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Rafiki- Lion King

Personal Anthem
Ashlie Rosado
English Literature (5)
Oct. 8, 2018
Rafiki- Lion King
Oh yes, Why this Poem?

● LIfe Lessons
the past can hurt, ● Don’t let the past form you
● The person you were then doesn’t show in the
but the way I see it, future you as a person

You can either run from,

It or learn from it.

Main Meaning (Core Value)
● Selfcare
● Focus on your future instead of past
● Don't let the past define you
Your stronger than what you think,

Your mind is more powerful than anything,

And don't let humanity shape you for what you

Are worth to yourself and others.

Meaning behind the Motto
Everyone gets shot down by what others say and others don't

Realize what they say can damage someone's self esteem.

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