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Bath of Solitary

Theme: A kid on the edge of suicide after dealing with his parents leaving and his depression.

(Man vs Himself)

Setting: An orphanage School, The Janitor closet. The hallway outside the closet


Henry: A lonely grade schooler full of depression after being left by his parents and being alone in school

Ms. Erica: She is the teacher of Henry and is the only person who seems relatable to Henry

Scott: Another grade schooler who is a bully to Henry, Scott bullies people to get attention to feel above
to everyone else to hide his insecurity.

Zack: His companion who is friendly to everyone and is only seeking of the approval of Scott


(Henry sees the two bullies in the hallway ready to confront the kid for telling on them to the teacher)

Henry: (murmuring) Oh shoot

Scott: Hey chug face you are so dead for telling on us you little brat

Henry: (panicking) I’m sorry I’m sorry please don’t hurt me

Zack: Yeah we forgive you, but you told on us and the teacher told our parents and that’s going to cost

Henry: Ohh thanks I forgive you guys too

Scott: (giving a stern look to Zack) What the hell are you talking about?! We don’t forgive him, that little
cockroach got what was coming to him

Zack: (stuttering) Yeah that’s what I meant

Scott: (slowly turns his head towards the kid) I don’t want to see your face ever again, you got that chug
face (grabs the kid and throws him into the Janitors Closet.

Henry: But – but I forgive you.

Zack: Doesn’t mean we do.

Scott: (giggles) You’re so weak, no wonder Mommy and Daddy left you (loudly shuts the door)

Henry: (staring blankly at the closet door with his eyes tearing up)

Henry: (Henry in tears) This is the worst I hate my life, my parents left me, I have no friends, I’m so

(Henry sees a knife on the shelf inside the janitor closet)

Henry: He’s right I’m so weak it’s my fault they left me, I have nothing to live for, no one would even look
or talk to me.

(Henry stands up, locks the door, and grabs the knife)

Henry: (tearing and stuttering) I always knew it would end this way.

(The door started knocking interrupting the kid who is about to cut his wrist)
Ms. Erica: Are you in here? (Tries to open door but its locked) Are you okay in there? you have been gone
for 10 minutes you’re skipping class already.

Henry: Leave me alone! this is it I’m done with life, it’s a waste I want to end this suffering.

(Other students see the situation and gather with the teacher at the door)

Ms. Erica: (looks at the two bullies disappointingly) O – okay, just - just calm down, (nervously) what’s
your name?

Henry: Henry.

Ms. Erica: That’s a beautiful name Henry you have the same name as my father, he was a good man
Henry, and you are too

Henry: (mocking) Hahah yeah right, no one likes me, no one wants to talk to me, no one even knows my

Ms. Erica: You are Henry even if you don’t see it, you are good.

Henry: Th – Thank you. (calming down)

Henry: (sucking in his tears) What happened to your dad?

Ms. Erica: He and my Mother died when I was 14

Henry: Oh… well I’m sorry to hear that.

Ms. Erica: Thank you, Henry, I know that this is a rough time for you, but that doesn’t mean that you
have to walk away, there is still hope even if it doesn’t seem like it

Henry: So what? Who cares about hope? Theres no point, even if I were to stop myself from doing this,
what then huh? I would just be some idiot who almost gets the opportunity to see his parents again but
blew it just to stay in school and be treated like crap?

Ms. Erica: I know that your parents aren’t here but think about it, as their child wouldn’t they want
what’s best for you?

Henry: (starting to lose the grip to the knife)

Ms. Erica: Henry, you never got the chance to be with your family, now you do.

Henry: Who? I have no family.

Ms. Erica: Well, you have us.

Henry: what about “us”? All you guys did was leave me alone and show me how much of a stranger I am

Ms. Erica: We all have a lot in common more than you think Henry, we have all been abandoned,
dumped, left alone, but we’re still here Henry.

Ms. Erica: So please Henry open the door and come out.

(Henry opens the door in tears and hugs Ms. Erica)

Ms. Erica: It’s okay Henry

(Ms. Erica kneels down and holds his shoulders with a reassuring face)
Ms. Erica: Come on now let’s go back to class

Henry: (mouthing the words) Okay

(Henry’s classmates including the bullies starts comforting him while returning to the classroom)



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