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Bandura’s social cognitive theory answer to case study…

a. Discuss how Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory is being used in this case. Determine whether
Ms. Rinaldi is effectively using observational learning is part of her teaching strategies. Explain
your answer.

Answer: Observational learning describes the process of learning through watching others,
retaining the information, and then later replicating the behavior’s that were observed that is
evident in the case Ms. Rinaldi modeled the steps the students should perform in order to
complete the project. This observational learning is absolutely effective as a powerful learning
tool because when we think about the concept of learning, we often talk about direct
instruction or methods that rely on reinforcement and punishment.
b. Similar to the teacher in the video, Ms. Rinaldi is modeling respect: discuss instances in which
this occurs. What type of modeling are used in the case?

Answer: under this case study models can be of an interpersonal imitation or media sources
since effective modeling teaches general rules for dealing different situations. In this situation
Ms. Rinaldi allow her student to watch the movie about respect and thereby reinforcing the
movie’s message about respecting one another buy not call out but raise their hands first.

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