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This booklet is a simple translation for Jalaiyyah Rateeb.The intention

behind this work is only to give a general idea for the people about the
Rateeb with the hope that this will help them to be more devoted
in Ibaadhasand thus gain more attachment and sincerity in the invocations
and Dhikrs.Insya Allah.So, a deep study is not made here.
Reciting the Quran, and Dhikrs knowing their meaning is very important and
more rewarding than reciting them without understanding their meaning.
We can find different selections of Dhikrs and invocations collected by great
scholars and shaikhs for Islam. They all were composed in the light of
the Quran and Sunnah.
Imamul Aroos Qutbuzzaman Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Mappilai Labba
(Q.S) (who is author of more than 150 Islamic books) designed this Rateeb
(which is called Jalaaliyyyah Rateeb).
This rateeb is formed of Haddad Rateeb, dhikrs moulded by Waliyyullahi
Sayyid Muhammad Buqariyatal Jalaali (Q.S) (mostly related to Qadiri Sufi
Order for Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Q.S) and some Qaseedas including
qaseeda for Syaikh Imamul Aroos (him self).
This Rateeb is believed very special. The Muslim Ummah has accepted it with
much devotion.Many wonders and miracles are reported for this Rateeb in the
past and current.
Efforts are made, to ensure the accuracy of the Arabic text and translations
within this booklet.Please try to focus on the Arabic text as transliterations are
given for those who can not read Arabic at all.Perfect transliteration is quite
difficult.Thus, transliterations are not given here for Qur’anic verses.

‫ل ممطن الرشييططاَمن الرمجييمم‬ ‫اطذعوُذذ بماَ م‬

‫بميسمم اللرمه الريحطممن الرمحيمم‬
َ‫صطططفىَ طوطشمفييمعطناَ اليذميقتطتطفىَ طوطميوُلىطناَاليذميجتططبى‬ ‫م‬ ‫امطلىَ طح ي‬
‫ضطرةَ طسيدطناَ اليذم ي‬
‫صيحبممه طوطسلريم‬ ‫م مم‬ ‫د‬
‫صرلىَ اللرهذ طعلطييه طوآَله طو ط‬‫ذمطحرمد ط‬
‫ل ممطن الرشييططاَمن الرمجييمم‬ ‫اطذعوُذذ بماَ م‬
‫ب اليطعاَلطمميطن * الريحطممن‬ ‫بميسمم اللرمه الريحطممن الرمحيمم * اليطحيمذد لملرمه طر ي‬
َ‫ك يطتيوُمم اليديمن * إمرياَطك نطتيعبذذد طوإمرياَطك نطيستطمعيذن * ايهمدطنا‬
‫الرمحيمم* ماَلم م‬
‫ضوُ م‬
‫ب‬ ‫ت طعلطييمهيم غطييمر اليطمغي ذ‬‫صطراطط الرمذيطن أطنيتطعيم ط‬ ‫صراطط اليمستطمقيم * م‬
‫ذي ط‬ ‫ال ي ط‬
‫طعلطييمهيم طوطل ال ر‬
In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful. All praise be to Allāh,
Lord of the worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful. Owner of the Day of
Judgment. You only do we worship, and You only do we beg for help. Guide
us on the straight path. The path of those whom You have favoured; not (the
path) of those who earn Your anger nor of those who go astray. (1:1-7)

ً‫ب مفيمه ذهددى‬ ‫َالم – طذلم ط م‬- ‫بمسمم اللمه الرحممن الرمحيمم‬
‫ب لط طريي ط‬ ‫ك اليكطتاَ ذ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫صلَّطةَ طوممرماَ طرطزقَيتطناَذهيم‬ ‫ب طويذمقيذموُطن ال ر‬ ‫لييلذمترمقيطن الرمذيطن يذتيؤممذنوُطن مباَليغطيي م‬
َ‫ك طومباَلمخطرمة‬ ‫ك طوطماَ ذأنمزطل ممن قَطتيبلم ط‬ ‫َ والرمذيطن يذتيؤممذنوُطن بمطماَ ذأنمزطل إملطيي ط‬-‫ذينمفذقوُطن‬
‫ك ذهذم اليذميفلمذحوُطن‬ ‫ك طعطلىَ ذهددىً يمن ربيمهيم طوأذيولطتئم ط‬ ‫َ أذيولطتئم ط‬-‫ذهيم ذيوُقَمذنوُطن‬
In the Name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Alif, Lam, Meem. That is the Book about which there is no doubt, a
guidance for those conscious of Allah Who believe in the unseen, establish
prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them, And who believe
in what has been revealed to you, [O Muhammad], and what was revealed
before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith]. Those are upon
[right] guidance from their Lord, and it is those who are the successful.
‫طوإملطتذهذكيم إملطهد طوامحدد لر إملطهط إملر ذهطوُ الريحطمذن الرمحيذم‬
And your God (Allah) is only one God .There is no God except him.He is
most Beneficent, the most merciful…
‫اللرهذ طل إم للطهط إمرل ذهطوُ اليطحيي اليطقييوُذم ۚ طل تطأيذخذذهذ مسنطةَد طوطل نطتيوُدم ۚ لطهذ طماَ مفي‬
‫ض ۗ طمين طذا الرمذيِ يطيشطفذع معينطدهذ إمرل بممإيذنممه ۚ يطتيعلطذم‬ ‫ت طوطماَ مفي ايلطير م‬ ‫سماَوا م‬
‫ال ر ط ط‬
‫شييدء ممين معيلمممه إمرل بمطماَ طشاَطء‬ ‫طماَ بطتييطن أطييمديمهيم طوطماَ طخيلطفذهيم ۖ طوطل يذمحي ذ‬
‫طوُطن بم ط‬
‫ض ۖ طوطل يطتذئوُذدهذ محيفظذذهطماَ ۚ طوذهطوُ اليطعلميي‬ ‫ت طوايلطير ط‬ ‫سماَوا م‬ ‫م‬
‫ۚ طوسطع ذكيرسيهذ ال ر ط ط‬
Allāh! None is worthy of worship but He, The Ever-Living, The Self-
Subsisting by Whom all subsist; Slumber overtakes Him not, nor sleep; to
Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth; who is
he that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is
before them
and what is behind them, and they encompass nothing of His knowledge,
except what He wills; His Seat extends over the heavens and the earth and
He is never weary of preserving them both; and He is the Most High, the
Supreme. (2:255)

‫طشمهطد ٱللرهذ أطنرهذ لط إملطتلهط إملر ذهطوُ طوٱليطملَّطئمطكةَذ طوأذيوذلوُاي ٱليمعيلمم طقَاَئمدماَ بماَليمقيسمط طل‬
‫إملطهط إرل ذهطوُ اليطعمزييتذز اليطحمكيييم‬
Allaah bears witness that LaIlla Illah Huwa( none has the right to be
worshipped but He), and the angles, and those having knowledge ( also give
this witness) ; ( He is always) maintaining His creation in justice . La
illahillal Huwa, the All-Mighty , The All-Wise ( Qura'an 3:18)

‫إمرن اليديطن معينطد اللرمه امليسلَّذم‬

Verily the religion before Allah is Islam
‫ك ممرمين‬ ‫شاَءذ طوتطتينمزعذ اليذميل ط‬‫ك طمين تط ط‬ ‫ك تذتيؤمتي اليذميل ط‬‫ك اليميل م‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ط‬ ‫قَذمل اللرهرم ماَلم‬
‫ذ ط‬
‫م‬ ‫شاَءذ طوتذمذيل طمين تط ط‬‫شاَءذ طوتذمعيز طمين تط ط‬
‫ك طعلطلىَ‬‫خيتذر ۖ إمنر ط‬‫شاَءذ ۖ بميطدطك الي ط ي‬ ‫تط ط‬
‫ذكيل طشييدء قَطمديدر‪ٌ.‬‬
‫ج اليطحري ممطن‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ذتوُلذج اللرييطل في النرتطهاَمر طوذتوُلذج النرتطهاَطر في اللرييمل ۖ طوتذيخمر ذ‬
‫ب‬‫شاَءذ بمغطييمر محساَ د‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ت‬
‫ط‬ ‫ن‬‫ي‬ ‫م‬
‫ط‬ ‫ق‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ز‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ر‬
‫ي‬ ‫ت‬
‫ط‬‫ت‬‫و‬‫ط‬ ‫ۖ‬ ‫ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ح‬
‫ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ن‬‫ط‬
‫م‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ي‬‫م‬‫ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ج‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ر‬
‫م‬ ‫خ‬
‫ي‬ ‫ت‬
‫اليمي م‬
‫ت‬ ‫ط‬
‫‪Say (O Muhammad ): "O Allah! Possessor of the kingdom, You give the‬‬
‫‪kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You will,‬‬
‫‪and You endue with honour whom You will, and You humiliate whom You‬‬
‫‪will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are Able to do all things.‬‬
‫‪You make the night to enter into the day, and You make the day to enter into‬‬
‫‪the night (i.e. increase and decrease in the hours of the night and the day‬‬
‫‪during winter and summer), You bring the living out of the dead, and You‬‬
‫‪bring the dead out of the living. And You give wealth and sustenance to‬‬
‫‪whom You will, without limit (measure or account).‬‬

‫ض طوإمين تذتيبذدوا طماَ مفي أطنيتذفمسذكيم‬ ‫ت طوطماَ مفي الير م‬ ‫سماَوا م‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ال‬ ‫في‬ ‫لملرمه ماَ م‬
‫طط‬ ‫ط‬
‫أطو تذيخذفوُهذ يحاَمسبذكم بممه اللره فطتيتغيمفر لم‬
‫شاَءذ طواللرهذ‬
‫ب طمين يط ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ع‬
‫ط‬ ‫ت‬‫وي‬ ‫ء‬ ‫شاَ‬
‫ذ ط ذ ط ي ط ذ طذ ذ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬ ‫ذط ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫طعطلىَ ذكيل طشييدء قَطمدير‬
‫‪To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth. Whether you show‬‬
‫‪what is in your minds or conceal it, Allah calls you to account for it. He‬‬
‫‪forgives whom He pleases, and punishes whom He pleases. For Allah has‬‬
‫‪power over all things.‬‬
‫]‪[2: Al-Baqara-284‬‬

‫آَطمت تطن الرذست تتوُذل بمطمت تتاَ أذنت تمزطل إملطييت تمه ممت تتن ربيت تمه طواليذميؤممنتذ تتوُطن ذكت تلل آَطمت تطن بتم تتاَل لمه‬
‫طوطملَئمطكتتم تمه طوذكتذبتم تمه طوذرذست تلممه لط نذتطفت تيرذق بطتييت تطن أططحت تدد يمتتن يرذست تلممه طوقَطتتاَذلوُاي طس تمميعطناَ‬
َ‫ف ال لهذ نطتيفدساَ إملر ذويسطعطها‬ ‫ك اليم م‬
‫صيذر – لط يذطكلي ذ‬ ‫ك طربرتطناَ طوإملطيي ط ط‬ ‫طوأطططيعطناَ غذيفطرانط ط‬
‫ت طربرتنط تتاَ لط تذتطؤامخت تيذطناَ مإن نرمس تتيطناَ أطيو‬‫ست تبط ي‬
‫ت طوطع طيليتطه تتاَ طم تتاَ ايكتط ط‬
‫ست تبط ي‬
‫لططه تتاَ طم تتاَ طك ط‬
َ‫صتدرا طكطمتاَ طحطميلتطتهذ طعلطتىَ الرتمذيطن ممتن قَطتيبلمنطتا‬ ‫أطيخططأينطتاَ طربرتنطتاَ طولط تطيحممتيل طع طيليتنطتاَ إم ي‬
‫ت‬‫ف طعنترتاَ طوايغمفتير لطنتطتاَ طوايرطحيمنتطتآَ أطنت ط‬ ‫طربرتطناَ طولط تذطحيميلطناَ طماَ لط ططاَقَطةَط لططناَ بممه طوايعت ذ‬
‫صيرطناَ طعطلىَ اليطقيوُمم اليطكاَفممرين‬ ‫طميوُلططناَ طفاَن ذ‬
The (Prophetic) Messenger believed in what was revealed to him from his
Lord, and (so did) the believers; they all believed in Allāh. and His Angels
and His Books and His (Prophetic) Messengers; (they said) we make no
distinction between any of His (Prophetic) Messengers; and they said: we
hear and we Allāh does not place on any soul a burden obey, but to the
extent of its capacity; (Grant us) Your forgiveness Our Lord, and to You is
the eventual return. for it is (the benefit of) what it has earned, and against it
(the evil of) what it has wrought:Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or
make a mistake, Our Lord! Do not lay on us such a burden as You did lay on
those before us; Our Lord! Do not impose upon us that which we do not
have the strength to bear; and pardon us and grant us forgiveness and have
mercy on us, You are our Protector, so help us against the unbelieving
(2: 285-286)

‫طياَ أطيرطحطم الراحمييطن اير ط‬
Yaa arhamarraahimeenarhamnaa (3)
Oh, the most merciful among all merciful ones,please show mercy upon us

‫ك طولطهذ اليطحيمذد يذيحيمطي طويذمميي ذ‬

‫ت‬ ‫طل الطهط إل اليلرهذ طويحطدهذ طل طشمريي ط‬
‫ك لطهذ لطهذ اليذميل ذ‬
(3ٌ)‫طوذهطوُ طعلططىَ ذكيل طشييدئ قَطمدييتدر‬
Lā ilāha Illallāhu Wahdahū lā sharīka lahu Lahu’l Mulku wa Lahu’l Hamdu,
Yuhyī wa Yumītu wa Huwa ‘alā kulli shay’in Qadīr
None is worthy of worship except Allāh, He is One, He has no partner, His is
the Kingdom and His is the praise, He gives life and He causes death and
He is Powerful over all things

(3)‫ذسيبطحاَطن اللرمه طو اليطحيمذد لملرمه طوطل الطهط إل اليلرهذ طواليلرهذ ايكبطتذر‬

SubhānAllāh wa’l Hamdu Lillāh wa lā ilāha Illallāhu Wallāhu Akbar
Glory be to Allāh and all praise is for Allāh and none is worthy of worship
except Allāh and Allāh is Most Great.

(3)‫ذسيبطحاَطن اللرمه طوبمطحيممدمه ذسيبطحاَطن اليلرمه اليطعمظييمم‬

SubhānAllāhi wa bi-Hamdihi SubhānAllāhi’l ‘Azīm

Glory be to Allāh with His (Own) Praise; Glory be to Allāh, the Exalted.

(3)‫ب اليرمحييذم‬ ‫ب طع طيليتطناَ انر ط‬

‫ك أنت اليترتروُا ذ‬
‫طربرتطناَ ايغفير لططناَ طوتذ ي‬
Rabbana’ghfir lanā wa tub ‘alaynā Innaka Anta’t Tawwāb u’r Rahīm
Our Lord, forgive us and relent towards us; truly, You are the Forgiver, the
(3)‫صيل طعلطييمه طوطسلييم‬ ‫د‬
‫صيل طعلططىَ ذمطحرمد اللرذهرم ط‬
‫اللرذهرم ط‬
Allāhumma alli ‘alā Muhammad Allāhumma Salli ‘alayhi wa Sallim

O Allāh! Bestow blessings on Sayyidinā Muhammad, O Allāh! Bestow

blessings on him and peace.

(3)‫ت ذكليطهاَ ممين طشير طماَ طخلططق‬ ‫أذعوُذذ بمطكلمماَ م‬

‫ت اللرمه اليرتاَرماَ م‬
A‘ūdhu bi- Kalimātillāhi’t tāmmāti kulliha min sharri mā khalaq
I take refuge in the complete words of Allāh -in all- from the evil in what He
has created
‫ضير طمطع ايسمممه طشييدئ فميي الرض طوطل فميي الي ر‬ ‫بميسمم اللرمه الرمذييِ طل يط ذ‬
(3)‫سممييذع اليطعلمييذم‬
‫طوذهطوُ الي ر‬
Bismillāhilladhī lā yadurru ma‘a Ismihi shay’un fi’l ardi wa lā fi’s-samā’wa
Huwa’s Samī‘ u’l ‘Alīm
In the Name of Allāh Who causes, no harm to come together with His
Name from anything whatsoever in earth or in heaven, for He is the All-
Hearing, the All-Knowing.

َ‫صرلىَ ال لهذ طعلطييمه طوطسلرطم نطبمييا‬ ‫د‬ ‫م‬

‫طر م ي‬
‫ضيتطناَ مباَللرمه طريباَ وباَمليسلَّطمم دييتدناَ طوبمذمطحرمد ط‬
Radīnā Billāhi Rabban wa bi’l Islāmi dīnan wa bi Muhammad-in swallallahu
alaihi wasallam Nabiyyān wa rasoolaa
We are content with Allāh as Lord, and with Islām as religion, and
withSayyidinā Muhammad swallallahu alaihi wasllam as Prophet and
messenger .

(3)‫شير بمطممشييئطمةَ اليلرمه‬ ‫مم‬

‫بميسمم اللرمه طواليطحيمذد للره الي ط ي‬
‫خيتذر طوال ر‬
Bismillāhi wa’l Hamdu Lillāhi wa’l khayru wa’sh sharru bi-Mashīatillāh
In the Name of Allāh, and all praise is for Allāh, and the good and the evil
are by the Will of Allāh.

(3)‫آَطمرناَ مباَللرمه طوايليطتيوُمم المخمر تذ يتبتطناَ إمطلىَ اليلرمه طباَمطدناَ طوطظاَمهدرا‬

Āmannā Billāhi wa’l Yawmi’l Ākhir tubnā Ilallāhi bātinan wa zāhirā
We believe in Allāh and the Last Day (of Judgment), we repent to Allāh
secretly and openly

(3)َ‫ف طعرناَ طوايمذح الرمذيِ طكاَطن ممرنا‬

‫طياَ طربرتطناَ طوايع ذ‬
Yā Rabbanā wa‘fu ‘annā wa’mhulladhī kāna minnā
O Our Lord! Pardon us, and wipe out whatever (sins) we may have
(7)‫طياَ طذا اليطجطلَّمل طوا يمليكطرامم أطمم يتتطناَ طعلططىَ مدييمن امليسلَّطمم‬
Yā Dha’l Jalāli wa’l Ikrām amitnā ‘alā dīni’l Islām

O The Possessor of Majesty and Honour, cause us to die in the religion of


(3)‫ف طشر اليرظاَلمممييطن‬

‫يِ ياَ متميين ايك م‬
‫طياَ قَطموُ ي ط ط ذ‬
Yā Qawiyyu Yā Matīn ikfi sharraz-zālimīn
O the Most Mighty, O the Authoritative One, protect us from the evil of the

(3ٌ)‫ف اليلرهذ طشر اليذميؤمذييطن‬ ‫م‬

‫صلططح اليلرهذ أذذميوُطر اليذميسلممييطن ط‬
‫صطر ط‬ ‫أط ي‬
Aslahallāhu umūra’l Muslimīn Swarafallāhu sharra’l mu’dhīn
May Allāh improve the affairs of the Muslims, may Allāh turn away the evil
of the harmful

‫صيتذر طياَ لطمطيي ذ‬

ٌ)‫ف طياَ طخميبيتذر‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫طياَ طعليي طياَ طكميبيتذر طياَ طعليذم طياَ قَطدييتذر طياَ طسممييذع طياَ بط م ي‬
Yā ‘Aliyyu Yā Kabīr Yā ‘Alīmu Yā Qadīr Yā Latīf Yā Khabīr
O the Most High, O the Most Great, O the All-Knowing, O the Powerful
One, O the All-Hearing, O the All-Seeing, O the Gentle, O the All-Aware.

(3ٌ)‫ف اليغطيم طياَ طمين لمطعيبمدمه يطتغيمفذر طويطتيرطحذم‬

‫طياَ طفاَمرطج اليطهيم طياَ طكاَمش ط‬
Yā Fārij al-hamm Yā Kāshif al-ghamm Yā man li-‘abdihi Yaghfiru wa
O the Dispeller of anxiety, O the Remover of grief, O the One Who to His
servant is Forgiving and Merciful

(11ٌ) َ‫ب ايلبطتطراطياَ طونطيستطتغيمفذر اليلرهط ممين اليطخططاَطيا‬

‫أطيستطتغيمفذر اليلرهط طر ر‬
Astaghfirullāha Rabb al-barāyā Nastaghfirullāha min al-khatāyā
I seek forgiveness of Allāh, the Lord of all creation. I seek forgiveness of
Allāh for all

‫قَط م‬

‫شطرين بماَل ر‬
َ‫صطلوُمةَ ططهط نطبمييا‬ ‫وارفطتعن طشييطخطناَ ولميياَ ر م‬
‫ضيياَ بط ي‬ ‫ط ط‬ ‫ط ي طي‬
Bashiran biswalaati twaha nabiyyaa Wa irfaa’n syaikhanaa waliyyan
Allah!give glad tidings of salutations for prophet twaha
Muhammad(swallahu alaihi wassallam) And raise our sheikh as a close
servant to you(waliyy) and pleased one

َ‫ت طحييا‬
‫ب طماَ ذديم ذ‬ َ‫با‬ ‫ح‬‫ال‬ َ‫سى‬ ‫ن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ط‬
‫أ‬ ‫ت‬
‫ذ‬ ‫س‬‫ط‬‫ل‬ َ‫تا‬ ‫ي‬‫ص‬‫م‬ َ‫ق‬
‫ط‬ َ‫تا‬
‫د‬ ‫ن‬ َ‫كا‬
‫ط‬ ‫م‬ ً‫وُى‬
‫ر‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اميذ بتنتوُا بم‬
‫يط ط‬ ‫ط‬ ‫لد ي‬ ‫طط ي ط ط‬
lastu ansal ahbaba maa dumtu hayyan Idh banau binnawa makaanan
I will not forget the loved ones as long as I am alive, if they have been held
in love even at far

‫خيتطفتةَط اليطبيتيمن ذسرجتددا طوبذمكييتاَ طوطتلتطيوُا آَيتطةَط التموُاطدامع فططختيروا‬‫م‬

Wa talau aayatal widaai fakharroo …Kheefatal baini sujjadan wa bukiyyaa
When they crossed by signs of parting, they fell down, in sujood
(prostration) and cried in fear of separation.

‫ت ذبكتيطردةَ طوطعمشيلدتاَ طولممذيكطراذهتيم تطمسيتذح ذدذمتوُعمتي‬

‫ذكلرطمتاَ ايشطتقتي ذ‬
Wa lidhikraahum taseehu dumooi’I Kullama shtaqtu bukratan wa a’syiyyaa
On their memory my tears are flowing, When ever I miss them down and
‫طكذمطناَطجتاَمةَ )ٌ)ٌ طعبتيطدهذ (( زطكمريلطتاَ طوذأناَطمجي امللطهط ممين معظطمم طشيوُمقَي‬
Wa unaajil ilaaha min I’zami shauqee Ka munaajaati a’bdahu zakariyyaa
I am conversing with God (Allah) due to my great love , as His servant
zakariyya (a) had his conversation.

‫مفي ظطلَّطمم اليدجطتىَ نتمطداءد طخمفيتاَ طوايختطتطفىَ ذنوُذرذهيم فطتعذيد ذ‬

ِ‫ت اذلناَمدي‬
Wakhtafaa nooruhum fau’dtu unaadii Fii zalaami ddujaa nidaa-an
When their light all went down then I returned invoking (My Lord), secretly
in the darkness of the night
َ‫ب لمتى‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ه‬
‫ط‬ ‫ت‬‫ف‬
‫ط‬ ‫ك ولميياَ وطهن اليطعظيم بماَيلفرا م‬
‫ق‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ت‬‫دن‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ل‬
‫ط‬ ‫ن‬‫م‬‫ت‬‫م‬ ‫م‬
‫ب‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ق‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ي‬
‫ل‬ ‫ريبي بم‬
‫ي‬ ‫ذ ط‬ ‫ط ط‬ ‫ي ي ط‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ط‬
Wahanal a’zmu bilfiraaqi fahab lee Rabbee bilqurbi min ladunka waliyyaa
I am weakened on the pain of parting with loved ones, so, my Lord Grant me
the connection with you as an aid for me

‫صلميلدتاَ طياَطخ م يليتلطري طخلييطتاَنمتي بممعيشمقي‬

‫طأناَط أطوطلىَ بمنطتاَمر حيبي م‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ي‬
Yaa khaleelayya khalliyaanee bi I’shqee Ana aula binaari hubee
Oh, my friends leave me in my love, I am the most worthy of burning in the
fire of love

‫ت اطيدمريِ اطيتذهيم اططشيد معتميياَ اططناَ مفي طناَمظمريِ طوذحيبي طوقَطتيلمبي‬

‫لطيس ذ‬
Ana fee naaziree wa hubbee wa qalbee Lastu adree ayyuhum ashaddu
Whether my eyes or my love or my heart, I am confused which is more

‫أطيهمدمه مفي اليوُرىً م‬

‫صطرادطاَ طسموُيياَ اططناَ طشييذخ اليغططرامم طمين يطتيتبطتذعنمتي‬ ‫طط‬
Ana syaikhul garaami man yatbau’nee Ahdihi fil wara swiraatan sawiyyaa
I am saint of love, whoever follow me, I will guide him from in the people
towards the straight wayٌ.
‫ت اليطهطوُىً طويطتيوُطم أططراذهيم‬
‫ث طحيلدتاَ طوأططناَ طميي ذ‬ ‫طذلم ط‬
‫ك ايليطتيوُطم يطتيوُطم ذأبيتطعت ذ‬
Wa ana maitul hawaa wa yauma araahum Dhaalikal yauma yauma uba’thu
I am dead by passion. I will see them on that day When I would be

َ‫ب طسيمديِ ذدطعاَمئي ملطيني لطيم أطذكين مباَليدطعاَمء طريبي طشمقريا‬ ‫م‬
‫طوايستطج ي‬
Wastajib sayyidee dua’aaiee liannee Lam akun bidduaai rabbee syaqiyya
Oh, my Master (Allah)! Please answer for my supplication because, I never
lost my supplications I the past (I was granted by you all)

َ‫صاَئمذد الراتمبطمةَ اليطجطلَّلمرية‬

‫قَط ط‬
Qaseedah for Jalaliyyah Ratib
‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin a’la rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫ب طميوُلطىَ طميرطحدباَ طميرطحدباَ طوأطيهلَّد طوطسيهلَّد‬‫ط‬َ‫ا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫وُا‬ ‫ت‬

‫ط‬‫ن‬ ‫د‬
‫ط‬ ‫لمعبمي د‬
‫طي ي ط‬
Marhaba marhaba wahlan wa sahlan Li abeedin danau baaba maula
Hello Welcome Oh, the slaves who came close to the door of their Lord.

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times
َ‫ب تططمرلى‬ ‫ف مذلردةَ طوافيتمطقاَدر بمموُطدادد نط ط‬
‫شأط بمطقيل د‬ ‫سذطوُا طك ر‬
‫بط ط‬
Basatoo kaffa dhillatin waftiqaarin Biwidaadin nasha-a bi qlbin tamalla
They stretched the hands of humility and dependence with a heart full of
deep love

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫ف طماَ يطتيفتطتذروطن ممين نطيحموُ طيليتطلىَ طوأططداذروا ذجذفوُنطتذهيم ذطوُطل لطييلَّط‬

‫طخيوُ ط‬
Wa adaaroo jufoonahum toola lailaa Khawfa yaftaroona min nahwi lailaa
They revolved their eye- yields the night long, Fearing of getting week (in
following) their beloved

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫فطتغططديوا نطيحطوُ ذسطكاَطرىً طوطمييطلَّ طوطسطقاَذهيم طحبمييبذتذهيم نهطل معيشدق‬

Wa saqaahum habeebuhum kahla ishqin Fagadau kahwa sukaaraa wamailaa
Their Beloved gave them drinks of affection, They became aslike
intoxicated and inclined

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫طياَ لطهذ طحاَمودياَ رلملي طولطيعلْ طخلطع اللله متاَطج معز طعلطييمهيم‬
Khalaa’ llahu taaja I’zzin a’laihim Yaa lahu h’aawiyan la-aalii wa laa’lan
Allah adorned them with the crown of reverence, What a mixture of pearls
and rubies it is !

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

َ‫خيتطر ذكرلَّ فطتلطذهيم أطيوذجهد تذمينيتذر الظرلَّططما‬ ‫د‬

‫طوأططياَد تذطداموذل الي ط ي‬
Falahum aujuhun tuneeru zzalama Wa ayaadin tudaawilul khaira kulla
They have faces which brighten in the darkness, And hands which exchange
the good to all

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫ت بميلطجلمييمل‬ ‫ت املطي م‬
‫ب تطتطقلربط ي‬ُ‫لو‬
‫ط د‬‫ذ‬ ‫ت‬
‫و‬ ‫ر‬
َ‫لى‬ُ‫و‬ ‫ت‬
‫ي ط‬‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ ‫م‬
‫ر‬ ‫ع‬
‫ط‬ ‫ه‬ ‫مقبمطلَّ د ي‬
Wa quloobun taqallabat Muqbilaatun ilaihi a’mman tawalla
They have Hearts turned to Allah, Targeting Him letting all defiants behind .

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫ذكرل طحاَمل يطمليذق طميماَ مسوُىً ال أليمسطنتذتذهيم تطتذقوُذل أيستطتغيمفذر ال‬

Alsinatuhum taqoolu astaghfirulla Kulla haalin yaleequ mimma siwallah
Their tounges say ‘astaghfirullah’ ((I ask forgiveness from Allah), All the
right times from being devoted to any thing except Allah

7-‫َ وذكيل لشيئ يطتذقوُذل ال‬-‫أطيستطتغيمفذرال ممرماَ مسطوُىً ال‬

Astaghfirullaha mimma siwallah Wakullu shai-in yaqoolu Allah
I ask forgiveness from Allah from being devoted to any thing except Allah,
Every thing utters ‘Allah’.

‫ت مذيكمرمهيم طجاَطهذدوا طميع‬

‫غيتر ماَ اللرهذ وبمطناَسوُ م‬
‫ط ذ‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ه‬‫ط‬‫ل‬ ‫س أطرماَرد‬
‫نطتيف م ط ذ ي ي ط ط‬
‫م‬ َ‫ة‬
Wabinasooti dhikrihim jaahadoo maa’ Nafsi ammaratin lahum gaira mallah
They struggled with the solitary power of their dhikr for Allah, against their
wordly desires

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times
‫طونطتطفيوُا غطييره بمطلَّطل طوامرل طل تطتطرىً مم ينتذهيم مسطوُىً لطيفظطمةَ ال‬
Laa tara minhum siwa lafzati Allah Wa nafau ghairahu bilala wailla
You can not see from them except the word of ‘Allah’ With the words of
‘Laa’ and ‘Illaa’ they resfused every thing except Allah

(33-66-100-166( ‫لط إملطهط إملر الذ‬

Laa ilaaha illa llah
There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah

‫ذدونطذكم سبتلطذهم فطتتطتيهمديِ مالىَ اللرمه اطيتطهاَ اليحاَ م‬

‫ضذروطن ذذركاَطر طريبي‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ي ذذ ي‬
Ayyuhal haziroona dhukkara rabbee Doonakum subulahum fatahdee
Oh those who are present here, remembers of my Lord Allah, Hold on their
way, it will guide you to Allah

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫صوُطل لملرمه طسيهطلَّ طوابيتتطتذغوُا اليطقاَمدمر ر‬

‫يِ م‬
َ‫صطرادطاَ طسموُييا‬ ُ‫و‬‫ي‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫امرن فمي م‬
‫ي ذ ذ‬
Wabtaghoo lqaadiriyya swiraatan sawiyya Inna feehil wusoola lillahi
Follow Qadiri way, the staright path, because to reach into Allah is easy

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

َ‫سطل طملَّر طواليطزذموُا طراتمطباَتممه طوامظميبيتطنا‬

‫طوطحطذامر اليذفذتوُطر طواليطك ط‬
Walzamoo raatibaatihi wazibeena Wa hazari futoora walkasala malla
Practice its rateebs (dhikr recited on fixed times) punctually, Beware of
inactivity, laziness and idleness

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫ضاَمء لطروُامدةَ بمماَرلال فطتذهوُ يسمريِ بمذكم مالىَ اليملطذكوُ م‬

‫ت‬ ‫ط‬ ‫مباَني م‬
‫ي ط ط‬ ‫ط ذي‬ ‫ط‬
Fahuwa yusree bikum ilal malakooti Binqilwai lawwamatin bi illallah
It will apply you in to the kingdom of heavens, Through the downfall of
Self reproaching soul by ‘Illallah’

(33-66-100 ‫َإملر الذ‬- ‫( إملر الذ‬

Illallah- illallah
Except Allah

َ‫طجبطتذروتميي مذيكمرذكيم ياَط اطمخرلَّ طجليذلوُا طربرذكيم بملطيفمظ اليطجطلَّلطمة‬

Jalliloo rabbakum bi lafzil jalaalah Jabarootiyyi dhikrikum yaa akhilla
Wrap your Lord with the word of majesty, Your potent dhikr(Allah), o,

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times
‫طرييمن غطييمريردةَ بماَطلذ الذ نطتروُطر الذ بماَنيمجطلَّمء‬
Nawwarallahu binjilaa-i…Raini ghairiyyati bi allahu allahu
May Allah light up through the emersion, of the rust for this world with
‘Allahu Allah’

(33-66-100-166 ‫( الذ الذ‬

Allahu Allah
Proclamation of Allah’s existence and power

َ‫س اليعذيممر طوقَيتدتا‬ ‫ضيتعوُا نطتطفاَئم‬

‫ي‬ ‫بممسوُىً مذيكمرطهاَ ووادو تطجرلىَ طل تذ م‬
‫ط‬ ‫ذ‬ ‫طط ط‬ ‫ط‬
Laa tulweeu’oo nafaaisal u’mri waqtan Bi siwaa dhikrihaa wa waawin
Do not waste any time from your valuable life, with out the dhikr of Allah
and Hoo

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييدم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

َّ‫س تطتطوُاطلىَ قَطتيوُمم اطفيتذنوُا ذوذجوُطدذكيم طعاَلططم الرل‬

‫ت طجيمدعاَ بممذيكمر نطتطف د‬
‫ذهوُ م‬
Qaumi afnoo wujoodakum a’alama llaa Hooti jam-a’n bi dhikri nafasin
O, my people, deslve your being in the world of divinity, merging the regular
dhikr with evrey breath

(33-66-100 ُ‫( ذهوُ ذهو‬

Hoo, Hoo...
(Refers to Allah)
‫يِ طعاَلطمم الظييل طشاَمهيد‬ ‫طوامحددا مفي اليذوُذجوُمد طكيي تط ي‬
‫ضطممحلَّر طياَ طمطجاَمز ر‬
Yaa majaaziyya a’alama zzilli syaahid Waahidan fil wujoodi kai tadmahilla
Oh, the the representative for world of the shadow, See the one who is in real
existence, to see you less

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫صذل اليطعطوُالممم مباَنيمعطدامم‬ ‫مممم‬ ‫ممن ثذتبوُ م‬

‫ت اليذوُذجوُمدللره للره طلطح اط ي‬ ‫ي ذ‬
Laaha aslul awaalimi binidaamin Min thuubootil wujoodi lillah lillah
The base for all the worlds is exposed of its illusive existence, with the
establishment of the real existence for Allah

(33َ-66ٌ)‫الذ طميوُذجوُيد مباَليذوُذجوُيد‬

Allahu maujoodun bilwujood
Allah is existent and He is with the real existence

‫س طشأيدن مسطوُاهذ‬
‫ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ل‬
‫ط‬ ‫ل‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ا‬ ُ‫و‬
‫ط‬ ‫ه‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ل‬
‫ي‬ َ‫ق‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ر‬
َّ‫ل‬ ‫ح‬
‫ط‬ ‫م‬
‫ر‬ َ‫ما‬
‫د‬ ‫ت‬
‫ي‬ ‫ح‬
‫ط‬ ‫م‬
‫ر‬ ‫ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ضم‬
‫م‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ال‬ ‫م‬
‫ر‬ ‫ت‬
‫ي‬ ‫س‬ ‫وبم‬
‫ط ط‬
qul huwallahu laisa sha-nun siwaahu Wa bisatri llameeri hatman mahalla
Say, ‘Huwallahu’, nothing is significant Except Him, and utter it with
mandatory hiding of Arabic pronoun (Huwa) in(grammer).

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan…Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫طوبمطهاَ مهيي طوذهيوُذهطوُ اللرهذ قَطتيوُطل طلمزذموُا مذيكطرذكيم بمذهوُذهوُ ذهطوُ ال‬
Laazimoo dhikrakum bihoo huwa llahu Wa bihaa hee wa hoo huwa llahu
Carry on the dhikr ‘Hoo- Hoo Huwallahu, And say ‘Haa-Hee’ ‘hoo

(33َ-66ٌ)‫اللرهذ‬ ُ‫َ ذهيوُ ذهيو‬- ‫ذهيوُ اللرهذ‬

Hoo Allah, Hoo Hoo Allah,
(Meaning is clear from the above line)

‫ب اليذوُذجوُمد‬ ‫ط‬
‫ي‬ َ‫ق‬
‫ذ‬ ِ‫ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫م‬
‫ر‬ ‫محمي مديدن ولميي من طعرز جرلَّ طشيذخهاَ اليطقاَ م‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ي ط‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ذي ي ط طي‬
Syaikhuha lqadiriyyu qutbul wujoodi Muhyi deenin waliyyu man azza Jalla
Its shaikh is Qutub for the world, Muhyideen Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Q.S)
‘waliy’ of Allah the almighty

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫فطتلططكيم ممين ذممرييمدمه طناَطل نطتييطلَّ فطتذهطوُ يذيحميي قَذتذلوُبطذكيم مباَلرطشاَمد‬

Fahuwa yuhyee quloobakum birrashaadi Falakum min mureedihi naala
He will make your heart alive with his insight, Numerous mureeds for him
have gained great achievements

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

َ‫ضذروا مذيكطر طديستطمكيدر قَذتذلوُطبا‬

‫فطتذهوُ حق تذتوُ حيق مذيكرا جمييطلَّ اطيح م‬
‫د ط‬ ‫ي ط‬ ‫ط‬
Ahdiroo dhikra dastakeerin qulooba Fahuwa haq too haq dhikran jameelaa
Keep this dhikr for Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani (Q.S) in your hearts, It is
‘Haq Too Haq’ such as beautiful dhikr!

‫طح يل‬ ُ‫طحيلق تذتيو‬
Haq too haq
Refers to that Allah’s existence has no change

َ‫ذميهتطدد لميلبطتطقاَمء طميهطماَ تططجرلىَ طمين طهطدىً الذ فطتذهطوُ طجيمدعاَ طوفطتيردقَا‬
Man hada llahu fahuwa jam-an wa farqan…Muhtadin lil baqai mahmaa
The one guided by Allah, will reach to‘Baqa’ getting ‘Tajallee” from‘Jamu’ and
‘farq’ (all these are sufi terms)
‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan… Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫س اليطهاَمديِ مسطوُىً ال ايهتطذدوا بمطمطقاَلمذكيم اطني ط‬
ِ‫ت اليطهاَمدي‬ ‫ت اليطحيق فطتلطيي ط‬
‫اطني ط‬
Ihtadoo bimaqaalikum antal haadii Antal haqq falaisal hadee siwallah
Please Get guided saying ‘anta lhadi Antalhaq’, ‘Oh Allah You are the
Guide, You are the True one can guide except Allah

7َ-10 ُ‫س اليطهاَمديِ امرل ذهو‬

‫ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ل‬
‫ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ق‬ ‫ح‬
‫ط‬ ‫ي‬
‫ل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ت‬
‫ط‬ ‫ن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ا‬
‫ط‬ ‫ت اليهاَ م‬
ِ‫دي‬ ‫اطني ط ط‬
Antal hadee antal haqq laisal hadee illa hoo
‘Oh Allah, You are the Guide, You are the True, No one can guide except

‫فطتذهطوُ يذتيعلمييمه مباَلترتطريقَي ملطيعطلىَ طمين اططراطد اليرقَمري طفاَلذ طكاَمفي‬

Man araada rruqiyya fallahu kaafi Fahuwa yuu’leehi bi ttaraqqi liaa’la
Who ever wish for a breakthrough Allah is sufficient for Him, He will rise
him to grow into the highest positions

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

َّ‫ت لملرمه ذكرل‬ ‫ب ماَ بمطقيلمبي طغيتر ال قَذل ام‬

‫ي ط طي ط‬ َ‫ما‬ ‫ذا‬
‫ط‬ ‫يذ‬ ‫طحيسبمطي الر ي ط‬
Qul idha maa fanaita lillah kalla…
Hasbiya rrabbu biqalbee ghairullah
Say,If you are have disloved fully to Allah, he is sufficient is for me my
Lord, There is none in my heart beside Allah

‫غيتذر ال طحيسمبي طريبي طجرل ال‬ ‫م‬

‫صرلىَ ال طماَفي قَطتيلمبي طي‬
‫ذنوُذر ذمطحرميد ط‬
Hasbee rabbee jallallahu Maa fee qalbee ghairullah Nooru Muhammad
Sufficient is for me my Lord, Allah is great, There is none in my heart
beside Allah, The light of Muhammad ( ) is there
7 ‫لط إملطهط إملر الذ‬
Laa ilaaha illallah
There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah

‫شمفييمع الرذسوُمل‬
‫صيلوُا طعطلىَ ال ر‬
‫طماَ ايستطططيعتذيم طوطسبيذحوُا الط ذطوُطل ثيرم ط‬
Thumma swalloo a’lashafeei’ rrasooli Mastatwaa’tum wa sabbihoo llaha
Then read swalawat (salutations) on the intercessor, the messenger ( ), as
much as possible, and glorify Allah(tasbeeh) extensively

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

َ‫طميع ثططلَّثمييطن طذا طكفاَطذكيم طسبمييطلَّ طوايحطمذدوهذ طوطكبيتذروهذ ثططلَّدثا‬

Wa hmadoohu wa kabbiroohu thalathan Mau’ thalatheena dha kafaakum
And say Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar thirty three times, It will safeguard
you all the way

33 ‫الذ أطيكبير‬ َ- 33 ‫اليطحيمذد لملرمه‬ َ- 33 ‫سيبحاَطن ا م‬

‫ل‬ ‫ذ ط‬
33-Allahu Akbar 33-Alhamdu lillah 33-Subhanallah
Allah is the greatest All praises belong to Allah I glorify

َ‫ل طوبمطحيممدمه بذيكطردة‬ ‫َوسيبحاَطن ا م‬- ‫َ واليحمذد لملرمه طكميثيترا‬-‫ال أطيكبر طكميبيترا‬
‫د طذ ط‬ ‫ذ ي د ط طي‬
‫َ الذ اطيكبطتير طولملرمه اليطحيمذد‬-‫َ لط إملطهط إملر الذ طوالذ أطيكبير‬-َّ‫صييدل‬
‫واط م‬
Allahu Akbar Kabeeran-walhamdu lillahi katheeran wa subhaanallahi
bukratan wa asweela-laa ilaaha illallahu allahu akbar-allahu akbar walillahil
Allah is indeed the Greatest, all praises are due to Him, many praises, and all
glory is His alone, morning and evening. There is nothing worthy of worship
except Allah. Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest.To Allah belong all

‫طواترتذقوُهذ طوطراقَمذبوُهذ طكمفييطلَّ اذيذذكذروا الط قَطتيوُمم مذيكدرا طكميثيتطرا‬

Udhkurullaha qaumi dhikran katheeran Wataqoohu wa raaqiboohu kafeela
Oh, my people, remember Allah a lot, and follow his commands and
prohibitions and see him as your protecter

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times
‫صاَطل طجيممع ايلطمحرباَمء‬‫م‬
‫و‬ ‫م‬ ‫ت‬‫د‬ ‫ر‬‫ط‬‫ا‬ ‫ن‬
‫ي‬ ‫طفاَدعوُا اليحي اليطقييوُم دعوُىً جمزيلَّد ام‬
‫ط ي ط‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ط ط يد ط ي‬ ‫يذ طر‬
In arathum wiswaala jam-il ahibbaa-I Fadu’oo lhayyal qayyooma da’wan
If you want to join the group of the lovers of Allah, Then sincerely call The
Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist

66َ-33 ‫طحلي قَطتييوُدم‬

Hayyun qayyoomun 66-63
(Allah is) The Ever-Living, The Self-Subsisting by Whom all subsist

10 ‫الذ لط إملطهط إملر ذهطوُ اليطحيي اليطقييوُذم‬

Allahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyoom
Allāh! None is worthy of worship but He, The Ever-Living, The Self-
Subsisting by Whom all subsist

‫طوايذذكذروهذ طكطماَ طهطداذكيم ططموُييلَّد طوايختمذموُا مويرطدذكيم مبتطتيهلمييمل مذيكمر‬

Wakhtimoo wirdakum bitahleeli dhikri Wadhkuroohu Kama hadaakum
And finish your wird) this text of dhikrs) with Tahleel. and do dhikr for Him
long because he has guided you.
‫لط إملطهط إملر الذ‬
Laa ilaaha illallah
There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, Many times

‫ت بملَّط طعطددد‬
‫مرا د‬
Marratin bila a’dadin
Many times (no fixed Number)

‫صيل طعطلىَ النربميي طوطسلييم‬ ‫طوطعطلىَ ايلمل طماَ يذزاذروطن نطيمطلَّ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬
Rabbi swalli a’lannabiyyi wa sallim Wa a’lal aali maa yuzaaroona namlaa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophetٌ) , and his family, at
which been held in high regard

‫خيتطر طميوُطلىَ طوايرطحمم اليطقاَيملمري نطيسدلَّ ملطيحطمطد‬ ‫ف طعينهذ اليذذنوُ ط‬

‫ب طياَ ط ي‬ ‫طوايع ذ‬
Warhamil qaayiliyya naslan li ahmada Wa a’fu a’nhu dhunooba yaa khaira
And bless this author, son of Ahmad, And forgive him all the sins O, the
Ruler of this universe

َ‫ضمرييطن طوالرذاكممرييتطنا‬ ‫وايحمممهم ذكرل طدامهياَ د‬

‫ت وذذرل وطعمن اليحاَ م‬
‫ط‬ ‫ط‬ ‫ط ط‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ط‬
Wa a’nil halwireena wa dhaakireena Wa hmihim kulla daahiyaatin wa
And forgive all those who are present here and all those who are doing
Guard all from all dangers and disgraces.

‫ذكلرذهيم ثذرم ذكين لطذهيم طياَطجلمييلَّط طومخطتاَطم اليطجممييمع طح ي‬

‫سين طوطسلييم‬
Wa khitaamal jameei’ hassin wa sallim Kulluhum thumma kun lahum yaa
And make the last moment for all nice one, save. All and be for them

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan…Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times
‫ت مفي ذكيل أطيحطياَدن اليطمطعاَطذ اليطمطعاَطذ ممين طشير طشييططاَدن‬
‫وممن اليميخمزياَ م‬
‫ط ط ذ ط‬
Al-maa’aadh Al-maa’aadh min sharri syaitwaanin
Wa minal mukhziyaati fee kulli ahyaani.
We seek refuge from the evils of syaitan, And from all humiliations all the

‫ت طرلبي ذدطعاَمئي‬ ‫ك اليحمذد طدائمماَ ياَ رجاَمئي بمسمم ا م‬

‫ل ابيتتططدأي ذ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫د ط طط‬ ‫فطتلط ط ط ي‬
Bismillahi btadaa’tu rabbee dua’aaiee Falakal hamdu daa-iman yaa rajaaiee
In the name of Allah I started my supplication O, my Lord! To you belong
all prises all the time o’ my Hope (Allah!)

‫ف اطلي د‬
َ‫ف طعطلي الرذسوُمل اليذمطعرلى‬ ‫اطلي ط‬ ‫ت اليطكمرييمم طشيهدرا طوطحيوُدل‬
‫صلططوُا ذ‬
Swalawatul kareemi shahran wa haulan Alfa alfin ala rrasoolil mua’lla
Always Allah’s blessings be upon the topmost messenger ( ) millioin times

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طوال ر‬

‫صيح م‬
‫ب طومزيدذهيم طميرتطتطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil wa swahbi wa zidhum
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family and
his companions and increase their status

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طلطح اليطعطوُالمذم ممين طهطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa laahal a’waalimu min
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the worlds loom in dust

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ذسممطع ايلططذاذن ذمطرترتطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ل‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa sumia’ ladhaanu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family
aslong as azan is heared methodically

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوايلمل طماَ طقَاَطل اليذم ط‬

‫صيلىَ طميرطحطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa qaalal muswallee
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), And his family as
long as the performer of the prayers replies to Azan -marhaba (welcome for
the call fromAllah)
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب‬
‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ َ‫با‬‫ر‬‫ع‬‫ي‬ ‫ط‬
‫أ‬‫و‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ظ اليطخ م‬
‫ط‬ ‫طياَ طوالمل طماَ طوطع ط‬
‫ي ذ ط طط ط ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa waa’lal khatweebu wa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as ‘Khateeb’ advises and speaks frankly

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬

‫ب ط‬
‫صطباَ نطيحطوُاليذقطباَ طياَ طر ي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طه ر‬
‫ب ال ر‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa habba swabaa nahwal
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet (swallallahu alaihi
wasallam), and his family as long as the wind of love blows towards ‘Quba’
(village to Madina)
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ لطربىَ اليطحمجييذج طوقَطترطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa labbal hajeeju wa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the Hajies answer for the call of Allah and do sacrifice

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طشرم اليمكطراذم طشطذىً اليمحطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi
Wal aalil maa shammal kiraamu shadhal hibaa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the noble men perceive the fragnance of giving

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫سطراةَذ ذاوملي اليطعطباَ طياَ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ أطيطرىً ال ر‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa atrassaratu uleel a’baa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet , and his family as long
as the pious people praise these five of prophet ’s family: Nabi , Fatima®,
Ali®, Hasan and Husain (Their name ‘ulul a’baa’ is related to an incident in
prophet ’s time)

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طفاَطح اليذم ط‬

‫صيلي أططييططباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa faahal muswallee
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet( ), and his family as
long as the reciter of the swalawat (or performer of Prayers) spreads the
sweet odour

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب‬

‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ َ‫يا‬ َ‫با‬ ‫والمل ماَ طناَطل اليمسلمم مين م‬
‫ذي ذط ط ط ط ط‬ ‫ط ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa naalal muslimu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ), and his family as
long as the Muslim attain great positions
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طسطجطع اليطحطماَذم طوأطيجطوُطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa sajaa’l hamaamu wa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the dove murmers softly

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ط‬
‫صطدطق اليطقططاَةَذ طوأط ي‬
‫صطوُطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi
Wal aalil maa swadaqal qatwaatu wa aswwabaa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ) and his family as
long as sandgrouse (a small bird famous for truth) tells the truth and gets
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬
‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ط‬
‫صطدطح اليبططلَّبمذل طي‬
‫غيتطهطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa swadahal balaabilu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as thre nightingale sings in the darkness of the night

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب طوأطليطهطباَ طياَ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ لططمطع ال ر‬
‫سطرا ذ‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa lama’ssarabu wa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the mirage shines and blazes

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النرمبي‬

‫ب ط‬
‫ج طوطررحطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫سطرا ذ‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ط‬
‫ضاَءط ال ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa lwaa-a ssiraaju wa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the lamp illuminates and welcomes

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب طوأطيعطذطباَ طياَ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫شطرا ذ‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طساَ ط‬
‫غ ال ر‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa saga syaraabu wa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the fresh drink is taken easily

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ أطبيطدىً التيتطرا ذ‬
‫ب ذمطذرهطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa abda thuraabu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the soil sets forth the glits
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬
‫ب ط‬
‫صيرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ح طو ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ بط ر‬
‫شطر اليرطياَ ذ‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi
Wal aalil maa bashara rriyaahu wa swayyabaa
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family wind
gives goodnews and gets it to rain.

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ت ممين طسطباَ طياَ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ايلطثيطماَذر ططاَبط ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maal athmaaru twaabat min
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the fruits from ‘saba’ (a town in Yamen) are delicious

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب امطلىَ النرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫والمل ماَ ط م‬
‫صغطت اليذقذلوُ ذ‬ ‫ط ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa swagathil quloobu ila
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the hearts pays attention to the news.

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ غططفطر اليذمطهييممذن ذميذنمطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa gafaral muhaiminu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the Dominent (Allah) forgives the sinful
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طستطتطر اليطحلمييذم ذمطعيرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa sataral haleemu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family the
Most Tolerant (Allah) covers those who have defects

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ت ممين طوطباَ طياَ طر ي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ايلطبيطداذن ط‬
‫صرح ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa labdaanu swahhat min
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the bodies get cure from diseases

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ نطتطفطع الردطواءذ ذمطجرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa nafaa’ ddawaa-u
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the medicine gets beneficial in expreince

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫والمل ماَ م‬

‫ب ط‬
‫ح ذمغطرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ا‬‫ز‬‫ط‬ ‫ت‬
‫ذ‬‫ي‬ ‫ك‬
‫رد‬ ‫ش‬
‫ط ط ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa shirkun yuzaahu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as shirk (associating partners with Allah) is displaced and ejected.

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ ا يملييطماَذن طزاطد ذمطقرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil mal iimaanu zaada
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as Iman (faith in Allah) increases for those who are closer to Allah

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب‬

‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ َ‫يا‬ َ‫بى‬‫ط‬‫ت‬‫ج‬ ‫م‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ي‬‫د‬‫والمل ماَ ا يملسلَّطم م‬
‫ط ط ي ذ يد ذ ي ط ط ط ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil mal islaamu deenun
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as Islam is the only religion chosen by Allah

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب‬

‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ َ‫يا‬ َ‫بى‬‫ط‬‫أ‬ َ‫ها‬ ‫ت‬ ‫م‬
‫بي‬ ‫ش‬
‫ي‬ ‫ت‬
‫ط‬ ‫د‬
‫ذ‬ ‫ي‬‫ح‬‫والمل ماَ الترتوُ م‬
‫يد ط ط ط ط‬ ‫ط ط ي ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa thouheedu tashbeehan
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as Tauheed (Monotheism) does not allowes comparison of any thing
with Allah

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬
‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَاليعيرطفاَذن أطيعطذ ط‬
‫ب طميشطرطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil mal irfaanu aa’dhaba
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the knowledge is the most pleasant drink
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طناَطر اليذفطؤاذد ذمطهرذطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa naara lfuaadu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as long as the hearts glow when purified.

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طكذمطل الييطمقييذن تطتغطليطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa kamulal yaqeenu
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the (certainity –Yaqeen) solid and perfect faith triumphs over

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬
‫ب ط‬ ‫طوالمل طماَايليخطلَّ ذ‬
‫ص اطنيطجطح طمطيلططباَ طياَ طر ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil mal ihlaswu anjaha
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the sincerity brings success in effort

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬

‫ب ط‬ ‫طياَ طوالمل طماَ طح ط‬
‫صطل اليطفطناَءذ تطتطقيرطباَ طر ي‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa haswala lfanaa-u
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as (Fana- a sufi term) annihilation" (of the self) is earned as we get
closer to Allah

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ طجيمذع ايلبطتطقاَطميحدوُا طسطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil maa jamul baqaa mahwan
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family
As long as Baqa is the summit of the mystical manazil, that is, the
destination or the abode. Baqaa comprises three degrees, each one referring
to a particular aspect of the divine blessings (‘Jamu’, ‘Baqa’ and ‘Mahvu’
are sufi terms)
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طماَ التريممكييذن طزاطن تطأطيدطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil mathamkeenu zaana ta-
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), and his family as
long as the ‘Tamkin’ /self –possession is beautified with good manners
(‘Tamkin’ is a stage in the spiritual development in sufism)
‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫ب‬
‫ي‬ ‫ر‬ َ‫يا‬ َ‫با‬ ‫ج‬ُ‫مو‬ َ‫نا‬
‫ط‬ ‫ت‬ ‫والمل ماَ الترتيهلميل م‬
‫ي ذ ي ذ طط ط ط ط‬ ‫ط ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil mathahleelu feena
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ( ), And his family as
long as saying Lailaha illallah is made obligatory for us

‫صيل طوطسليطمرن طعلطىَ النربميي‬ ‫طوالمل طوال ر‬

‫صيح م‬
‫ب طومزيدذهيم طميرتطتطباَ طياَ طر ي‬
‫ب ط‬
Yaa rabbi swalli wasalliman a’lannabi Wal aalil wa swahbi wa zidhum
O, my Lord Allah! Exalt, greet and bless the prophet ), and his family and
his companions and increase their status
N:B- Sufi stages mentioned above like Fana,Baqa,Yaqeen,Tamkeen etc have
more explanations.Here Just know that from Ikhlas’(sincerity) all these are
developed in the way to ‘Wilaya’.Please get more from your Shaikh.

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