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Assalamualaikum Wr.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Vena Agustina. You can call me

Vena. I was born in Pati, Central Java, Indonesia in 2000. My hobbies are reading,
writing, and swimming. In 2012 I completed my elementary school education in
Tayu, Pati. In 2015 I completed my junior high school education in Tayu, Pati. At
junior high school I joined OSIS and marching band organization. Then I
completed my secondary education at senior high school at MAN 2 Pati in 2018
in Tayu, Pati also. At senior high school I joined scientific organization. After
that, I decided to continue my bachelor degree at Semarang State University. I
used SNMPTN to register at that university and I accepted in International Class
of Mathematics Education using Bidikmisi Scholarship. In 2015 I got fourth place
in Science Festival in Jepara and also I joined physics competition. In 2016 I got
the highest National Examination score at my school. And also in 2016 I joined
Mathematics Olympic in district level at SMA 2 Pati. And then in 2017 I joined
Mathematics Olympic again at SMA 1 Pati and also KSM (Mathematics
Competition) at MAN 2 Pati. In 2018 I joined OKINES (UNNES Chemical
Olympic) and also I got the highest Islamic National Examination at the school
but fourth place in my district. At Semarang State University I joined Student
Scientific Center Organization in Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty. And
also I attended many seminars, talkshow, and also I became a comittee of a
talkshow that organized by underbow of mathematics study club (MSC). That’s
all from me.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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