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Achterberg 1

Colin Achterberg

Professor Hughes

ENG 1201

14 March 2019

Annotated Bibliography

"Babies Are Being Born Addicted to Prescription Drugs." Prescription Drugs, edited by Sylvia

Engdahl, Greenhaven Press, 2014. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in


=03c25872. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

When mothers can not over come addiction, and use when pregnant, their baby can be

born dependent to the drugs. The hospital then must keep constant supervision over the new born

baby trying to get him/her off the dope. This article is focused from a specific hospital in

Tennessee. The hospital statistics are constant with the rest of the world. Drug dependent babies

are being seen more often now in all hospitals from a decade ago. The research in this article will

show how children, even ones that have lived for five minutes on this earth, can be affected.

"Drugs and Narcotics." Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, edited by Donna Batten, 3rd ed.,

vol. 4, Gale, 2010, pp. 28-35. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

d=b7216906. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

Achterberg 2

As the drug epidemic has gotten worse, more severe laws have been made in attempt to

stop the trafficking and buying of drugs. In this article, it focuses on explaining the laws imposed

on the illegal drugs. In the past many years ago, there was no such regulations on these drugs,

and this article shows history of criminalization against the drugs. Back in the day, opium and

cocaine were legal and prosecutors were pressing for criminalization of alcohol instead. The

research obtained from this article will help explain how the government is trying to intervene

with drug use.

"Drugs and the Teen Brain." New York Times Upfront, 19 Nov. 2018, p. 20+. Opposing

Viewpoints in Context,

9af05ead. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

The human brain doesn’t fully develop until a person’s early to mid-twenties. This article

focuses on the use of drugs for juveniles. Teens are at an even higher risk then adults when using

drugs because they could mess up the development of their brain. Not only that, teens have a

higher chance of developing an addiction and feeling reliant on a drug. This research will be

used to explain juvenile drug use and how it affects teens.

LOCKWOOD, CHARLES J. “Why Is There an Opioid Crisis? Like the Road to Hell, the Road

to the Opioid Crisis Was Paved with Good Intentions.” Contemporary OB/GYN, vol. 63,

no. 2, Feb. 2018, pp. 6–10. EBSCOhost,

Achterberg 3

This article helps explain that when many years ago, all these drugs were not necessarily

a bad thing. The reason all the pills were made was to help people tolerate pains. There are

statistics in the increase from thousands of OxyContin pills sold to millions of them. Also, the

article explains way that physicians are trying to help the epidemic. This research will be used to

show the good intentions that the world had until people started miss using their power.

McCutcheon, Chuck. "Opioid Addiction." CQ Researcher, 14 June 2018,

There have been many strategical moves to try to uphold the drug epidemic. In this

article, it explains new strategies in ways to stop the epidemic and get overdose numbers down.

There is also great statistics with in this article that will be useful for my paper. This research is

going to be used to add information and statistics to make my paper more credible.

"Opioid Crisis." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Opposing Viewpoints in


=62bbf27a. Accessed 3 Mar. 2019.

This article gives information in many different aspects. It states how the drugs flood the

streets all the way to how the government is getting them off the streets. This article also has

many facts, such as it is telling me that 115 people average overdose every day and that was just

in 2017. This research will be used to add extra facts and provide more credibility on my other


Reed, Anika. "Drug Abuse." CQ Researcher, 29 June 2017,
Achterberg 4

In this article it talks about the government curbing the drug epidemic. Assessing if the

legislation passed can cause a decrease on the epidemic. Anti-addiction programs have been

funded in attempt to get people clean. Although users have kept going up. The research from this

article will help me assess what the government is doing to intervene with the chaos of drugs.

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