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Dackery Williams

Ms. Cunningham

English 12

02 March 2019

Distracted Driving Awareness- Experience

For my senior capstone project, I was able to complete making a social media page on distracted

driving to help spread awareness.I spent about 2 hours figuring out how I am going to use this

Instagram page to spread awareness and trying to figure out what to post page. I hit a couple of

roadblocks when I decided if I should make a social media page along with a video or if I should

just create a couple of art pieces spreading awareness on distracted, I finally came to a solution

where I changed my ideas from drawing pictures to creating a social media page and the

reasoning behind why I chose to create a social media page is because I felt like social media is

the best platform to spread awareness among people especially when it comes down to distracted

driving. The photo below provides evidence of me creating my Instagram page in order to spread

more awareness on distracted driving.


In the final month, I plan on first gathering about five people to interview them on what their

perspectives are when it comes down to distracted driving and what are the leading causes of

distracted driving then I will record a video of the interviews, editing the video along the way

and to most importantly be able to post it on youtube, I also plan on posting more content on my

Instagram page that consists of quotes, facts, and news that is all on the topic of distracted

driving to spread awareness and to get a lot more interactions with my Instagram page by

reaching out to people to get more followers. In conclusion, this is what I must do In order to get

what needs to get done or to accomplish by the final month.

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