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On Saturday, March 9th, I received a text from my agent at 3:20pm saying that he

had just booked me for a scene on Sunday March 10th with director Jimmy
Lifestyles for WankzVR. I was under the impression it was just a boy/girl scene
since the rate was my usual boy/girl rate. Once I received the information for the
scene later that day, I saw that it was a boy/girl/girl scene so I asked my agent to
change it to $100 extra and Jimmy said, yes.

The talent listed on the information sheet were Tarzan Stone and Emily Willis. My
call time was 2 p.m, however, at 1:30 p.m. I was notified that the female talent
had been changed to Emma Starletto. I was a little thrown off that I wasn’t told
until 30 minutes before my call time, but I let it go.

I arrived on set at 2 pm. Emma Starletto arrived right after me. I came makeup
ready and I knew she’d take about an hour getting her makeup done, so I asked
politely, “My makeup is already done, can I just go home? I live around the corner
— I’ll come back when hers is done; I just don’t see the point of sitting around
here for an hour.”

My sweatshirt read ‘Show Me Your Kitties’, and Jimmy Lifestyles saw it and said,
‘Show me your kitties first.” I laughed like he was joking, and then he said, “No,
show me your kitty.” He was being very perverted, and it just got creepy. I tried to
laugh it off because it was super-awkward, and I said, “Well, okay I’m just going to
leave,” and I left.

I returned at around 3:30, and the day was going really slow; he was smoking so
much weed on set, it just seemed to slow down his productivity. Weed makes me
tired, so I kept having to go in and out of the house because the smell was
bothering me.

When Jimmy was setting up the lights and getting ready to shoot, he gave us our
costumes and told us, “I’m going to be a creepy leprechaun in the scene. Can you
guys just put your asses in my face? I’m going to spank you a little bit and I’m
going to pretend to do oral. It’s all going to be softcore, so you’re both going to be
facing the camera.” I clearly heard him say “pretend” and “softcore”. The
agreement was to put my ass in his face, never to perform oral.
There’s a difference between doing softcore with the tested talent that you know
your working with, and with the director. With a male or female talent there’s no
penetration during softcore, we just pretend to have sex. Maybe we might kiss
and stuff, but that’s a part of working with a tested talent. Softcore with a
director, or anyone who isn’t your tested talent(s) is very throughly
communicated about so there’s no boundaries crossed. — which I have done in a
scene for New Sensations — we just pretended to have sex. He told me, it’s just
going to be pretend; my pants will be up and my penis won’t be out; which is the
appropriate way for softcore with a director, he didn’t do anything other that
what we agreed on.

Emma Starletto and I did the pretty girl pics, and I estimate that we started
filming at around 5:00 or 5:30. First we shot the intro story, where she and I are
going to her roommate’s St. Patty’s Day party, and we complain that “this party is
so lame!”, and then we exit the shot. The second part of the scene was Jimmy, as
the leprechaun, saying “I can make those girls come back and have sex with you
with my magic”, or whatever. He snaps his fingers and then Emma and I appear
back in the scene as if he put a “leprechaun spell on us to make us horny.”

Jimmy was behind us, and we put our asses towards him as he directed us to do.
He started on Emma Starletto first. She was on my left, and, looking back, I could
see that his tongue was out, and that he had pulled her panties to the left side
and was really performing oral. On the video clip that he posted, you can see that
when I see what he’s doing, the smile comes off my face for a split moment and I
continued to stay in character and finish that part of the scene.

Once it came to my turn, Emma Starletto stepped away, and in the video you can
see her fixing her panties. Then came my turn. I was wearing crotchless panties,
so it was easy access for him. I said on Twitter that he “stuck his tongue up my
ass”, and he did, but he licked my vagina too. I got uncomfortable, and my turn
was noticeably short compared to Starletto’s. You can see me walking away with
my head down to the other side of the room because I didn’t want to be close to

Our genitals were facing away from the camera, which gave him no legitimate
reason to perform oral on us. And even if he had asked my consent to do it, I
would have said ‘no’ because he was not on my call sheet, and it had not been
negotiated. It was not in my interest whatsoever.

At no time did he tell us he was going to do that. There was no consent

whatsoever. Yes, I could have said something in the moment, but as performers
you want to stay in character and make the scene look good. Particularly because,
in my own personal experience, if you do or say something on camera, sometimes
that footage ends up being used and posted online. It has happened to me and it
was embarrassing. So I really didn’t know what to do, I just stayed in character.

He kept rolling, and Starletto and I were to make out and touch each other while
Jimmy was still in the background, and we cut right before we went to the

I always check the HIV/STI tests of the people that I’m working with when I’m on
set, so before the blowjob I asked Tarzan to show me his test. He said, “Oh, yeah,
let me go find it,” and went to talk to Jimmy. He came back five minutes later and
said, “My test is expired.”

I said, “Jimmy, why would you hire someone with an expired test?” At that point
the set became even more uncomfortable, so I went outside and called my agent
and told him what had happened. My agent said, “It’s your choice whether you
want to leave.” And I’m thinking, this is my first scene back from my two week
vacation, I should just do the scene and then say something about it to Jimmy

Then Jimmy replaced the male talent, and it was rather suspicious to me, because
he showed up so quickly; it was as though he was on stand by and Jimmy knew
that Tarzan’s test was expired. Like, ‘Just in case these girls notice, I should have a
guy on stand-by.’ Thats just my suspicion. The new male talent was Brad Sterling,
and I had worked with him previously on a WankzVR shoot.

We jumped into the scene, which went fine, and then we did the exit portion of
the scene. It’s always kind of uncomfortable to just sit there with the guy’s soft
dick and cum all over you, but Jimmy kept feeding us line after line, it became
excessive and unnecessary. In the footage you can most likely see me and
Starletto looking at each other thinking “this is ridiculous.” Emma Starletto and I
were looking at each other; it’s been so long, why are you making us go on and
on? And I told him, “I have an early scene tomorrow, I have to catch a plane to
Arizona. We’ve been here since 2 and it’s already 10 p.m… C’mon, hurry up.” He
kept going. Finally I said, “okay, I’m done.” I felt we gave him an amazing scene,
we did what he wanted and again, he was just filming the end excessively.

As I confronted him, afterwards, Jimmy said, “You think I do these exit scenes for
my excitement?” I said ”No, but I think you stick your tongue up our asses for
your excitement.” That’s when things got heated. “What are you talking about?
No I didn’t!” And that’s when I pulled my phone out and started to record.

The crew was cleaning up, and they were keeping their heads down. There was no
one on set that stood up for me, although brad did say something about Jimmy
handling the situation poorly. Jimmy and I were bickering back and forth, and I
was saying, “Dude, just own up to what you did. What you did was wrong; just say
you’re sorry.” All I wanted was an apology.

When I started crying he said I was “overreacting” and “being dramatic”. He said
he hadn’t touched me, but then he said, “this girl, Emma Starletto, I licked her
more than you.” Exactly: more than. He couldn’t keep his stories straight. Then he
justified it with, “I was in the mode.” He thought he was entitled to do that
because he’s the director, and he told us to put our asses in his face.

I was told by Emma Starletto herself, He offered Emma Starletto $200; I’m pretty
sure that was meant as a bribe to keep quiet.

I kept saying, “Can you just pay me so I can leave? You’re obviously not going to
give me an apology.” I just wanted to leave. Eventually he gave me my money,
and I left.

He has said that we resolved the issue before I left, but I have video of me walking
out crying. It was not resolved. So I decided to talk about the events on Twitter to
feel heard since he made me feel uncared for, uncomfortable, unheard, and just
like my feelings weren’t valid.
He started to reply around 12:00 a.m., defending himself, and throwing jabs at me
like, ‘Emma just wants attention, or sympathy. She’s so dramatic.’ If someone is
truly remorseful of their actions, that’s not what they would be saying.

When other girls came forward online, i honestly wasn’t surprised. Because if he
was that comfortable licking our vaginas and asses in front of a crew after he
clearly said it was going to be softcore and pretend, then I feel like other things
must have happened on his shoots for WankzVR.

With the video that he posted Tuesday I got my apology, but not in the way that I
wanted, not in the way that had the most meaning to me. I wanted him to
apologize before I left his house. I appreciate the video, and that he took the time
to make it, but I feel like the only reason he apologized was because I outed him
on Twitter and because all of these other performers shared their stories. I truly
feel if I didn’t post on twitter he wouldn’t have apologized since he made a post
himself saying “I thought we resolved the issue before she left.”

In his video he mentions the other girls, but he doesn’t name them and there was
no real apology for them. The way he worded it was that he apologizes for his
mistakes; that there had been an error in communication, and a
misunderstanding. There was no misunderstanding; he did something wrong.
There was no consent for what he did, period.

I spoke with the WankzVR lawyer the morning of March 14th, and reiterated
everything that I stated here. He asked what I think should happen next and for
my input on having an on-set model advocate and an on-video consent checklist
before a scene, as well as exit interviews (sign out video making sure everything
went well). I think all of those are a must and should have been employed on
their sets long before this happened.

It’s my opinion that Jimmy should not be employed as a director. Over 15 girls
have came forward with their stories about his unprofessionalism and
unfortunate, sometimes traumatizing events. Let me say that again: over 15 girls.
This isn’t a mistake on his end, this is something Jimmy has been getting away
with for too long. I do like the company WankzVR, I like the quality of their work,
but I strongly think they should hire someone as their director who is professional
and cares about the talent’s comfort, safety and feelings on set.
—Emma Hix

As soon as I saw Emma Hix’s posts about Jimmy Lifestyles I called her and shared
my own experience with. It’s not right for somebody to do what he does, and I’m
going to share my own story with everyone now.

I shot for Jimmy Lifestyles with WankzVR in October 2016, not long before

I had been booked for a boy/girl/girl VR scene along with Megan Rain. Three guys
showed up on set who were in partnership with Jimmy in a weed company, and
they proceeded to smoke inside the building. I understand that in California,
everyone smokes weed, however they weren’t just smoking a little bit here and
there, they were rolling full-on blunts. I, personally, can smoke weed on my own
time, and go to bed. Otherwise, I cannot be around weed and function and be
comfortable without anxiety or paranoia. It got to the point where the whole
room was so clouded with smoke, that I had to ask Jimmy if he could keep all of
the smoking to one area of the house, or else I wasn’t going to be able to perform.
After telling him that he moved everybody to another room.

I went to pose for pretty girl photos and stills, and as I’m doing that these men
came over with their weed merch. I wasn’t asked if I would take photos wearing
any of this stuff, instead Jimmy placed a hat on my head and said ‘Take a couple
photos with this’, and then had his friends take a couple photos with me and
Megan. This was completely inappropriate, because not only am I having random
men come and make me feel like I’m being paraded, but also I’m suddenly
advertising their brand without having been notified or paid to do so.

The day dragged on. Just from the make-up chair to taking those photos took
about five hours. It took hours to do everything because they would take so many
breaks to smoke weed. And although I didn’t see Jimmy Lifestyles drinking, I did
see his friends drinking beers on set. And they were there watching us have sex
the entire time.
Then, midway through the day, Jimmy decided, ‘oh, let’s put another girl in the
scene,’ which was not in my booking. But he added Arya Fae to the scene, and
never offered to increase my rate.

I believe we were at 11 hours when Megan Rain started to cry, because she was
not only tired from performing, but there were also so many breaks between the
positions. It hurts to be turned on and then turned off again, and putting things in
and out of you with long breaks in between. It’s ridiculous to shoot like that for so

Megan was very upset that we were still shooting and hadn’t even come close to
finishing the scene. Jimmy actually offered her $200 if she would stop crying and
continue the scene. That was the only time anything was offered to increase a
rate. I wasn’t offered anything even though we were about to reach overtime.

We kept telling Jimmy throughout the day, “it seems like you’re over-shooting.”
Each sex position was up to 20 minutes, and then Megan would have to do that
same sex position, so we’re talking about 40 minutes for she and I to do one
position. He displayed no remorse about us being worn out and tired, or for taking
so many breaks and wasting time. When we would complain he would tell us that
we were exaggerating, and he would make rude and derogatory comments.

The spot where we filmed the last two positions of the sex scene was the room
that they had all been smoking in. When we went into that room I remember
saying, “you chose the room where we were going to finish the scene to
completely smoke out. What a great idea.”

At the end of the day, both Megan and Arya got their pay and left. When it came
time to get my payment, he held up the wad of cash and told me that if I wanted
to get paid I had to suck his dick. He said it nonchalantly, but he grabbed his dick
and everything. He said it twice, and the way he said it was like he was joking, but
you could tell he was not joking. I could see how a newer girl might have thought
she had to do it, but I was like, ”Are you kidding me? You’re gonna pay me either
way,” and I took my money and left. I have to wonder how many new girls he
asked for a blowjob actually thought they had to do it.
I was booked for Jimmy Lifestyles and WankzVR one other time, and I wasn’t too
happy to take the booking, but I was given assurances that the incident was an
exception and that emotions had run high because of the late hours and because
Megan had gotten upset.

That second scene was with John Strong on November 28, 2016. Throughout the
whole scene Jimmy hit on me, and at the end of the shoot he tried to get me to
suck his dick again. I said no, so he replied that he would just book me to suck his
dick in a scene with him.

In the scene that day, Jimmy decided to use a makeshift toy that I did not want to
use, and said multiple times that I was uncomfortable with. It was basically a
power drill that they stuck a dildo onto. It was used on me internally, and it hurt
me so much that I could not do anal anymore that day and had to finish the anal
portion of the scene vaginally. When I told Jimmy that it hurt he said that I had to
continue to shoot: “you have another hole.”

I actually had to cancel may next day’s shoot because I was hurt and couldn’t
work. After that experience, I resolved to never shoot with Jimmy again.

In my opinion, Jimmy Lifestyles has no care or respect for the talent on his shoots.
For him it’s a party.

I often feel that men sometimes think, “Oh, she’s Adriana, she’s crazy . . . if I just
kind of hint to her she’ll do it!” I felt that attitude from him. There’s no
professionalism. Disrespecting the people who are helping you create your
product, and the mistreatment of women, says a lot about your character. I also
have to say something about his cleanliness. Even though he was not in the scene
with me, there were moments where groped my ass. With his studio being so
disgusting, I don’t know if his hands were clean.

He never apologized to me for any of this. This is a bad guy and I would never
work for him again.

— Adriana Chechik
I was supposed to have two days off, and my agent called me and asked if I could
work. I had to be at this location within an hour and a half, but I agreed. He said it
as going to be for WankzVR, and he told me my male and female talent would be
Tarzan Stone and Emma Hix.

The location was Jimmy’s house and there were multiple people there, there was
a dog, and there was weed too. There were people smoking weed and like bongs
everywhere. I’m cool with weed, but i don’t find it professional to be smoking on

When I arrived, Emma’s make up was already done and the male talent wasn’t
there. I went and had my make up and hair done and they began setting up the
cameras. Once make up and hair was done, Emma and i decided to share our
tests with each other.

The male talent arrived and we all introduced ourselves. Usually we do sex stills
before the scene, and we show each other our tests right then. That day, because
we weren’t doing the sex stills, we and Tarzan didn’t show each other tests, and
started shooting the St. Patty’s Day party part of the scene.

I was the one to first walk into the scene because this was supposed to be my
house, and I’m upset that my roommate is throwing a party. There’s a leprechaun
in our house who is sniffing panties in the corner and my roommate finds it and
pulls a shotgun on it. Jimmy, as the leprechaun, replies with “don’t kill me, I can
make those girls have sex with you”, whatever. The next shot was Emma Hix and I
walking back in — “Oh my god you have a leprechaun, that’s so cute.” and then
after that is where this stuff with Jimmy happened.

Before we started the scene, he came up to us and said, “Hey, in this scene you’re
going to walk up to me and it’s going to be a softcore type of video.” He definitely
said softcore.

We were standing there facing away from him, and he starts with me first,
because I’m the one who’d been angry at my roommate. I was told to go first and
put my ass in his face, and shake my ass, because us shaking our asses will ignite
the magic, to make us want to give my roommate a blowjob.

My ass was near his face, and then he went ahead and pulled me toward him. I
thought maybe I wasn’t in the right position for camera (there’s no monitor on
the camera when you’re shooting VR), or that the camera could see his face. In
softcore you’re not supposed to see that area, so people can imagine in their
mind what’s going on there.

So I moved to the place he pulled me and began shaking my ass. I couldn’t hear
this at all, but in the video you can see him say “let me pull this to the side”.

I was still shaking my ass, and he didn’t just lick me, he had his tongue poking
straight out, and he stuck it in my ass, and then licked down. You can see him put
both of his hands on my thighs and pull me toward his face.

I tried to hide it, but in the video you can see my eyes open wider, and then I
moved forward. As he finished doing this you can see Emma grab my arm to see if
I’m ok, as I walk away toward the roommate.

Emma Hix was wearing crotchless underwear, so Jimmy didn’t have to pull
anything aside. He just put his fingers on the inner corner of her thigh, and it kind
of makes you arch your ass out. He put his face there, and she moved away faster,
which is what I wish I’d done.

Emma came up to me, and we ended of that part of the scene. At that point,
before we were about to do the sexual activity with the male talent, we had a
break. I was sitting there, like, ‘what the fuck just happened?’, and Emma quietly
messaged me on Twitter. She asked whether Jimmy had just stuck his tongue
inside of me when we were supposed to be doing the softcore, and I said, “Yes he
did.” I didn’t think he was supposed to and I was very, very glad that she noticed
as well.

At six months into this industry, it’s not that i don’t feel I have a voice, but at that
point I knew that something was wrong — for one thing, he’s not a talent, I knew
that — and I’d never been in this position where I had grounds to say, “This is not
right, you shouldn’t do that”. Now I think I should’ve said it on camera.
Right before she and I discussed what had just happened, we were like, “all right,
let’s show Tarzan our tests. Emma pulled hers out before me and Tarzan says,
“Give me one second,” and goes in a separate room with Jimmy. We heard them
in there talking, and at that point I’m like, “Emma, what the hell is going on?” It
was like 7:30 at that time. She said, I don’t know maybe his test isn’t good .

Five minutes later we watched Tarzan come out the room and he’ says, ‘Brad
Sterling is on the way, don’t worry,” and Emma is like, “Why is Brad on the way?”
Tarzan says, “Oh, my test is three days expired,” but acted as if there was no

The fact that he went into the room with Jimmy and was speaking to him so long
makes me think they knew his test was expired and didn’t think we would ask.
Tarzan is usually WangzVR’s male talent, so that just doesn’t make sense to me
that the director did not know his test was expired, even one day.

Then Jimmy called Brad, and said, “Hey Brian, do you have a hot date tonight?”
Tarzan had just said Brad is on his way, but then we watched Jimmy call Brad —
and Emma and I were like, “What the hell is going on?

I didn’t want to cause a problem but i called my agent and said, “Someone licked
my vagina that wasn’t on the call sheet,” and he was like, “What?!?” He was on it
right then, which I appreciated.

He called Jimmy in the middle of the scene he ignored the call and then texted
him saying, “Why would you do this?”, and then Emma Hix’s agent did the
same.cAfter the scene, my agent said, “Jimmy has ignored all of our calls and
texts; has he said anything to you?” and I said, “No he hasn’t brought anything up.

Then I went to the bathroom to clean up and i started hearing the heated
argument between Emma and Jimmy. She said, “This is not okay, you weren’t
supposed to do this to us,” and he said “Nothing happened, you guys are freaking
out.” That’s what he kept saying over and over. And Emma said to me, “I hate to
get you involved but you were in it, did he do this? to you?” and I said, “Yes, yes
he did,” and at that point Emma Hix started recording.
She asked Jimmy for her money three separate times, “Can I please just have my
money so I can go,” and he said, “No, not until you’re done freaking out.”

After all the stuff happened on Twitter, with him calling us liars, one of my agents
contacted me and said, “Hey, Jimmy contacted us and let us know that Emma Hix
and her agent Chris accepted an apology and a $200 extra fee for his part in the
scene.” I found that very fishy, and I contacted Emma and asked if she’d been
offered any money or if Jimmy had contacted her or her agent. She said, “No, that
never happened.” At that point I decided he was trying to give me hush money,
maybe because I was the one who’d been handled a bit more, and we declined
the $200. The next day is when Jimmy posted his “apology” video.

—Emma Starletto

I received a booking for a shoot with WankzVR last year. If people aren’t familiar with how book
scene partner and go to work; usually your agent receives a call from a company or a director a
Gold to perform a scene with x, y and z, for this rate,” and then I can accept or decline. So, I got
and I said, “I love doing VR, why not. It’s going to be fun.”

So, I showed up on set, on time, and the makeup artist take forever because she’s unprofession
focusing on getting me in and out of there as fast as possible. And they ended up complaining t

After my makeup was done, Jimmy Lifestyles comes in with Johnny Nitro and another person I d
has a camera, and he’s like, “I’m Jimmy, I’m your talent for today,” and the other guys were like
talent.” I said, “Okay, cool. What do I need to do? Let’s start the scene.”

So, Jimmy had his BTS camera, and he says, “It’s kind of like BTS on camera, where it’s up close
the camera on he did the whole “We’re here with the sexy Honey Gold…Oh my God, look at he
me. Under normal circumstances, I don’t have anyone touch me. I’m very professional. When th
the talent, and I don’t interact with them sexually until the scene starts.

We were sitting on the couch, and had my legs spread out, and his face was like a foot away fro
fingers in and was trying to go to town. I had no idea that he wasn’t my male talent, because if
I would’ve never in a million years had that dude touch me. I would not touch him with a ten-fo
so I was like, “Okay let’s get this footage, because the BTS leads into the actual shoot.”

He proceeded to attempt to finger bang me for like five minutes, but he also has a very weak ar
He was terrible.

After that, I said, “Okay, what’s next?” Jimmy Lifestyles and Johnny Nitro kept mixing up their n
Jimmy was done, Johnny Nitro says he’s my talent. I’m like, “You’re my fucking talent? What is y
kept going back and forth, “I’m Jimmy”, “I’m Johnny”. Finally I find out that Johnny Nitro is my t
funny. They started laughing and I’m sitting there like, what the fuck? You just had this BTS cam
even be interacting with me recording me while finger banging me. This is not funny. I do not fu

I was pretty irritated, and I was going off on Johnny. He was like, “Calm down, we’re gonna star
pulling the whole, “Oh, you’re so sexy…” to get himself in the zone, so he can do the scene.

We start doing the WankzVR scene, everything goes kind of decent, except for the fact that the
is fucking around the entire time. Every time was had a chance to cut and take a break, they wo
shit. And they were literally pushing each other into me into a corner, like 15-year old guys. “Yo
her.” “She should fuck everyone.” I’m standing there, and they’re just treating me like a Fleshlig
any of you guys, I’m trying to film this and then I need to go home.”

When we finally finished the scene, I went into the bathroom because I wanted to wash off. Th
into the bathroom — I had left the door open — and he locks the door behind him, and he com
all touchy feely. I was like, “It was a great scene but, I need to go…” and he grabs his dick he tri
from behind me while I’m washing my hands, into my vagina.

I hopped out of the way and I was like, “Dude, we did our scene, it was great, but no thank you.
that, my boyfriend is coming to pick me up and I need to get out of here.”

He proceeds to try again, and starts to get angry and starts talking shit about Donny, the person
“He doesn’t have shit; I have houses I have cars…” all that shit. And he was blocking the door.

He wouldn’t leave the bathroom, so I went to the toilet to douche his nastiness out of my vagin
the shower and says, “Why don’t you come in for a second . . . I promise I won’t touch you.” I sa
shut the shower door. That’s when I left the bathroom.
I called Donny, “These guys are fuckin’ crazy, they’re fuckin’ weird, I need you to get me out of
aggravating the situation by saying, “Oh, you’re sop hot, it’s the really Honey Gold — I’ve alway
your ass in my face,” and all this stuff. “Let me lick your ass, I wanna lick your asshole.”

When Donny arrived, I actually did not tell him everything that had happened until we drove aw
violence. And not only that, Jimmy and Johnny Nitro knew that they’d fucked up, because out o
to bring out their huge dogs. And Donny noticed that was weird too. When Donny pulled up, Jim
staying there alone because Johnny Nitro bailed. They knew they had crossed a boundary and h
leaving Jimmy to wait there.

Jimmy introduced himself to Donny, and Jimmy was nervous as hell — and rightly so. I don’t kn
exchanged, only because I was trying to get the hell out of there. Jimmy was nervous and acting
of shit. Usually I’m a bit more refined, but with this topic, no.

In that apology video he looks like he’s about to start crying. Fuck you, dude. Do you know wha
to you and tell you they’re your talent, and like this gross, nasty looking man finger bangs you a
even getting paid for this? That’s something worth crying over because of the level of violation
his tears.

—Honey Gold

It’s been about a year since my last scene for Jimmy Lifestyles with WankzVR, but
I can provide an overall picture and a few details I remember clearly.

The location I was given was for the house where he lived. We didn’t even do hair
and makeup there (sometimes makeup will be at one location, then we move to
the set location to save money, which I understand).

Jimmy stated that his reasoning for splitting the locations was that the set
location was hard to find (although the set location was also a model house with
performers I didn’t know and who were not in the scene just walking in and out of
the set all day, or just sitting on the couch).

When I arrived at Jimmy’s house it was incredibly dirty and unsanitary/unhygienic

and there was dog poop on the floor. Jimmy wasn’t even there to greet me when
I arrived on time. His non-industry roommate let me in, and I sat in his house for
about 40 minutes before someone finally picked me up to take me to the location
for hair and makeup.

Once on location (the model house) I finished hair and makeup, then waited
about another hour and a half before Jimmy even arrived to start the scene. I
understand that this happens in certain instances where there are other scenes
before mine that are running late, but mine was the first and only scene that day.
I got the impression he was 3 hours late because he was smoking weed, although
I can’t confirm this. I can confirm that we took multiple breaks and stopped MANY
times so he could smoke weed.

I’m fine with breaks, but VR requires more physical and mental energy and he
stopped SO much. I was on set for probably around 8-10 hours. His makeup artist
offered to get me food, but Jimmy / WanzkVR provided none.

He also joked the entire day about getting a blow job or me giving him a blow job.
I blew this off at the time not thinking it was a big deal. I’m fine with jokes and
flirting, it’s an adult film set and we want to feel good, but it was his persistence
of the joke and the focus on the blowjob specifically that was just a little odd.

At the end of the shoot he drove me back to my car (which was parked at his
house) and joked about a blowjob again while driving me to my car. I laughed it
off and got in my car and left, tired after a long day.

It was just an unprofessional, and at times very uncomfortable set. And also weird
to meet at his house when hair and makeup wasn’t even done at his house. I still
don’t understand the purpose of meeting there. I’m sure I could’ve found the set
location if he simply drove out of the driveway and waved me to the correct

—Christie Stevens

In the summer of 2018, I received an email from my agent asking me if I wanted

to work for WankzVR, and I said, “Yes, sure.” It was a boy/girl VR scene, and the
payment was standard — my regular rate. This was the first and only time I ever
worked for them.

I showed up to the set the next day, on time, got my hair and makeup done, and
after that the director, Jimmy Lifestyles arrived. He made a lot of sexual jokes, and
he said to me, “If it becomes too much, you let me know, but we’re really just
joking around here.” I let a few things slide; he would make comments like, “Oh,
you should be sucking my dick”, and “Oh, I wish that was my dick,” things like
that. It made me feel very uncomfortable. Obviously, being in that kind of position
as a model, I was on the edge of saying something versus not saying something; I
didn’t want to make a scene, I wanted to make sure that I got paid, so I kind of let
it slide.

When we had just finished shooting the first part of the scene in the living room,
and as I was walking over to my suitcase to change wardrobe, I felt someone slap
my butt. I was completely naked at the time. I turned around, and I was very
angry and uncomfortable, and I saw Jimmy Lifestyles walking away really fast, to
play it off like he didn’t do it.

I felt violated, and I didn’t feel as safe as I should have felt. On any set, the
director’s job is to make sure that the talent feels safe and comfortable and that
everything is consensual. On that set, everyone was friend with Jimmy, everybody
loved him. After the make-up artist left, I was the only female on set. We were
shooting at Trinity St. Clair’s house, but she was upstairs doing whatever.

I kind of rushed through the rest of the day as best I could, and throughout the
shoot, in between takes, the sexual jokes did not stop. Of course, I didn’t want to
piss anybody off, so I kept my mouth shut. In that environment, it didn’t even feel
safe to call my agent. And, especially as a new model, you’re going to be
confronting someone who’s been in the industry for 17 years. In that situation
you ask yourself, “Who are they going to believe?” That’s the hardest part.

When the scene ended I did get paid, but when I left I still felt kind of out of it and
uncomfortable. It was an absolutely terrible experience.

A few weeks later, I got a call from my agent asking if I wanted to shoot for
WankzVR again. I asked, “Who’s the director?”, and he said “Jimmy Lifestyles”, so
I said, “Absolutely not.” When he asked me why, I said, “Well, he slapped my ass
on set without asking me, and didn’t even say ‘sorry’ or anything. He asked why I
didn’t say anything, and I said that, as a new performer at the time, I didn’t want
to make a scene, I wasn’t sure how to handle it, and I wanted to make sure I got

I feel that agents need to educate performers on how to handle those situations; I
was never taught how to handle those kinds of situations. I think agents should sit
down with the models and say, “Hey, if you’re ever in an uncomfortable situation,
or if someone does this specific thing, this is how you respond, call us
immediately.” Not all agents tell their girls that. Take it from me, my first agent

I just want girls who are new to know that it’s completely okay to say something
and stick up for themselves. Take out you phone and record a voice memo or a
video so that people know that you did say something. I saw that Emma Hix did
something like that, and I think that it’s very important to document that type of
thing if it happens.

New girls need to be speaking to older performers, and they need to not only be
educated on the sexual aspect of the job, but also the vulnerability aspect where
you feel uncomfortable on set and you don’t know what to do. Even if you don’t
want to call your agent, I think there should be someone on set with you that you
can speak to.

I’m no longer shooting, but I was serious about my work, and I am serious about
the issue of sexual harassment on set.

— An experienced, recently retired 20-year old performer who shot for major
production companies

Last summer, I received a phone call to come to set and pick up the female talent,
Honey Gold, who was my fiancé at the time. She wasn’t in the habit of calling me
urgently to come on set and please pick her up, so I rushed to set. When I arrived
the mood was weird and she looked very distraught, so I asked, “Is everything

She said she’d had some issues on set and that people had been doing things that
she didn’t appreciate. Her bags were packed, and as I grabbed them and put them
in the trunk of the car, she began telling me some of the stuff that had happened
to her.

I started getting upset that these guys were trying to take advantage of her.
You’re only on set to work with the male talent; directors and producers
shouldn’t be trying to touch you or do anything to you.

She also told me that one of the guys basically boxed her into the bathroom and
tried to have sex with her.

She indicated that they were giving her a little bit of a hard time with her pay, and
that was why she had called me. But as soon as she said, “My boyfriend is on the
way to pick me up,” all of a sudden they gave Honey her pay real fast.

As she got in the car, I confronted the one guy I saw there, which was Jimmy
Lifestyles. He was acting like nothing had really happened. I said, “Bro, what’s
your problem? Why would you do this stuff to her?” I was upset but I wasn’t
trying to be threatening. Apparently he was intimidated and he grabbed a dog, a
big dog, and started hiding behind it. Using the dog as his protection. I was
looking at him, like, ‘Really? I’m just trying to talk to you.’

His P.A. was there as well, and he wouldn’t even come to the front of the house
where we were.

I got frustrated and got in my car and we left. On the way home, Honey told me
what had happened. She told me that the guy who had been hiding behind the
dog, Jimmy Lifestyles, had made himself a part of the scene; that “he was
fingering me and he got it on camera.” She said that when she asked him if that
was a part of the scene, he said that no it was just for the behind-the-scenes and
acted like it was no big deal.
She also said that on set, Jimmy Lifestyles led her to believe that he was the other
Jimmy — Jimmy Nitro, her scene partner; that he acts like he’s Jimmy Nitro so he
can put his hands on you. When Jimmy Nitro arrives, then you find out that he’s
actually your male talent.

Honey refused to ever work again with them after that day.

Here’s what Honey posted on Twitter about Jimmy Lifestyles on the shoot for
WankzVR. It’s what she told me that day:

He’s a total piece of shit. I was told he was my talent (which he was NOT) and he
was fingering me while recording it. The guy is a total f*cking asshole. Who lies
about being talent to finger bang someone for shits and giggles?

He claimed to be Jimmy Nitro (also a piece of shit). He got high as hell when I was
on set and was pressuring me to f*ck the whole crew and kept pushing guys into

@DonnySinsxx knows. I left there scared as hell after the experience. Not to
mention Johnny NITRO tried shoving his dick in me AFTER locking the two of us in
the bathroom AFTER I had already said no. They’re both trash.

Back in November of last year, Honey did another shoot at Johnny Nitro’s house
— he wasn’t there, but his house was being used as a location. She lost her IDs
there, and Johnny Nitro got ahold of them. He refused to give them to her agent;
he wanted her to come there to pick them up herself. She refused to go there,
and I think she went and got new ones instead.

—Donny Sins

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