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Nama Kelompok : Krisma Permani (20)

Lina Nuri Sahida (21)

Tema : Ears

Patient : Hello, Good Morning Miss.

Nurse : Good Morning, sit down please.

Patient : Thank you Miss. I bring letter of referral from my doctor. I see now I am
going to take down some detail before you are admitted to ENT.

Nurse : Can you tell me your full name? and date of birth please?

Patient : My name is Krisma Permani, my date of birth is July 01 1998.

Nurse : Ok can you tell me what seems to the problem?

Patient : I fell my ears is sick, and I fell very buzzing.

Nurse : What is doctor says?

Patient : Doctor says I have see ENT because now me ears cannot hear anything.

Nurse : Have you ever had any serious illnes in the past?

Patient : Yes, I swimming yesterday.

Nurse : Have you any operation?

Patient : No, I don’t have.

Nurse : Are you taking any medications at the moment? Do you know what they are called?

Patient : yeah, I have taken otolin (4 day)

Nurse : do you have any allergis to any medication

Patient : no I don’t

Nurse :okay, can you tell me the name of your next of kin?
Patient : Yeah, Dian Widhi. He is my father.

Nurse : Ok, How about mobile?

Patient : 11125

Nurse : Ok thanks. I will prepare your room.

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