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I. Introduction
II. Biography of Marcos
A. Early life
1. As a law student
2. As young politician
3. As president
B. Marcos as a soldier
1. His war exploits
2. As decorated soldier
C. Marcos as a president and statesman
1. Leader and man of vision
2. Great achievements
a. Land reform
b. Infrastructure and energy programs
c. Green revolution
d. Masagana 99
D. Allegations
1. Human rights violation
2. Dictatorship
3. Ill gotten wealth
III. Philippines’ situation during Marcos’ regime
A. Before martial law
1. Rebellion
2. Secession
B. Under martial law
1. The New Society
IV. Philippines after Marcos
A. Economic status
1. Agriculture
2. Foreign investors
B. The society
V. Marcos as a hero
A. Reasons and facts
B. Other heroes in comparison with Marcos
1. Fidel Castro
2. Lee Kuan Yew
VI. Conclusion: The mass’ view on Marcos’ heroism

Ferdinand Marcos, a well known leader, was also a decorated soldier who battled during

World War II and became part of the terrible Death March. Despite his brave acts and dedication

to make a better Philippines, until now his heroism is being questioned while other great men

who fought our freedom are recognized instantly as a hero, regardless by their few mistakes.

Being a hero plays an important role because it represents the identity and ideals of one’s culture.

Heroism can’t be obtained by a person if his achievements were overshadowed by his

wrongdoing acts. Heroes are not perfect, they also make mistakes. Ferdinand Marcos clearly

have achievements that should be saluted for our country, however these accomplishments were

not given attention, or was accidentally forgotten, because corruption, dictatorship, martial law,

and cruelty have always first to come up to our mind every time we hear his name. When it

comes to issue about Marcos’ heroism, people become divided.

Many are against it because they said he failed to be a hero. Is Ferdinand Marcos a hero?

The doubts resurface again. According to Manuel Martinez book, if Marcos had died ahead of

Ninoy, he would have been called a hero, for Martial Law had a good side, however false that

may be (380). A huge analysis on Marcos’ real achievements are needed, as a result, more

debates are taking place. Filipino’s beliefs are being divided.



Early Life

As A Law Student

Ferdinand Marcos was born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte on 11th of September 1917. His

parents are Josefa Edralinh, who has a Chinese blood, and Mariano Marcos, both were public

school teachers. Ferdinand Marcos was known to have the ability to remember the things

exactly. He, himself, trained early to study and read books of much higher level, and had already

know how to read well even before he entered the first grade. Ferdinand was exposed on a

remarkable system of education, which was brought up by the Americans to our country. He

rather chose to study and continue his education in public schools, from elementary up to


In 1934, he had decided to enter college at University of the Philippines in Manila. He

showed his skills in academics, as well as in sports. He was known to be “The Number One” in

U.P. because he won honors of the University boxing, swimming, wrestling, and his favorite,

target shooting where he was a champion. (Gray 15). However, contradicting to the book of

Charles McDougad (7), stated that according to the president of Philippine Amateur Athletic

Federation from 1972 to 1974, there was no record of Marcos competing or becoming a

champion and that there were also no record at the University of the Philippines Physical

Education Department of him mentioning on the said sports even if Marcos, himself, had verified

it into some interview that appeared in the issue of Sports Illustrated.

On other hand, Marcos was almost a perfect scholar when he was in the first year of U.P.

College of Law. He won eight scholarships medals in forensics from Laurel, oratory medal from

Quezon, the Avencia cup for the best debater, and was awarded in military science proficiency

by Douglas McArthur. (Gray 33)

Four years later, about to finish law, Ferdinand Marcos was involved in the assassination

of Julio Nalundasan, rival of the father of Ferdinand for the 1935 elections. Young Marcos,

together with his uncle and two companions, was arrested and sentenced for ten years on jail.

During his imprisonment, Marcos still finished and receives his Bachelor’s Degree in Law,

graduating as a cum laude, despite his position. Though, he would have graduated magna cum

laude, if it only his honors were not reduced to cum laude because he failed to make the required

class attendance when he was in prison (Martinez 93). He also studied for his BAR exam during

his trial. He took the exam and got the highest of everyone. All were surprised and amazed that

he almost got a perfect score. He was called by the Supreme Court for an oral examination, on

suspicion of cheating, and became the topnotcher in 1939; Marcos was all in the news and made

a great importance in the Philippines. Furthermore, Marcos was still found guilty. He appealed to

the Supreme Court and defended himself bravely, with the 830 page defense he wrote during his

imprisonment. Even with strong evidences and witnesses, Jose P. Laurel, as well as the Supreme

Court, has decided to release Marcos for being innocent, although most people believe that the

only reason is that such man with intelligence should be a great significance for the Philippines.

Also, controversies said that the decision was influenced by his “god father” through his wealth

and connection in the jurisdiction. But then again, the verdict of the Supreme Court had put

Marcos again to the news and had leaded him to be well a known lawyer. He was admired my

many Filipinos and in fact, he was dubbed as the country’s Lawyer of the Year”.
As young politician

Philippines is a known developing country. Filipinos at that time view a career in

government or politics as an opportunity for wealth and lifetime security. A politician in the

Philippines would quickly recognize how a network of ritual bonds could be developed

(McDOugad 114). Becoming aware, Marcos, at the age of 32, took the road of politics. After the

war, he was appointed by President Roxas as a special technical assistant. Afterwards, he ran for

the Ilocos Norte congressional seat, just like his father and won for the promise that he would be

an Ilocano president for the next twenty years. During his term, he met Imelda Romualdez,

former beauty queen, and married. He also authored the Import Control Law and became

chairman of committee on his first term in office. Marcos’ political career bloomed as he further

continued his ambitions. He was reelected twice in the House of Representative in 1959.

Afterwards, he won for Senate and became the Senate president in 1963. But during this

campaign that he was involved in a scandal. Marcos’ name was listed in the Blue Book, a list of

names of politics who got involved about Stonehil ruining the economy through cigarette

plantation in Manila Bay. Marcos denied it, he said he received money from him but returned it

and he presented a proof. Disturbingly, when they were ready to testify, the case was suddenly

stopped. Rumors said Marcos had powerful friends even then (McDougan 177).

As a president

When Diosdado Macapagal broke his promise on not to run for reelection for presidency

in 1965 election, both from Liberal Party, Marcos joined the Nacionalista Party and won as a


Ferdinand Marcos won as a president first in 1969 and second was in 1981. However, not

all Filipinos were happy during his second term. He faced numerous student protests and
worsening economy. Due to the growing development of the communist that opposed his

government, Marcos declared Martial Law.

Because of Martial Law, more and more Filipinos felt their freedom was being taken over

and the condition of the Philippines had worsened, Marcos’ fall began on August 1985. As the

image of Senator Benigno Aquino being murdered was fixed on Filipinos eyes, hatred started to

form on the Marcos’ administration. Prayer rallies and protests were recently conducted. Marcos

held a snap election, as Corzaon Aquino candidate for the opposition, for another strategy of

extending his power, but that only made the people increase their determination to end his rule.

With the help of the Catholic Church, high ranking officials, and the mass, People Power took

place and made the widow of Benigno Aquino to be the next president. Marcos then flew to

Hawaii and accepted his defeat until he died from multiple organ failure. His body, up until now,

was being debated whether it should be placed in the cemetery of heroes.

Marcos as a soldier

As a decorated soldier

Ferdinand became the trial lawyer in Manila. However, his career came to a halt when

the Japanese invasion starts at World War II. He was known for his bravery when he was

recognized as the most decorated soldier during this time, receiving 33 medals. While on the

battlefield, he had saved many fellow soldiers and was wounded many times. His battle for the

country is certain, but some of his awards that he had claimed are most not likely to happen.

Receiving a medal award takes many procedures, the description, place, and the role of the man

should first be stated, so some people deny Marcos’ claim for lacking of sources and documents

regarding this period. Most of the books that I found claiming that Marcos achievements were

true, and most likely glamorizing his achievements, are mostly written by him.
His War Exploits

In addition to these, it is cited in almost all books about Marcos’ bravery, then a

lieutenant, in Bataan that he ran battle with the enemy that lasted for six consecutive days (Gray

158). There’s a possibility that some of his assertions of were probably just to capture the

attention of people and for the profit of his candidacy as a president. However, his presence and

struggle in the dreadful Death March from Bataan to Cenrtral Luzon was more realistic, this

time. He suffered from the hands of the Japanese, and luckily, he managed to escape. After that,

he joined the guerilla units in Luzon. But then again, it is questioned that Marcos had little or no

participation at all in the anti guerilla units, as stated again in the book of Charles McDougad

(77). Although some claims were false, his bravery as a soldier and for being part of the Death

March should not be neglected.

Marcos as a president and Statesman

Leader and Man of Vision

To be on top and to stay on top has been Ferdinand Marcos’ lifetime dream, which he had

already reached for the most part. Ferdinand Marcos showed, not only to his own country, but

also to the whole world, his capacity to lead. His bravery came from his own practical statement

that “before anyone can presume to govern others, he must learn to govern himself, his passion,

his heart, his mind that he may assume with honor the leadership of positive change…” Because

of his self discipline and compassionate for others, he achieved his goal of becoming a well

respected statesman, not just because of some luck. And in addition, Marcos believes that

humility must first be met before your fellowmen, your God, and your achievements in making

any decision. Marcos claim himself for having a desire to hold the power because it is the only

way he could transform the society with greatness. At the height of his performance to his
society, many call him heartless, brutal, and greedy for wanting the power of presidency for his

own privileges. Marcos vision is that being a leader must be courageous and patient, and must

excel in politics, not by winning through election but rather politics exercising power for a good

purpose to lead his men. As he said, if you wanted to have a vision, make it a great vision. His

capability of being a leader has brought him to collaborate with leaders of different countries like

with India’s Indira Gandhi, Kenyattas of Africa, Lee Kuan Yews and Company, China’s great

helmsman Mao Zedong and Chou En Lai, legendary Cuban leader Fidel Castro, foreign affairs in

Russia, King Juan Carlos of Spain, Englands’ princess Margaret, American President Ronald

Reagan, and with the Cancun Summit where both developed and developing countries

participated (Nituda 11-12). Marcos also said he understood well the young activists for he

became a leader himself when he’s still young. Many have accepted it as a fact, but according to

the book of Renato Constantino (43), based from periodicals and newspapers that show the

prominent leaders that year, no publication mentions Marcos’ name being elected in any student

position or having excelled in oratory or debate except only in 1938 where he placed third in the

contest. From some of these accomplishments of Marcos, some would say it was for his own

interest, people are still not satisfied in the things that are done for there is always criticisms and

discontentment especially in the area of politics, as we search for a change. Despite of this, he

wouldn’t be on top if he doesn’t have the skills and vision of being a statesman, as well as a

leader of the country. People saw in Marcos the leadership they always wanted, especially his

brilliance. But on the other hand, patriotism was must be met above all. People are curious about

his loyalty, and some were hoping he’s the right man to lead them to prosperity.
Great Achievements

On Ferdinand Marcos’ first term as president, one of his outstanding achievements during

his presidency was in the field of land reform. Thousands of hectares of lands were given to the

farmers, which was always stressed out by the farmers in every politician. Ferdinand Marcos

signed and proclaimed the country as a land reform area. Since then, rice crisis became rarely

and was treated as an economic problem. Marcos (112) recognized the principle that “It is far

better to face problems which arise out of reform measures than to have allowed the old problem

to grow and overwhelm us. Solutions tend to beget further problems. But we must meet the

problems out of reform with vigor and enthusiasm, for we are bound to solve them.” Ferdinand

Marcos launched the Masagana 99 movement to ensure the land reform program for tenants.

This program aims farmers to produce 99 sacks of palay per hectare using modern technology

for irrigation and other input capital, where Marcos had focused (Marcos 99). Through this

program, the Philippines’ rice production greatly increased, which is a really good achievement

for the Philippines. Also, Ferdinand Marcos aimed to obtain on maintaining sufficient food

production; he introduced the Green Revolution program. He encouraged people to plant

vegetables on their yard or any place as possible. He ordered people to use miracle rice that can

result of having 100 sack of rice for every hectare (Marcos 114). As a result, rice imports had

lessened and exports had increased. Marcos was greatly known for his infrastructure projects, he

cemented one thousand kilometers of roads and constructed five thousand kilometers of feeder

roads. He also constructed schools, which exceeded the construction of schools of the past three

administrations, and united islands through roads and bridges. In addition to these, he had

successfully dispersed 5,000 of smugglers including the military men who were also involved

and was forced to retire.


Human Rights Violation

Since Marcos declared Martial Law, human rights violations have been accused on him.

During his regime, thousands of people are arrested for various crimes for rebellion, treasons and

communism even if it falsely accused or lacked of evidence, harassment, and military raid. The

freedom to speak, publish, or anything that expresses their thoughts were taken. The Marcos

administration defended themselves that it’s solely purpose was for security and protection from

the people who may commit acts against the government. Many reports (Canoy 74) confirmed

that some undisciplined military personnel use cruelty in performing punishment on arrested



Dictatorship of Marcos was part of martial law. Martial Law can be used by government

in case of extensive riots, protests, disorder, and to quell rebellion. It means removing all power

from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, likewise the suspension of civil law, civil

rights, habeas corpus and the imposition of the judiciary authority

Ill gotten Wealth

Another allegation was that his family and cronies stole so much wealth from the

country, in fact, up to now, the investigation is still ongoing on how many billions of dollars

have been taken. It is believed that his fortunes are located in New York and Switzerland. The

Swiss government, where they had deposited, has returned some of it as witnessed on Marcos ill

gotten wealth (Pieth 80). All of these allegations of allegedly amassing wealth through stealing

from the countries coffers are still pending resolution.


Before Martial Law

Ferdinand Marcos showed his determination during his first term as a president. The

Philippine economy made a significant economic growth in account to his projects. The

production and export of food also increased. Corruptions were reduced. Philippines became a

famous destination. Peace and order improved. He also supported the U.S. in Vietnam War,

which millions of money were obtained by the Philippines from the U.S. as a token. As a result

of his positive impact to the people and for bringing the Philippines to progress, he was reelected

as president in 1969 and was the only president in Philippines to do so once more. Marcos

suspended the writ of habeas corpus, which has suppresses all democratic processes and civil

liberties, and violated basic human rights (Sarmiento 21), after the incident of bomb explosion

happened in proclamation rally of the opposition party. Until now, he is being accused as the

main suspect. But according to Jovito Salonga, one of the primary victims of the event, after so

many research and studies, he had come up that Marcos’ was falsely accused and that the real

cause of the bombings were the communist. Renato Constantino believes that the writ of habeas

corpus is the savior of the country. Through this, the detention of those minds and actions that

are threat to the Marcos administration were facilitated. Furthermore, the country needs a strong

policy because of the people who are keep advocating for a change instead of a better life (45).

Ferdinand Marcos knew the risks when he declared Martial Law on September 21, 1972 all over

the Philippines, charging that a communist rebellion threatened. He declared it to stop foreign

rebellion and to reorganize the social order (Sarmiento 31). Under Marcos’ command, military

arrested the opposition members, including Benigno Aquino, activists and other people who are

against the law. Mass media were brought under his control. Newspaper presses were controlled
by him. Marcos made several presidential decrees, as well as those that were not published. He

changed the Philippine form of government from presidential to parliament. He focused on the

development of AFP and gained the military support.

Under Martial Law

The New Society

Though, economic progress started to boost down as anomalies of Marcos started to

exposed. People were very dismay and Philippines faces new more issues. He, then, formed a

new party namely “The New Society” for a better Philippines. Martial Law was ended on

January 1981, believing he would gain again the trust of the Filipinos. He continued to boast for

his achievements and continued to support the military. Temario Rivera believes that Marcos

invoke his authority to exercise his martial powers but forgot about the importance of the civil

society (12).

Marcos instituted educational reforms like the establishment of science education system,

skills training, bilingual system of instruction, classifying students through NCEE, helping the

poor but deserving students by “study now, pay later plan.”

He crackdown on corruption where many employees and high ranking officials were

dismissed from the Bureau of Internal Revenue and Bureau of Customs, which resulted in public

trust and confidence in public servants.

He created new executive departments like Department of Local Government,

Department of Tourism, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Environment and

Natural Resources to further serve the people.


Economic Status


Most Filipinos still live in rural areas and support themselves through agriculture.

Compared to Marcos, agricultural sector has not received adequate funding for irrigation

systems, farm to market roads and rural credits. Most of the farmers remain at poverty level

because of the high price of inputs such as fertilizers and seeds. The Philippines has rice

shortage, in fact we are now the world’s biggest importer of rice (Abueva 226).

Foreign Investors

There is a variety of factors why we have low level of investments in our country. The

top complaints that foreign investors have high cost of power, peace and order, deficient

infrastructure program and bureaucratic red tape (Abueva 189).

The Society

Poverty is most widespread in rural areas. The rural poor are usually self-employed in

agriculture and most of whom depend on subsistence farming and fishing for livelihoods, which

have already declined in productivity and profitability.


Reasons and Facts

Marcos was undeniably a soldier during World War II and fought for our country against

the Japanese invasion. He was part of the Bataan Death March and was a member of the United

States Armed Forces Northern Luzon.

Many of the cases, like plunder, filed by the Corazon Aquino Government against the

Marcoses were dismissed while others are still pending resolution.

Other heroes in comparison with Marcos

Today, Marcos can be compared to Fidel Castro and Lee Kuan Yew who displayed great

leadership and made a difference in their own countries although each of them differs in

convictions, style of governance, intelligence, accomplishments, reforms and plans made. They

are true patriots who are regarded as heroes and sometimes dictators (or the other way around)

by their countrymen.


Members of the family of Ferdinand Marcos are now back and more active in politics.

Ferdinand’s wife, Imelda Marcos, is now a member of House of Representatives, their eldest

child,Imee Marcos, is a governor of their province, Ilocos Norte, while their younger child,

Ferdinand Marcos Jr., is now a member of 24-seat senate. Marcoses winning the local and

national seats in government made it a sign that they achieved redemption from Ferdinand


In House Resolution 1135 introduced by Representative Salvador Escudero III, it states

that Marcos should be allowed to be buried at the “Libingan ng mga Bayani” because Ferdinand

Marcos, a president of twenty years, was a well-decorated soldier, a veteran of World War II,

and a survivor of the Bataan Death March” (Barawid). He urged that whatever hatred we feel

upon him, should be forgotten. This House Resolution 1135, now a subject for debate for many

people, was approved by the majority of House of Representatives. Opposing to Escudero’s

resolution are some members of congress favoring Corazon Aquino telling Marco’s medals as

fake (Absurdia). Marcos considering as a hero will be an insult to the people who struggle for the

democracy. Currently, many of Marcos’ achievements may not still be recognized, for up to

now, the administrations seated on presidency were all against him for personal reasons,

however, allegations on him are not yet clearly proven. Marcos had really done a great job on his

regime. In fact, the Marcos family had made a comeback in politics, and they were accepted

warmly by the Filipinos. However, we cannot categorically say that Marcos as a hero if there are

doubts and allegations against him are not proven wrong and investigated by free independent

and equal body. Let the future generations and time decide.

Abueva, Jose and Emerlinda Roman. Corazon C. Aquino: early assessments of her presidential
leadership and administration and her place in history. Quezon City: University of the
Philippines, 1993.

Absurdia, Carla. “Ten Reasons Why Marcos Should not be Declared as a Hero”. News Break. 15
April, 2011. 2 May 2011. <

Aquino, Belinda. Politics of plunder: The Philippines under Marcos. Quezon City: University of
the Philippines, the Publications Office, College of Public Administration, 1987.

Barawid, Rachel. “No to a hero’s burial, no to a revision of history.” Manila Bulletin. 24 April
2011. April 29, 2011. <>.

Benjamin, Gray. Rendezvous with Destiny. Manila: Ph. Education company, 1968.

Canoy, Reuben. The counterfeit revolution: the Philippines from martial to Aquino assassination.
Manila: Philippine Edition, 1981.

Constantino, Renato. Renato Constantino and the Marcos Watch. Quezon City: Karrel, Inc,

Marcos, Ferdinand. Notes on the New Society of the Philippines. Philippines: Marcos Pres.,
Martinez, Manuel Festin. Aquino vs. Marcos: the grand collision. Hongkong: A P & G
Resources, 1984.

McDougad, Charles. The Marcos File. United States of America: San Franciso Publishers, 1987.

Nituda, Victor. Marcos: the Statesman. Philippines: Ed Velasco, 1982.

Pieth, Mark. Recovering Stolen Assets. Germany: Peter Lang AG, 2008.

Rivera, Temario. State of the Nation: Philippines. Singapore: Institute of Asean Studies, 1996.

Sarmiento, Abraham. Dissent and resistance. Diliman, Quezon City: U of the Philippines, 2001.

The Philippines: Violations of the Laws of War by Both Sides. United States of America: Human
Rights Watch, 1990.

by: Patricia Mari C. Rosario

English 2 B-5R

May 11, 2011

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