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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Honorable ones the juries, the teachers , and all audiences.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Arindah Dinar from Hang Tuah 5
Senior High School. Today I would like to give a speech about the
importance of reading book. Before that, I would like to invite you to thank
to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can
meet together in this blessing place. And also I don’t forget to
deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, Who has
brought us from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the
right way.

Ladies and gentlement,

Reading. Do you often hear that? Yess, reading is something that’s already
familiar to us, because reading is an ability that should be owned by
Books. For others, these may just be a compilation of printed papers. But
books are a lot more than that. Books are the mystery of human creativity.
Books play an important role of a teacher, guide, and friend in our life.
Without books life is impossible. Books share our pain, books guide to use
to lead future with confidence. Reading books make our life fresh and
active each day. We can create and imagine better future during reading
books. When you learn, your brain starts working on new words and

You don’t believe me?? Well, you should. There was a study published in
the journal SCIENCE suggesting that reading book increases and builds
new cells in the brain. Then fresh cells in our body make us confident
focused and balance our thought process in mind. That’s why I think
books are not only a teacher but also a medicine. For those you have
problems in sleeping, reading might help you sleep better. Reading can
release stress too. As a matter of fact, a recent study knows that reading
is a better stress reliever than music or any other methods.
Reading is an amazing thing. Why not? Every paragraph that we read can
includes a lot of knowledge. It could be knowledge of technology, sains,
society, culture, etc. That’s why, with makes reading a habit, we can get
more knowledges in every aspect, and be a smart human.

For example, I just finished reading an English book entitled Look Ahead.
Look Ahead is a series of English course books for Secondary High School
Students. In this book, you’ll learn more about how to create the activities
which cover the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Materials are organized as an integrated sequence of activities
around a text type being discussed. At the end of the lesson students are
expected to echieve the information level of literacy, that is to be able to
get involved in communication using English, spoken as well as written,
not only for transactional and interpersonal purposes but also for accesing
information in this information age. Furthermore, they are expected to be
able to create English text types in various contexts and adjust
themselves to new communication demands.

Dear ladies and gentleman, but it so sad if we hear many young

generation lazy to read. They prefer access social media,however reading
can give us knowledge,inspiration,and motivation. I hope, Indonesian
society may better understand the importance of reading and raised
awareness to get used to reading, so we are better prepared to face the
globalization era.

Remember this!!
So, Books open our knowledge
Now that you know the importance of reading in our lives, what are you
waiting for?
Why don’t you make the books as your new best friends??
After all, “ A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who
never reads lives only one,” said by George R.R. Martin.
Thank a lot for your attention and I ask forgiveness for my mistakes, and
the last I say:
WassalamualaikumWarahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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