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A person who suffers a disease might experience subjective changes in body functions that

are not apparent to an observer.

Subjective changes in body functions that are not apparent to an observer might be
experienced by a person who suffers a disease

Everybody already knew at the time the mediastinum contains all thoracic organs except the
lungs themselves.

All thoracic organs except the lungs themselves were already known at the time to be
contained by the mediastinum

The visceral pleura clings to the surface of the lungs, and the anterior part of the parietal
pleura lines the chest wall. (2 passives)

The surface of the lungs is clung by the visceral pleura and the chest wall is lined by the
anterior part of the parietal pleura

The 11 pairs of internal intercostal muscles draw adjacent ribs together during forced

Adjarcent ribs are drawn together during forced exhalation by the 11 pairs of internal
intercostal muscles

They claimed that PT students would be studying much harder after the second semester.

PT students were claimed that they would have be studying much harder after the second

PT students were claimed to be studying much harder after the second semester

People believe physiotherapy students will be doing a large amount of study in their own
time and even a larger number of clinical practices.

Students would be being done a large amount of study in their own time and even a larger…

PT students are believed to be doing a larger number…

A large amount of study in their own time and even a larger number of clinical practices were
believed to be being done by PT students

They knew pain relief through acupuncture would occur by the nervous system being
stimulated to produce its own painkilling substances.

Pain relief through acupuncture was known to occur by the nervous system being stimulated
to produce its own painkilling substances
People know that I'm not as strong as they think I am in the things I do.

I am not been as strong as they think I am in the things

I am known not to be as strong as they think

I am known to be as not strong as they think

Some people strongly believed vaccination will not cure certain diseases

Certain diseases were strongly believed not to be cured by vaccination

People didn’t know that this regulation would exclude any smoking by people living in places
like this.

This regulation

They thought the patient had already been at a few sessions of physical therapy.

The patient

A seriously injured patient may require months of PT to regain the strength needed to stand
and walk.

Months of PT May be required by a seriously injured patient to regain the strength needed to
stand and walk

Una lesión seria de un paciente podría requerir meses de pt para recuperar la fuerza
necesaria oara mantenerse de pies y caminar

They already know exercise creates measurable health benefits.


21% of regular patients thought that children were treated better by the law than

Children were throught

Some people believed PTs were closer in training to nurses than they actually are.

A parasagittal plane passes vertically through the midline and cuts the body into halves, right
and left.


People don’t know physiotherapists work in mental health care.


A few people thought that the fee would put people off, especially older people

People was thought to put people off by the fee

people thought that/could be put off by the fee from raising issues to do with abuse

The fee thought that/could put people off from raising issues to do with abuse

People were thought to possibly

The fee was thought to possibly/probably put people off from raising issues to do with

Some people thought that the fee could put people off from raising issues to do with abuse

Who patients think is the best PT in town has little to do with reality.

Who is thought to be the best PT in town…

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