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1 Cornejo

Sienna Cornejo


English Lit (5)

10 October 2018

“Regret Something you did not Something you Didn’t”

I’m a very shy and introverted person so I use this motto as motivation. I find my myself

constantly repeating this to myself. This motto also goes along with my beliefs about life. I

believe that we were put on the Earth by accident so it doesn't matter what we do with our lives.

From the time of birth and the time of death it’s all on borrowed time so why not live an exciting

and fulfilled life with no regrets. After being in high school, for three years I have regretted a lot

of my choices. But after high school, I’ll be able to travel the world and find who I am so when I

die I know I used my borrowed time well. I like this motto because it shows my pessimistic side

even though life has no meaning it can still be fun.

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