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All day long, i followed my dream anywhere i go and sometimes there is something/someone blocking

my way and sometimes i achieve getting it but just in my hand, not in my life. I am happy doing it
everyday, doing my rituals in the morning make me think that what am i doing? I sleep in the evening
wake up early in the morning even you feel so sleepy but you have to because there is a task you must
do after your morning rituals. Why is it that education have been part to every human living? Every day I
go to school learning eight subjects. How can I learn all of that subject in just a day? In my young age and
innocent mind, many things came into my mind while learning those eight subject whithin ten months. I
started learning every lesson that teachers given to me and completing the projects that are assigned to
me. Every moved i make, makes me question, what if the system is manipulating me? Because
sometimes the teaching and the lesson the teacher gave us is obviously not true mostly in history
matters. What can a teacher do because that lesson is given to them by the higher department which is
the DepEd. Even they know that that teaching is wrong they are obliged to teach it.

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