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Mencione algunos factores por los cuales las personas se mudan del campo de la
In cities, the people are generally better educated, with higher incomes. They are further
along in the demographic transition and have lower birthrates than people in the coun-
tryside. The growth of urban population is caused by people moving to the cities from the
countryside. They do so because of the higher income levels in the cities—economic
opportunity—and the hope of more chances for an exciting life. They also move because
population growth in the countryside stretches available food, water, arable land, and other

12. ¿En los países en desarrollo quien ha sido considerado el o la principal generador de
capital hombre o mujer?
Economic development in poor countries is closely tied to the status of women in those
societies. This is a relatively recent revelation; most attention for decades had focused on
men as supposedly the main generators of capital.

13. ¿Cuál es el rol de las mujeres en los países del sur?

Women have organized cooperatives throughout the global South, often in rural areas, to
produce income through weaving and other textile and clothing production, retail stores,
agriculture, and so forth. In the slums of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, women heads of house-
hold with no land for subsistence farming had been forced into beg-ging and prostitution.
Women have organized cooperatives throughout the global South, often in rural areas, to
produce income through weaving and other textile and clothing production, retail stores,
agriculture, and so forth.

14. ¿Qué es migración?

Someone who moves to a new country in search of better economic opportunities, a better
professional environment, or better access to his or her family, culture, or religion is
engaging in migration.

15. De que regiones del mundo provienen principalmente los migrantes?

Most industrialized states try to limit immi-gration from the global South. Despite border
guards and fences, many people migrate any- way, illegally. In the United States, such immi-
grants come from all over the world, but mostly from nearby Mexico, Central America, and
the Caribbean. In Western Europe, they come from North Africa, Turkey, and (increasingly)
Eastern Europe.

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