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hovered my stylus over my tablet. | knew | would have no chance to get it if I didn't try | took a deep breath and drew the fistline. — @-QUb hws « \ ‘Art has never been something I've considered when thinking of potential careers. | thought, at best, it could be a side business or just a hobby. | knew that artists didn't make much money and the more that | asked my parents about art school, the worse it sounded. That is. until | leamed about a different kind of art-based job. | was watching YouTube videos one day when | first thought about concept artists. | knew they existed but | never really looked into them as a possible career. It sounded fun but it stil probably doesn't pay much. | sighed, but kept the thought in the back of my mind. Maybe that path in life wouldn't be the worst one to follow. A couple days later, | sat in my dad's office after school. | probably should have been doing my math homework but instead I was scrolling through Instagram as usual. As | watched various pictures and words from other artists slide across my screen, one picture in particular caught my eye: an illustration job?, | thought to myself. Interest pigued, | clicked on the link la Cornersion = a ph desedpKin Aourmers Itlead me to afsccument that explained what they needed done|the deadline, and how much they would pay. | was thinking about applying but | didn't know if | was good enough for the job. It was full time so it would be hard to complete while also going to school. | thought that it wouldn't hurt to apply. | glanced at how much they would pay and was shocked. $3500-6000? | couldn't believe it! | was chosen for this job, | would be payed up 200 months worth of allowances. This couldn't be real. » pe f ve Soon after, as my dad and I drove:home, | started talking to him about the job application. Do you think that I'm ready for this? | mean Im stil in school and a beginner," | said tac mydad ~ 6 1.c0dk, Chow yume fathers -| “| think that even if you don't get the job," he said, “it will be a good experience.” tom sale We continued our conversation all the way back to the house. At this point, | was feeling pretty good. The minute we got home, | rushed into my room to start the piece. The stylus flew across the screen, It was the most motivated | had felt in months. ‘An hour later, | stared at my finished piece. | had worked so hard to get everything just right. The colors blended nicely, brining the night me scene to life. My hand was sore and stiff but | still managed to write my aj fon email. | wrote that | was a student which probably was a bad idea, but | didn't want to lie. When it was done, I didn't even hesitate to hit send. | knew nothing would ever happen if | didn't send it in. And then I started waiting for the reply that would never come. “pact ending | Saol, but sare (Welt: waren . Miro eoprrerce 4 dateunt + ar simikan gosthons ode Phe? Cerruoe f° loarned dyvon aw Q pith jatenhie, hat #4 kuna bat b bbrevel, Z 1 Wee You pod Bee ubmuaen 7 Tf epu Choost 4 revise, 9 | {wo a ehvonghyy geass Yn aK ase queens. oo Thora Gar Shoes

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