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Do Electric Neural Nets Dream Of Anime Shows?

Raccoon Girl's cute girl, Kanon (Raccoon, Kanone), is taken in by a man who is
very good at magic, and she comes to the man's mansion and asks him to make her a
gift for him. There is a brief scene with the man. As he begins making magic, Kanon
(Kanone) and Raccoon Girl talk about a friend of hers, who also happens to be a
princess from the Kami family, that is also famous for being a magician who has won
her every duel. As Kanon (Kanone) talks to the man about magic, Raccoon Girl
notices his eyes and decides that a magical girl from a different age should be a
special being. It's about that day that Raccoon Girl wakes up, but when she wakes
up, she comes into her room only to find her father and his other close friends.
When Kanon and Raccoon arrive, they start to talk about how her father made them an
item for him of which the other girls didn't want, so that the other girls would be
able to obtain the item. Raccoon thinks that this is the time they should stop
thinking about the matter for a while so they don't think about the matter, but
they realize that this could be something much bigger than themselves... "Ah, and
then she is the girl of your dreams, this is the time to start thinking about how
to become a special being of your dreams!" Raccoon doesn't get to see what has
happened before at first because, after seeing her father's reaction, she starts
thinking that it is like him making a magical girl from a different age. She then
decides to become a part of this mysterious magic and begin to practice a magical
ritual. On seeing that Raccoon Girl has gone to the mansion for a good time, she is
surprised when the man who invited her in is killed. Raccoon sees this and decides
to go to a new area where she was supposed to find her father, and find him.
However, her dream is very very different and she suddenly becomes scared. In order
to keep her spirit a secret so she can go back to her real past, Raccoon and the
other girls go to the mansion and try to find him for her. However the man was not
going to talk to her anymore since she was too weak. At Raccoon's urging, she wakes
up and finds that her real father is gone, a strange thing. She wonders about

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