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Elizabeth A. Bryant University Supervisor James Madison University 725 Frederick Rd Harrisonburg, VA 22801 March 16, 2019 To Whom It May Concern, Itis my pleasure to recommend Courtney Williams for a teaching position in your school system. {As part of her graduate program, Ms. Williams fulfilled a sixteen week Practicum experience at Wayland Elementary School in Rockingham County, where I was assigned as her University Supervisor through James Madison University. This experience occurred in the Fall of 2018. Ms. Williams was placed in a Fifth grade classroom. My responsibilities as a University Supervisor include working closely with my students and their Cooperating Teacher to support them as they practice theit skills as future educators. [ enjoyed working with Ms. Williams and observed very quickly her professionalism and enthusiasm for her chosen profession. Ms. Williams's greatest assets include her professionalism and maturity. She is one of those students who stood out as being an authentic teacher right from the beginning. Her mother is a teacher as well, and Courtney apparently learned a great deal from her! She is a natural with relating to her students, planning and preparing engaging lessons and communicating in a very professional manner, She developed an excellent relationship with both her Cooperating teacher and myself. She needed little supervision as she put hours into finding best practices and learning through ongoing assessing what her students needed. She planned differentiated lessons that ‘were engaging and offered varying strategies for all learners. One particular lesson was teaching. strategies for multiplying decimals. She was able to do this by having 3 rotations. One group played a Bingo game, one a dominos game and one was in small group for additional support. ‘She moved among all groups, asking students to explain their work and assessed by using fingers up to show level of understanding, All students were engaged and learning from each other. Ms, Williams demonstrated professionalism by reflecting on her lessons and always being open for suggestions so she could grow as a teacher. Her students showed her respect as they would a seasoned teacher, and she created a classroom that was safe and inclusive for all. confidently recommend Courtney Williams to your school system as a strong, contributing ‘team member and a passionate educator for your students. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at or by phone at 770-380-4012. Sincerely, ST

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