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Mangampo, Hanna Mae I.



Lord God, I adore everything around me.

I adore all of the things that you created—from the tiniest element on the grounds to the
farthest sight that my eyes can get. I give my utmost adoration to this environment that you
have given me; this environment that possesses its own beauty.
Lord, forgive me for the things that I did to somehow ruin this “beauty” around me.
I confess that I may be irresponsible of my wastes at times. I am sorry for that giving my
best in protecting the nature that surrounds me. Forgive me.
Lord, thank you for everything.
Thank you for the life of everyday—allowing me to witness how the sun shines and the
moon lights. Thank you for all the sources of my survival—the food, the shelter, and the
clothes that keeps me warm. Thank you for the endless source of hope—for blessing me a
chance to see how diverse the world is.
Thank you. I will always be grateful.
And Lord, I ask for your guidance and protection.
May you help me do better for our environment. Bless me the strength that I need to
further give the environment the care that it needs. And I am humbly asking you to keep me
safe as I continuously strive to be a better protector of our mother nature.
I lift up all of these to you, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Saint John Baptist de la Salle pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.

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