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Dackery Williams

Ms. Cunningham

English 12

15 March 2019

Distracted Driving Awareness- Conclusion and Reflection

My topic is Distracted Driving and the reason why I chose this project is that I feel like

the topic of distracted driving is not really talked about enough so I felt let this would be a

perfect topic for me. One of the problems that I faced while doing this project was figuring out

how I can spread awareness through anything I can and the first thing that I chose was drawings

that help spread distracted driving awareness but then I thought bigger so I made the final

decision of making a social media page. I felt like I accomplished something towards my project

when I created the social media page and when I made the decision to learn and view other’s

perspectives on distracted driving and I did that by interviewing five people which helped me

learn what people think about distracted driving and I also learned from others how distracting

driving can be prevented. I feel like my project would be better If I created a youtube video of

the interviews because I believe youtube is a better platform when it comes to interviewing

people and In terms of others perspectives on distracted driving being spread. In Conclusion, my

advice to any upcoming senior who is going to do a capstone project is to be prepared and try not

to do everything last minute because It is harder to finish the project when It comes down to

trying to do everything last minute.

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