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Fantastic Voyage Plot Layout

The story begins at first with a “loading” screen but transitioning to an ocean teeming with microscopic
and developing life, one has a health and hunger bar above it. A microorganism passes by containing
an image of Charles Darwin before closing on another microbe. A larger, predatory organism with a
higher level appears next to the microbe and chases it off screen.

Cut to a developed, multicellular organism swimming through the sea before joining up with its
companions. They arrive on the sandy shore of a grassy land, wiggling and writhing along the beach
to reach further into the interior. Two of them have health, hunger and thirst bars floating above
them, eating and drinking to replenish their bars. They continue to venture into the land until they
happen upon a fork in their path. The right leads to an environment like where the creatures are now
but with more foliage and another dry and arid with very little vegetation. Some of the creatures go
the former others the latter. In desert environment the creatures struggle to survive. Some begin to
change colour over the course of many years, reproducing while overs die off. Cut to a scene showing
the DNA of one of the creatures altering, with a “perks” menu screen with “spiny skin”, “humps” and
“bug-eater” selected. Cut to the creature’s that have developed spiky bodies and humps to store water
have thrived and survived while those that haven’t went extinct.

A montage shows various, similar organisms with differentiating perks and attributes are shown in
different environments. All of which have adapted to survive their new homes having been isolated
for over many years, evolving and mutating to become well adept to their surroundings.

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