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Glenbrook South Model U.N. presents our 





What to expect in the coming year…  

Although our delegates put an incredible amount of work into clubs 
and sports, school should always come first! Focus on studying for 
finals and finishing out the semester to the best of your abilities. We 
will resume meetings again the week after finals! 

We have four planned conferences left this year, which consist of 
FPMUN (Francis Parker High School), NAIMUN (Georgetown 
University), LYMUN (Lyons Township High School) and NUMUN 
(Northwestern University). Both FPMUN and LYMUN are one day 
conferences which are great opportunities to continue learning about 
the ins and outs of Model UN while NUMUN provides the chance to 
get the feel for a four day. We are also investigating the possibility of 
adding MUNI - a three day conference in March held at the University 
of Illinois. 

We will also be hosting our own conference, GBSMUN V, on April 6th. 

We are expecting over 400 students from more than 20 different high 
schools to be in attendance. This conference is a unique opportunity 
to see the other side of Model UN (i.e.- from the perspective of those 
chairing the committee) and better your understanding for when you 
are a delegate. If you are not currently involved in GBSMUN V staff and 
want to either help out or attend the conference, let Maddy, Delaney, 
Mr. Jozwik or Mr. Sisler know! 


We spent the first half of the year teaching about the basics of Model 
UN and what actually goes on in committees, but the second half of 
the year will see an increased focus on improving skills that are 
necessary to succeed at conferences. This will include speaking 
activities, writing activities, and overall improvements to general and 
global knowledge! Be sure to keep attending the Tuesday after school 
or Wednesday morning meetings! 

We will also be hosting the annual end of the year banquet at Sunset 
Ridge Country Club! Everyone is welcome, including friends and 
family members to see photos and to hear some of our favorite 
memories from the year. Seniors will receive special recognition for all 
of their hard work and dedication to the MUN team! This event will 
take place in May.  

Recent Conference Results:  

● MUNAP - December 15th (Walter Payton High School)  
○ Best Delegates: Kayla Zuiker and Colin Morse  
○ Outstanding Delegates: Michael Davis, Sofia Pedrelli, Ainsley Gallagher, 
Hugh Toomey, and Spencer Wells 
○ Honorable Delegates: Hansen Punnoose, Jason Lesynski, and Ally 
○ Best Position Paper: Joe Voight and Vikram Kaul 


Upcoming Conferences: 
● FPMUN - February 2 (Francis Parker High School) 
● NAIMUN - Feb. 14-17 North American Invitational (Georgetown University, 
invite only) 
● LYMUN - Feb. 23 (Lyons Township High School) 

Upcoming Fundraisers:  
Candy Fundraiser: January 29-February 12 
Basketball game concession: February 19  
A quote to ponder… 
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible 
summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how 
hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something 
stronger – something better, pushing right back.” 

Albert Camus 

​Good Luck on Finals to All! 


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