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English Literature (12th grade)
Instructor: Ms. Cunningham

Allow these questions to serve as a guided discovery towards the feelings, drives, and
emotions that inspire you to do those things you love most about your life, your talents, and
your skills and to utilize these unique gifts in a way that enables you to make an impact and
an income doing what you love and are passionate about.

Due Dates:
Handwritten Responses - Due Tuesday, August 14!

➢ Write out your answers on this document

1.If I knew I couldn’t fail I wouldn’t do the senior capstone.

2.During break when I was netflix streaming on shows and movies

3.I see myself successful finally living my dream career which,is being a fashion designer.

4.Last night because,I was really excited about my last year of high school.

5.Will when I do theatre.

6.Help people in need who doesn’t have a home

7.I would by my mom a house and pay off her house off. I would live in L.A or in Miami.
8. Fashion Design,Acting

9.Not graduating and being successful and,becoming an adult in this crazy world.

10. I think maybe I should study a lot more then any other year because,I really want to

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