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1. Train Surfing Is A Dangerous New Trend In South Africa.

It involves young men hanging onto,

running alongside, climbing over and dancing on trains. Participation in this risky activity isn't
huge, but people are increasingly getting involved.
2. BASE jumping is parachuting or wingsuit flying from a fixed structure. "BASE" is an acronym that
stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: building, antenna, span,
and earth (cliff).
3. The walkway is only a foot width wide and has been built clinging to the absolutely vertical cliff.
One misstep would send travellers plunging thousands of feet down into the valley.
4. The Hussaini-Borit Lake bridge in northern Pakistan is made from rotting wooden planks that
look like they are about to come apart at any minute.
5. Macau tower is the highest bungee jumping location in the world. You’ll reach speeds of over
200 mph.
6. You’re at the bottom of the hill, the yak is at the top, and a long rope connects the two of you
with a pulley system at the peak. As soon as you are equipped with your skis you get handed
some yak food and…off you go!
7. This human catapult will launch you like a cannonball. Where you land is up to you.
8. Slacklining is the activity of balancing on a rope or strip of webbing that is fixed high
above the ground but not stretched so as to be taut. It’s basically the modern equivalent
of tight rope walking.
9. Apparently doing a split and skating under moving cars is all the rage in India these days.
10. If you think regular bungee jumping is for boring wannabes then how about bungee jumping
over a lake full of hungry crocodiles.
11. In 1770 the king of present day Hawaii demanded that his men all jump from the highest cliff he
could find and hit the water without making a splash to prove their loyalty.So cliff diving has
become popular in Brazil.Just make sure there’s actually some water before you jump.
12. It’s basically like snowboarding except you’re on a live volcano that can explode at any minute.
13. Cage diving with great white sharks in South Africa is a once in a lifetime experience .With
nothing but a steel cage between you and the sharks this activity is actually much safer than it

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