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dee 241991 “Rh Tompson ETHICAL THEORIES IN ISLAM BY MAJID FAKHRY E,J. BRILL : LEIDEN - NEW YORK « KOBENHAVN + KOLN 1991 “The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and dusabilty of she Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Cound on Library Resources, Library of Congress Cataloging: Fate, Mai il thai in Iam by Majid ay Pi ert et poy and theo, ISSN 01604725: «8 Tad ibigrpicl references and index TSaNT soneosnor (enh) Pneenis. Phlowphy, bmi. 1. Tie nie Bia fae 901 287" 3de20 9042390 cP. ISSN 0169-8729 ISBN 90 0 09300 1 © Copyright 1991 by EJ. Bel, Leiden, The Neth All ight wrod. No art of this Bok may be eroded or road in any Jorn, by print, hotprise, mice, micefiche ‘ray other mean witha! writen permission fem the publisher Aathorzation to pltoopy items for intemal or personal te ie gontd by E.J. Br provided that. the propriate es ae paid dnc t Capit Clarance Cone, 27 Congres Ste, SALEM MA (01970, USA. Fees are subject to change. ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction PART ONE: SCRIPTURAL MORALITY Cuarrer One Tite Koranic Eros I. Text and Interpretation IL, Goodness (Khayr) and Rightousnes (bin) « III, Divine Justice IV. Human Responsibility Cutarer Two Tue Evipence oF tHe Traprrions PART TWO: THEOLOGICAL ETHICS Cuapren One Britcat RaTionauisM I. The Deontological Grounds of Right and Wrong 11. Human Capacity and Responsibility III. Divine Wisdom and Justice .... Cuapren Two Eniucat Vorunranism: THe Earty DETERMINISTS AND THE ASHARITES 1. ‘The Divine Will as the Ground of Right and Wrong IL. Capacity and Acquisition (kasb) IIL. Justice and Injustice as Applied to God PART THREE: PHILOSOPHICAL ETHICS Carrer One Gneex Sources or Paitosopiicat, Eruics I, Channels of Transmission . .. IL. Greek Ethical Texts . IIL. The Nicomachean Ethics Cuaprer Two Socratic anp Srorc Preiupes I, Al-Kindi (d. ea. 866) and the Ideal of Apatheia IL, Al-Razi (d. a. 925) and the ‘Philosophical Way’ u u 12 14 7 2 31 31 35 46 53 55 6 6 63 65 67 67 70

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