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Name:______ Period____

Potential and Kinetic Energy – CFA 7 Study Guide

1. Define Potential Energy:

2. Define Kinetic Energy:

3. Define Mechanical Energy:

4. What are the three types of potential energy?

5. Define Energy:

6. What are the six most common forms of energy? (use your conversions notes)

7. Please label the following pictures. Where is the MOST potential and the Most kinetic?

8. A rubber ball is thrown into the air, when it bounces off the ground what kind of potential energy does
it have?

9. A skier is at the top of a mountain about to do down. What kind of potential energy does the skier

10. A flashlight has potential chemical energy when it is turned off. Explain.

11. As kinetic energy increases, potential energy…… A. increases B. Decreases

12. Force is a _____________ or __________.

13. Music playing is a type of what energy? A. thermal b. Sound c. Chemical

14. Researching types of potential energy on the computer is using what type of energy?
a. Thermal b. nuclear c. chemical d. electric e. potential

Identify the different types of energy transformation in each of the pictures

Energy Transformation:

16) Flashlight
Name:______ Period____
Energy Transformation:

17) Microwave

Energy Transformation:

18) Firecracker

Energy Transformation:

19) Bicycle

Energy Transformation:

20) Battery

Energy Transformation:

Give an example where the following energy changes would take place:

21) Electrical to Thermal-

22) Chemical to Thermal-

23) Electrical to Mechanical-

24) Radiant to Chemical-

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