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Reading Task One: Read the following article on the Mark Duggan case and

insert the missing paragraphs in the correct order. There is one extra paragraph.
Use the grid provided for your answers. (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

The Mark Duggan case shows we must change the law

on evidence
A legal anomaly that continues to cause injustice may be preventing
an inquest into Mark Duggan's death
Yet again the absurdity of the law that allows bugging and evidence from hidden
cameras of surveillance by police and MI5 to be revealed, but not the tapping of
telephones, has been exposed.

For years the government has said it would look into the anomaly whereby the
existence of a bug placed under a table or a car, a video camera hidden behind a bush
or inside an electrical socket, but not the bugging of a telephone, can be revealed in a
court. Years ago, Sir John Chilcot, latterly of Iraq inquiry fame, was asked to consider
the issue. Intelligence services and interception of communications commissioners –
posts held by serving or former senior judges – and the government's independent
adviser on terrorism legislation have all grappled with the problem.

Phone tapping is one of the older methods of surveillance, certainly older than the
increasingly sophisticated surveillance techniques now used by the police, MI5, and
GCHQ. It must be one of the first things potential targets – including terrorist plotters –
assume is being done. In other contexts, when they are not talking about trials, the
spooks do not hide their pride in their technical wizardry and surveillance kit at their

The ban may well be a contributing factor behind the fiasco surrounding Abu Qatada.
The government wants to deport him to Jordan but has never explained why he cannot
be put on trial here. Is it because it cannot, or does not want to, reveal what was known
about him, and his activities, here for so long, through phone taps?

Perhaps ministers are worried they may be brought into the frame, since phone taps
require a ministerial not a judicial warrant.

Yet there are already frequent arguments here in pre-trial hearings about disclosure.
State prosecutors are under an obligation to provide the defence with all relevant
material in their possession. It is surely not beyond the wit of ministers and government
law officers to put an end to an anomaly that might have led to injustices in the past
and threatens to do so in future.

1. Intelligence and law enforcement agencies in other countries recognise it is an

important way of gathering information (for despite suspecting they are being
tapped, targets cannot resist, or cannot avoid, using telephones). The exclusion
of the product of phone taps has serious implications, and encourages
detention without trial and control orders, by banning evidence that otherwise
might have been used, and indeed proved crucial, in a court case.

2. The first trial over the "airline plot" – the plan to bring down passenger aircraft
over the Atlantic – a few years ago collapsed. Three terrorists were found guilty
in a second trial here but after information from phone taps in the US, not the
UK, was used in evidence.

3. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has joined former

directors of public prosecutions, police chiefs and civil rights groups demanding
a change in the law, specifically the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act. The
IPCC describes legislation related to intercept evidence as an "obstacle". It is
concerned that there may not be an inquest into the death of Mark Duggan,
shot dead by police in London last August.

4. Some security sources argue that allowing phone-tap evidence in court would
be an expensive bureaucratic nightmare. They argue that hours and hours of
tape would have to be transcribed, not just the relevant passages, since under
Britain's court disclosure rules, defence demands for more, even all, the
transcripts would have to be fulfilled. European countries with an inquisitorial,
rather than an adversarial, system of justice, and with "examining magistrates"
holding the ring between prosecution and defence, have it easy, security
officials argue. Defence lawyers would not have the same disclosure rights as in
the UK.

5. Britain is not alone suppressing phone-tapping evidence. In certain jurisdictions

such as Germany, courts will not accept recorded phone calls as evidence
under any circumstances.

6. To no avail. A few senior police officers have vented their frustration. MI5, and
GCHQ – the government's electronic eavesdropping agency – hide behind
ministers' feeble claim that to allow phone tapping to be revealed in court would
somehow undermine future operations by revealing the "modus operandi" of
Britain's security and intelligence agencies.

By Richard Norton-Taylor. Adapted from © 2012


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