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Consultation 111

This is a 64 year old man indicated that he was following intakes because he’s all balance in the fall
forward until there’s some switches from the exam the edge of malarkey sodium sentence and since
he’s taking regnant at that time the conspiracy kept evolving, sign checks regnant. Must consider in, it
was recommended because it was spectated that it was current. He indicates that when he falls down
now he cannot get back up, that he need to have someone help him. That he has frequented his nose
particularly when he first stands up once that his speeches becomes stirred, that senses fall. He said he
didn’t made a big change his speech with regards to slurring but he has had trouble for a time now and
try to remember proper words to express his thoughts. He denies any other problem with his memory.
We even our logic sentence reveals has most significant problem with headaches. He has lost in his left
eye and synopsis reports his right eye now has in difficult and its hard for him to read, he’s now a waver
for having ever has seizures. His wife giving him all stats for swallowing problems at recently.

Physically exam giving him alert cooperative old man, he’s not afraid to be distress to this time.
Intellectual function test closely that’s suggests patient may had some mal problem in memory but he
recalled me and my name when I first walked in room and his room is well oriented. She is right handed
and speech maybe very slightly slurred and noticed that he’s changes that noted that makes remarkable

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