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Jordan Keith

March 13, 2019

Professor Trotter

English 1201

Working Bibliography

My essay will attempt to answer the question as to why Autism is on the rise. I am trying

to learn about the rise in Autism and what is causing this. Is it the broadening of the spectrum or

is it something more drastic? I am looking into the “causes” of Autism and just trying to get a

better understanding of what Autism is all about. I also want to learn more about the spectrum

itself and what qualifies as Autism and what does not.

“Autism Rates across the Developed World.” Focus for Health, 21 Dec. 2018, Accessed 3 Mar. 2019

Across the world the Autism rates are drastically different. America is number 3 in the

world for highest autism rate. We are outnumbered by South Korea and Hong Kong. Autism is

characterized by having poor social skills, repetitive behavior and having some speech problems.

There is no cure for Autism but having Autism leads to other problems like bowel issues and

extremely bad anxiety. Treating these symptoms reduces the stress the person might have and

could make them behave better and function better in society. It is made aware that these

statistics are not completely accurate because not all places in each country are aware of Autism

and its signs. These are just based off of the information that has been reported.
This is an informational article with its target audience being parents or students looking

into the rates around the world. This is also targeted towards people who have autistic children

or family members because it gives the signs and treatments of Autism.

This article was published on on FocusForHealth which is a reliable website for a lot of

health related problems and topics. All of these statistics are current numbers with all of the

places cited at the bottom of the article. There is a source cited for almost every piece of

information in the article.

I plan to use this article when explaining Autism around the world. I will also use some

of the Autism statistics and symptoms in my paper as well because I want to give a good

understanding of Autism in my paper.

Braus, Patricia. "Autism." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science, edited by K. Lee Lerner

and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, 5th ed., Gale, 2014. Science In Context,

dec. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

The numbers in Autism are going up and it is very obvious. In 1992, there were slightly

more than 15,500 diagnosed cases of Autism. In 2003, there were about 141,000 diagnosed

cases and in 2013 there are between 1.5-1.8 million diagnosed cases of Autism. Autism is now

considered the to be the fastest growing developmental disability in the country. It is found to be

four times more likely in boys and has no correlation between race and social background. The

cause in Autism is still unknown but it is most likely biological in origin.

This is an academic article used to inform students and even parents about Autism and

the number related to it. It can also be used for research papers or personal research for anyone

interested in learning more about Autism.

This article was published on Gale which is an online research website. All of the

articles are credible on this site which would make this article credible and all of the information

true. All of the information is sited at the bottom of this article as well.

I plan to use this information in my paper when I am writing about the actual numbers on

the rise. This article gives plenty of useful information on proving that there is a rise and it gives

some insight as to why there is a rise.

Carey, Benedict. “Diagnoses of Autism on the Rise, Report Says.” The New York Times,

The New York Times, 29 Mar. 2012,

diagnoses-has-climbed-study-finds.html. Accessed 2 Mar. 2019

It is very known that Autism is on the rise but scientists are stuck as to why. The two

major options are that there is heightened awareness of the disorder so more children are being

diagnosed. The other option is that there is an actual increase in the disease and if that's the case

the cause is still unknown. Diagnosing the disorder is not an exact science because there is a

spectrum which means the severity of the disorder varies greatly depending on the person. It has

been proven that males are five times more likely to be diagnosed than females.

This article was written to give some insight on what scientist think the rise is caused by.

This article is meant for parents of autistic children or anyone wanting to find out more on

Autism. It also gives some statistics on Autism as well. It explains the difference between males

and females.
This article is credible because it was published on The New York Times which is a

nationally recognized magazine which means most of the information on this is true and backed

by research. It is written by Benedict Carey who has been a science reporter since 2004 and is

very credible with The New York Times.

I will use this article when I am talking about the possible reasons why autism is on the

rise. It gives plenty of insight on what scientists are thinking about right now and concluding

about the rise.

“CDC Increases Estimate of Autism's Prevalence by 15 Percent, to 1 in 59 Children.”

Autism Speaks,

15-percent-1-59-children.Accessed 3 Mar. 2019

Autism Speaks has taken the new data stating that 1 in 59 have been diagnosed with

Autism and submitting it to the Government. They are hoping that with the help of the

government they can get to the bottom of this drastic rise. The government has better tools to

use to survey and find out information than Autism Speaks. They are still very unsure as to what

is causing this drastic change which is why they are asking for help.

This is an informational article used to inform parents or even students about the current

situation. They are explaining their next step in the process of coming to the bottom of this rise.

They explain that they are asking the government for assistance.

This is posted on the Autism Speaks which is an organization that is funded to inform

people of Autism and they also do research to find cures or treatments of information. All of

their information was cited at the bottom of their article.

I plan to use this in my paper by explaining that they don’t have an answer for why the

rise is happening and that they are in the process of finding one. I also plan to do more research

on this website and find even more information that I can use.

"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 'Autism and Thimerosal.'." Gale

Science in Context, Gale, 2017. Science In Context,

ea. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

It has been a hot topic for many years that vaccines are the cause for Autism. That was

proven wrong almost as quickly as it was it was published but people are still stuck on that

thought. Thimerosal is a chemical in Vaccines that was perceived to be the culprit for this.

Since that theory it has been proven time and time again that it has no harmful effects on people

at all and it certainly does not cause Autism. Thimerosal has been removed from most childhood

vaccines yet the rates continue to climb which goes against the theory that it is a factor in the

development of Autism.

This is an informational article used to inform the public that Thimerosal has to

correlation to Autism. It has been proven over and over again and this article explains that. It
also goes into detail about how it has been removed from vaccines. This article is used to


This is a very credible source because it was published by the CDC which is the

government organization in charge of all of the diseases and side effects of medication. All of

the information that has been posted on this website is backed by science and research.

I plan on using this in my paper when I cover some of the myths of Autism and when I go

over some of the history of the disease. It goes over some more research that has been done in

regards to that vaccine and Autism as a whole. This article will be very helpful in my paper.

“Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

Accessed 3 Mar. 2019

The medical expenses are much higher for children with Autism because it usually leads

to other health problems. There medical expenses are about $6,000 more per year than children

without Autism. Along with medical expenses some also have to get behavior help which can

add up to over $60,000 per year. Autism is also diagnosed in the early childhood around the age

of 3 but signs can show as early as before their first birthday.

This is an informational article used to inform the public about the economic statistics

around Autism. This would be good for people with children or family members that just got

diagnosed to see what could be in their near future.

This article was written by the CDC which is a government department. All of the

information on this has been backed by government research and and all of the work is cited at

the bottom of every article.

Fergus, Kathleen A., MS, CGC, and Margaret Alic, PhD. "Autism Spectrum Disorders."

The Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders, edited by Tracie Moy and Laura Avery, 4th ed.,

vol. 1, Gale, 2016, pp. 215-221. Science In Context,

1d. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

There is a lot of research that leads people to believe Autism is possibly genetic. There is

a gene that is common among most called predisposition but the genetics are extremely

complicated. About 100 genes and over 50 chromosomal abnormalities can be linked to Autism.

All of the different genes can be a cause for the variety in symptoms. Since it is not one specific

gene it can be linked to many different parts of the body and functions. It has been suggested

that every case of ASD is linked to a set of genetic and environmental factors specific to each


This is a research article used that was published for the use of writing research papers. It

also could be used for families wanting to do research on their family member. This was written

a couple of years ago which means the genetic information could have changed because of

advances that have been made.

This was written on a science research database which means all of this information is

valid and backed with science and research. It is very credible and most of the articles are

written by scientists. There is a work cited at the bottom explaining where all of their

information came from.

I plan on using this information when I go into detail about what scientists think the cause

could be for Autism. There is a lot of information in this article that covers all of the information

I need to give a thorough evaluation of what scientist assume is going on.

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