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I don’t think animals should be used for medical

research because I believe that they deserve to be

protected from harm.
The artist is trying to say that – in life – we often
have to decide between eating fast food which is
very delicious and healthy food which is not so
The artist is trying to say that many people pretend
to be happy when in fact they are quite sad. They
post pictures which make it look as if they are
having a great life but in reality are actually
suffering a lot.
The artist is trying to say that families come
together not so much to connect to one another
but to connect to wifi. Ironically, they are all in the
same room but they are also alone and separated
from one another as they surf the net. It’s a
paradox because – on the one hand – the internet
has brought us all closer together but – on the other
hand -- it’s also driven us further apart.
The artist is trying to say that people chase
“facebook likes” in the same way addicts chase the
drugs to which they are addicted. The more they
get, the more they want. There is no end to it.
The artist is trying to say that life is a routine over
which many people have very little control. They
are born, educated, join the work-force, start a
family and then prepare for death. It’s a journey
full of suffering, one that some people understand
early on and try to escape.
The artist is trying to say that soldiers begin their
service with enthusiasm and respect for their
generals but -- by the time they finish -- they are
either dead or have been badly injured. The
generals, by contrast, remain untouched by war and
have picked up a lot of medals – medals that are
rightly due to the soldiers themselves.

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