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101 Ways To Transform Your Life Wayne W. Dyer Begin. You need to begin looking forward at who you are and why you are here instead of outward at the physical world or anything in it. This is your sacred quest. Grow. Know that there is an invisible intelligence in everything. You have the power to make contact with this Divine Intelligence and create a life of bliss. Draw your inner energy from the beauty that surrounds you. When you do so, this energy reception will become a source of strength and sustenance in your life. ‘Attempt to remove all enemies from your thoughts, The same intelligence that flows through you, flows through all human beings. When you know that, you are connected to all, you cannot fathom striking out at others, let alone feeling hatred for them. Be peaceful, experience silence, meditate, and really listen to God. The result will be that you will find the solution to each of your problems within yourself - be it related to relationships, finances, health, or self-image. Keep in mind that grievances bring turmoil, while communication brings peace. If you are ‘angry at someone in your life, work at communicating with that person about your aggrieved feelings ~ no matter how difficult it may be, Write down this ancient truth and reread it on a dally basis: When you seek happiness for yourself, it wll always elude you. When you seek happiness for others, you will find it yourself. Work at being content with who you are, rather than pleasing others by being inauthentic. Say to yourself, "I am what Iam, and it is okay as long as I am not hurting anyone else in the process. Relax about the future, and let it go. Instead, make an active commitment to enjoy this day a little more. It is very difficult to accomplish anything when you are stressed over the outcome, When you relax and get peaceful, you become inspired and efficient, Let go of the concept that more is better. This idea keeps us exclusively in the physical domain. You can replace the more-{s-better belief with an inner serenity that does not need “more' to be acceptable, Forgive yourself for your transgressions. See that mistakes are lessons for you to transcend, Release yourself from the tyranny of self-recrimination, Make the decision to be free. Entertain the thought that you remove habits from your life by coaxing them downstairs one step at a time. Try to catch individual toxic thoughts in the moment they are occurring, one moment at a time, one day at a time, and you will be able to achieve the transition from toxic to pure. Be still and know. These four words will help you get past striving and help you get to know. the bliss of being here now. When you allow yourself to be still, you will understand the futility of constant striving or chasing after more. Get back to nature. Give yourseif time in the woods, trekking in the mountains, walking in ‘open meadows, or walking barefoot on the beach. When you take the time to drink In the beauty of the natural world, you will release your belief that things and accumulations are needed for you to feel complete. Shed your faultfinding tendencies. Know that you are the creator of your life and that a lo presence is within you. Your ability to be self-reliant will overtake your habit of assigning blame. Learn to allow others to work out their difficulties without feeling that you are the only one. who can fix things. Your ego is pushing you to intervene, while your higher self wants you to experience peace and harmony. Choose the latter. Put this affirmation in as many places as possible: In my world, nothing ever goes wrong. Look at it each day and let it remind you that everything that is happening to you is in divine order and comes with a lesson. Be conscious of your thoughts, of the makeup of your internal dialogue. Know that any thoughts you repeat that are contrary to your divine eternal essence are keeping you from experiencing the Joyous and complete life you deserve. Lighten your material load, starting TODAY. As you do so, less energy is spent hoarding, insuring, moving, polishing, and so on. The less attached you are to your possessions, and the ‘more you are able to share them with others unconditionally, the more peaceful your life will be. Redirect your thought. If your first inclination is to have a judgmental thought about the physical appearance of someone, notice that you are doing so, and redirect your thought to ‘consider the fullness of God within that person. Make an attempt to shift your career objectives from self-absorption to a "calling." Use your talents and special interests to fulfil your service with your calling. Your life work will take on a dramatic shift toward abundance, and you will feel that you are “on purpose.” Make an attempt to tame your ego. By catching yourself when you persistently use the pronoun "I", you can make the decision to take the focus off of yourself. The more you cut back on "I", the more personal freedom you will experience. Remember that you are not your country, your race, or your religion. You are an eternal spirit. Seeing yourself as a spiritual being without labels is a way to transform the world and reach a sacred place for all of humanity. When you feel an inclination to blame someone else for your circumstances, take an instant to say a prayer of thanks for the lesson. The lesson is to become aware that you are the one experiencing the feeling. If you are engaging in addictive behavior of any kind, the most effective way to rid yourself of the addiction is to go directly to your higher self and tum the problem over to God. That's right, Just turn it over. Surrender, knowing that the highest force in the universe is within you. Spend a day silently reciting the word love whenever you encounter another human being. ‘This practice has such a positive effect that you may choose to use it as a silent background mantra throughout your day. Practice releasing the emotions of fear and guilt and replacing them with love, forgiveness, and kindness. If you are feeling guilty about your past conduct, remind yourself that you are inviting turmoil into your life. Release the guilt by forgiving yourself and vowing to avoid that kind of conduct in the future. Being to change the vocabulary you use to describe yourself and your expectations. Instead ‘of saying "Maybe," "If Tm lucky,” "Perhaps," and "One never knows,” use words and Phrases such as "Absolutely," "Certainly," and "I know T-can.” When you use words that reflect an absence of doubt, you will conduct your life in the same way. Judge not. If you see someone who is very different from you in physical appearance or in age or in economic status, use your mind to send them love rather than a judgmental thought. Surrender, Accept the fact that your body will die and that you are eternal. Surrender to this fact when someone dies, and stop telling yourself that his or her death "shouldn't have happened” the way that it did. You can surrender and you can grieve. Make a daily effort to look upon others without condemnation. Every judgment takes you away from your goal of peace. Keep in mind that you do not define anyone with your Judgment; you only define yourself as someone who needs to judge. Give yourself the gift of a silent retreat every day, even if itis only for a few moments, Go back to that key of HIGHER AWARENESS ~ shutting down the inner dialogue -- and know that this is your ticket to peace. Notice the acts of kindness that other people do, rather than their wrongdoing. We are all good, decent, loving souls, but we occasionally get lost. When you can focus on the good in another and hold that in your mind, you are acting from your higher self. Remember that what you think about expands. Since you have the power to make your Inner ‘world work for you or against you, use it to create the images of bliss that you want to occur in your material world. Eventually, that inner bliss will be the blueprint that you consult as the architect of your everyday life. When you have the choice to be right or to be kind, always choose being kind. Remember ‘that you have that choice in all of your daily interactions. Begin keeping track of the judgmental thoughts that you allow into your mind each day. Increasing your awareness of this judging habit will help you consult your loving presence as these judgmental attitudes surface, Know that you are not your name, your occupation, or your Social Security number. You are eternally light and divine, regardless of what you have done or have failed to do, regardless of ‘what family you lived in or what you may have been labeled. In the God Intelligence, you are holy, and you have a purpose for being here! Look into @ mirror and say out loud: "I love you, I value you, and I know that there is much more to you than what I see staring back at me.” You will find yourself going beyond the

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