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Total No.of Questions: 8) (oat No.of Printed Pages :2 RollNo MMPD-202 M.E./M.Tech., II Semester Exainination, December 2014 Reliability Engineering and Quality Management Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Note: Attemptaay five questions, ll question camry eq mir, 1 Ina fatigue test, the weibull parameters are obtained as the shape parameter = 8, Scale parameter a = 5,600 cycles and location parameter y=0, Determine the reliability atthe end of 9000 cyeles of operation what isthe MITE? 14 2. A fife testis performed on brake pedals by an awomebile ‘manufacturer. The numberof eyelesto failure i the erterion used. A random sample of 40 units is tested and filed units are immediately replaced. The test is stopped after 10,000 eyetes, 4 units failed at 1550, 4320, 6,540 and 7930 ‘eyes. Estimate the mean time to failure and find a 95% Confidence interval for the MTTF. 4 3. ‘The following data was ollected foran automobile: 14 10 he Mean waiting time forspares = 5 hr Mean time forrepairs = 48 he ‘Mean administrativetime > 2 hr Compute the availability ofthe automobile, Mean time between a 4. a) Whatisthe meaning of quality ofconformance? Explain the factors which influence the quality ofeonformance? 7 1) State the various stages which need tobe controled for ‘ensuring proper quality of product and for ensuring improvernent in quality 7 5. Control charts for and R are maintained on certain dimensions of a manufactured part, messured in mm. The subgroup size is 4, The values of and R are computed for ‘neh subgroup, Aer 20 subgroups 21°=4]2.83 and $R=339, ‘Compute the values of sigma limits forthe {and R charts andestimate the value of oon the assumption that the process isin statistical control 4 6. a) State and explaia tie advuntages and limitations of | acceptance sampling over 100% inspection. 7 b) Compare random sampling nd stratified sampling? 7 7. Design a sequential sampling plan for the following speciation: fe a=005, P,=010 B02, P.=030 Also comput: {Average outgoing quality whenP ii) Minimum number of tems inspected for accepting the lt iil) Minimum namaber of defectives for rejection ofthe lot. 8. a} Describe Ishikawa’ contribution to TQM? 7 by Define LQM. Explsinhow TQM. can beensured? 7 meh

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