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Chenelle Cates

Professor Jessica Graue

Online ENG 1201

16 March 2019

Online Casebook

My essay will cover the topic of circus animal abuse. The writing will provide in-depth

details on the struggles that animals undergo while in the entertainment business. Many circus

animals are kept in horrible conditions; furthermore, some fatally abuse when they do not show

compliance. Also, the essay will inform readers on several ways to help those abuse animals.

Niedrich, Anastasia. “Animals in Circuses and the Laws Governing Them.” ​Animal Law Legal

Center​, Michigan State University, 1 Jan. 2010,

Niedrich informs readers on the dangers on animal abuse in circus. This article is

credible, organized, and professional. The paper provides a detailed analysis of federal and

international laws that affect circus animals. It focuses on three species that are a concern for

circus. The paper also outlines the threats that circus animals and audience members faced. I will

use this research in my essay by including the international laws as well as the evidence provided

by the three species.

“Circuses.” ​Animal Equality​, 19 Sept. 2012,

¨Circuses¨ educates readers on the different ways circus animals are abused. The article also

provides information about the effects that can occur such as mental illness and capture
myopathy. This is an informative piece which will help me write my essay. This paper

shows relevancy, accuracy, and purpose toward circus animal cruelty. I will use the

information provided in the text to fully explain the side effects that animals experience..

Bligh, Cherry. ​Last Chance for Animals - Factory Farming,​ Animal Cruelty at Circuses

Bligh provides in-depth details about how animals are treated in the circus but more

specifically the Ringling Bros. Bligh explains why the circus company is shutting down due to

it´s known abused towards animals. Firstly, the author explains the background of the company.

Then she proceeds to give general information about how animals are treated in training and

during a performance. This source provides reliable statics that aid the purpose of my essay. I

will use this article to give readers a general understanding as to why this is an important and

concerning topic.

Winders, Delcianna J. ​Newsweek,​ 3 Nov. 2016,

Winders provides evidence that some circus keep animals in poor conditions and beats

them senseless. The articles informs readers on several different occasion when animals were

several abuse while being forced to participated in circus activities. The evidence in this article

can be fact checked which makes it reliable. I will use this source to prove to readers that

animals are truly being abused.

Carmeli, Yoram S. “‘Cruelty to Animals’ and Nostalgic Totality: Performance of a Travelling

Circus in Britain.” ​International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy,​ vol. 22, no. 11/12,

Nov. 2002, pp. 73–88. ​EBSCOhost​, doi:10.1108/01443330210790201.



Carmeli explains in this paper why animal cruelty is harmful to both spectatures and to

the animals. This paper provides a different aspects to the topic of animal cruelty, Cameli takes

tha viewpoint of the objectification of animals in the circus ring affects the mindset of the

specatatetures. This article is reliable and aids the purpose of my essay. I will use this paper to

show readers that people view the topic in various ways.

“Call to Boycott Circus Abusing Animals in Name of Entertainment.” ​Pretoria News (South

Africa),​ 2013. ​EBSCOhost​,


Pretoria News (South Africa) explains why it is important to take a stand against circus

animal cruelty. This sources proves that there are people willing to boycott and make petitions to

end circus that harm animals. I believe that this research is the beginning of a long journey to end

all circus cruelty. This article’s purpose coordinates with my essay and is reliable. I will use this

in my essay to shows readers the possible ways to fight for animal equality.

Nisha, P. R. “Ban and Benevolence: Circus, Animals and Indian State.” ​Indian Economic &

Social History Review​, vol. 54, no. 2, Apr. 2017, pp. 239–266. ​EBSCOhost​,



Nisha provides evidence on a ban in India against performance animal in circuses. This

ban shows that others are taking into account that animals should not be put in dangerous

environments. The article also discuss how animals might feel during their captivity in circuses.

This evidence can be verified therefore this is a reliable source that can help me write my essay. I

will use this in my essay to show readers that other countries have to precautions into effect to

avoid any animal abuse.

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