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Luis Vargas


English 3

28 February 2019

Soccer vs me

I ’m a soccer player in smithfield. I’m a midfield; I play every saturday at 12:00pm with

my friends,the field it's a professional field .soccer where i live in my neighborhood, most of the

people i know play soccer and they’re like 39 years old about, I play with them every noon,so i

can improve my skills and my running. I became a official soccer player when I was 7 years old

in mexico . When I got to U.S i started playing on my uncle team.

my parent have a problem with me and it’s about the distance. Where i play

soccer it's far away, about an hour and half, also sometime they don’t have time to take to the

game and that’s a problem because if they don’t take me to the game, then I won't be able to

play and i will start losing my ability and balance. I play full time, sometimes i don't because they

have a lot of players, that’s another reason why my parent don't want to take me to the game.

My mom want me to quit the team the team, but i don't want to, i've been playing with the team

for almost 3 years. This problem begin when we started playing far from home, and there was

traffic on the way to the game and sometime i didn’t had much time for play.

My parents need to know how soccer and my soccer team is important to me. They

know there’s a lot of ways to find a way for them to take me to the game, for a example my

friends offer me a ride, but my parents won’t let me because they think that my friends don’t

drive safe or we might do something else, she don’t really trust me alot,because i've done stuff
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in the past.I want them to understand that there's a solution, we can figure out how i can stay in

the team. I’m about to get my license and I will be able to drive soon we won’t have a problem

with that anymore.

There’s always a solution and I found one. I told my parents that we could move closer to

the location I play soccer. My coach help me to find a new home for my parent to live where it

would be closer for them to go to work to and for me to play, there’s a park near the home, so

it’s much better. I will be able to exercise and practice more and be a better player than before.I

now would be more in peace.

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