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Alexza Johnson


So far I have made 3 videos making different skin care organic products.I have spent at least
an hour all together.I’ve been posting at least two videos each week.My second youtube video
that I made is called the “Homemade facial night routine care.”In this video I made two new
products. One product that I made was a face wash with aloe vera gel with lemon.This facial
product is supposed to lighten acne marks and fight pimples.My second product that I made is
called the sugar mask with brown sugar and olive oil,and also raw honey and, ground cinnamon
powder.This helps soften your lips up and prevent from having chapped lips.My 3rd video I
made is homemade organic serum that helps grow out eyelashes and eyebrows.The reason
why I picked this product because a lot of girls wear mascara everyday.Mascara is very hard on
or eyelashes and, it makes our eyelashes fall out.So I decided to make this serum to save and
grow eyelashes.My goal is to get others to try my products next week. I want to get interviews
for my products.I have also tried the turmeric mask that I've been making for the past 9 days.All
these products are very beneficial. Some of my peers at school been giving me these different
crazy ideas of what I should make next. For the next two weeks,I’ll like to get others to use my
products that I have made.I want to get people feedback on the different homemade products.In
the next week, I will need to accomplish on getting a lot more people to watch my videos so I
can get a better audience on my channel.I will like to influence more than 10 people on these
tutorial videos.

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