven't

faced any other evident problems. In this final month, we just need to complete our final two in

class days and put our project websites together and up to date. We hope to have completed our
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class visiting by next week so that we can focus on our websites and potentially making a video

montage of our in class tim​e.

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