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- North german Romberg influence

- Internal dynamics of internal cultures Kenneth Frampton

- Anti rationalist, rejected functionalism such as James Sterling
- Rudolp Schindler, Munich scientific spirituality
- Continuing change, constantly change. Less than utopian conditions
- Architecture based in fantasy and in a dream world, expressionism
- The internal nature of thought and its translation into art
- Tested against dynamism, evolution, onward and upward improvement
- Erskin, Aalto, Utzon. Neoexpressionism
- Pluralist approach to architecture
- Charles Jenks Expressionism
- Fredrick Romberg, crystal and fluid movement. German expressionism
- Painting school of Bahaus, painting of the crystal metaphor catherdral
- France Mark, painter expressionist. Expressed their inner utopian ideals
- Mark rothco, Pollock known as abstract expressionsm
- Kadinsky expressionist
- Paula Modersohn-Bekcker Museum transcdental experience
- Atlantis house
- North west german expressionism
- Crystalline and fluid – Inner realm of a spirit?
- Krarma Peter, The lake house. Pluralist planning in scandenavia
- Dutch architecture was influenced through an American journal which published
works of Richardson, ellis,
- Krama, Deklerk. West Amsterdam
- Medieval church spiers, translation, biomorphic geomorphic forms, machinist
- Presence of ocean liners begin to inform architectural forms
- The tendency, Amsterdam school of architects
- Crystalline, starbust, facetted, Peter Corrigan
- The crystallisation of art nouvea becomes expressionism
- Partly classical, partly expressionist,
- Celebrate spirituality, urban presence
- The glass tower, best known faceted glazed tower
- Bruno Taut, Alpine architecture glass crystal forms. Mountains would be cast as
various architectural forms
- Rudolph steiner, forms that’s designed to refelect aspects of a human being

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